Availibility of D800 in Singapore (Part 2)

just got my d800e from TK. they had 2 x d800 and 2 x d800e. I bought a d800e all at RRP.
check with them if interested.

I called TK this afternoon about a D800E and the chap said no stock. Did you pre-ordered?

Ok just realized that it's 4488 rrp. Still on the high side though.

at US$3000 taking ex rate of 1.3 should get ard s$3900.... which is suppose to be "normal" selling price and more consumer friendly price... but then... nothing is normal about it right now....

RRP 4988 just a carrier bag

Just my luck. Enjoy your new camera.

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RRP 4988 just a carrier bag

Congrats ........... but that's almost like paying an arm and a leg ...... everywhere else they are only charging 4688 which is also considered a relatively high price to pay.

Congrats ........... but that's almost like paying an arm and a leg ...... everywhere else they are only charging 4688 which is also considered a relatively high price to pay.

Thanks. I suppose it's supply and demand I can't get it at 4688 and I wanted it for an upcoming trek, so like they say bite the bullet.

slow trekker said:
Thanks. I suppose it's supply and demand I can't get it at 4688 and I wanted it for an upcoming trek, so like they say bite the bullet.

Congrats now just enjoy your new toy

On the 2nd of May, I officially joined the D800 family :)

Congrats...I believe you should have done a quick vision check (esp.the left side) before you purchase the camera. Any interesting observation to share?

cwaikong said:
Congrats...I believe you should have done a quick vision check (esp.the left side) before you purchase the camera. Any interesting observation to share?

Nope, neither courts nor myself have a wide angle lens to test

Bro Cowseye,

Which courts did you purchase at? Can share?


Nope, neither courts nor myself have a wide angle lens to test

Edison at SLS has both D800 and D800E in stock @ RRP. look for Sanny.

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It's the Nikon D800 at Edison @ United Square.

$4400 without GST