Are Singaporean really “stupid” or “Dumb”?

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Like someone (from US) mentioned to me some time back, he thinks Singapore is not a developed country yet. He thinks Singapore is just a third world country with lots of money that's all. It all shows in the behaviour of the people.

Why do stone tables and chairs have to be vandalised? Why do graffitis need to be sprayed in lifts, why when there were so many trash bins lying around do people have to litter on the ground? Why are cutleries/utensils in food courts/hawker centres so dirty and getting from bad to worse? Why do the cleaners have attitude problems?

I visited Japan recently and was very amazed how people automatically moved to one side when riding on the escalator so that a path is available for people in a hurry to move. Here, even when you say "excuse me", people will give you that kind of look and tell you "I'm going up also!" What the heck!!?!

There, the do not have many litter bins, yet people don't litter.

I think it's how the people here are brought up. If parents continue to think that money rules, then we will lose all these values. There were cases where parents advocate their kids littering in food courts because "they already paid for the services".

Kids can also call their maids by name because they are their "masters". Hey!! They are domestic helpers not slaves!! We don't do slave trading here in Singapore!

Bottomline.. Singaporeans are not stupid.. just that quite a handful are just too arrogant and think that money can buy everything.. But of course there are obvious exceptions..

lsisaxon said:
I think it's how the people here are brought up. If parents continue to think that money rules, then we will lose all these values. There were cases where parents advocate their kids littering in food courts because "they already paid for the services".

Kids can also call their maids by name because they are their "masters". Hey!! They are domestic helpers not slaves!! We don't do slave trading here in Singapore!

on this point i have to agree.. it's how the kids are brought up now adays... i can say that most of the teens here jus cant be bothered.. they r who they r coz they think they r big, therefore self-centered...

now handphone comes with speakers ,

of the 10 bus trip i took , 8 have teenagers blaring their hp with speaker to loud mode , the best part is after looking at them , they still give the look that " wat the f4 r u looking at ?

to this people i met - i think they dun have good social eq and it shows that i am stupid enuf to tolerant such nonsense and still take buses at the same timing .

really feel like scolding this group of people , but scared kena wallop up , 1 2 1 i still got chance , trouble is they like gang attack.

Chiang said:
now handphone comes with speakers ,

of the 10 bus trip i took , 8 have teenagers blaring their hp with speaker to loud mode , the best part is after looking at them , they still give the look that " wat the f4 r u looking at ?

to this people i met - i think they dun have good social eq and it shows that i am stupid enuf to tolerant such nonsense and still take buses at the same timing .

really feel like scolding this group of people , but scared kena wallop up , 1 2 1 i still got chance , trouble is they like gang attack.

gang boy/girl: "Knn! stare wat stare! u chab tor lo!?"
gang boy/girl: "Si mi CS!?"
Chiang: "ClubSnap LAH! Bro & Sis Over 1000 hor! all can shoot u one!"

Chiang said:
now handphone comes with speakers
RING RING RING... "HELLO HELLO HELLO, WHO IS THAT" is so common in restaurants, lounges, cinemas, even my directors in boardrooms... talking abt social etiquette...

...more than 15 years of using handphones.... in most Western countries, answering your calls in front of guests is NOT polite.

Chiang said:
now handphone comes with speakers ,

of the 10 bus trip i took , 8 have teenagers blaring their hp with speaker to loud mode , the best part is after looking at them , they still give the look that " wat the f4 r u looking at ?

to this people i met - i think they dun have good social eq and it shows that i am stupid enuf to tolerant such nonsense and still take buses at the same timing .

really feel like scolding this group of people , but scared kena wallop up , 1 2 1 i still got chance , trouble is they like gang attack.
Oh yah.. I HATE that.. I remembered long long time ago where there was transistor radio, people were advised that in public transport, headphones should be used so as not to disturb others.. What about now?!?! Are mobile phones not under the same category?

A: Can you use headphones?
B: Cannot lah.. That's my ringtone!!
A: Then can you answer the #&^$ phone?
B: Dowan leh.. I want to hear finish the song first...

I get quite agitatated when i heard li ao's remark. what in the world did he has the right to scold a nation's citizen. Did he say he only knows LKY,LKY son and Sun yanzi, he's probably one brainless fellow who read less, see less and do less. what the hack.. he's one begger before and comes from a very very poor family, WTF he's stupid till he does'nt know where he came from. His ancestor came from china too. Dumb ass think that he's an alien with IQ 100/100 came from Outer space ah??:bsmilie: :sticktong

I have this funny feeling that he is trying to tell the world that Singapore is a nation of stupid people led by a family of smart ppl ..... and Taiwan is a nation of smart axxholes led by a stupid President .... :think:

Canonised said:
I have this funny feeling that he is trying to tell the world that Singapore is a nation of stupid people led by a family of smart ppl ..... and Taiwan is a nation of smart axxholes led by a stupid President .... :think:


singaporeans are stupid to rise to a dumb bait.

zhang3feng said:
the cheong the door things for mrt doesnt only happen in sg... u travel n take a look at other countries..

i feel tat singaporean are slowly getting the idea of letting pple out 1st b4 going in... or else both ways stuck.. it's most of the time aunties n uncles who worries too much abt not getting into the mrt for a seat.. therefore they cheong for the door, no matter it's MRT, bus or lift...

others cheong to get into the train. singaporeans cheong to get a seat.

Shadus said:
yupz. u wont believe wht he said against his own government. haha. tht time i laugh until i pengz. one things for sure, he's quite interesting to listen to. anyway, he didnt claim. it is true he said a lot of bad things against chinese, taiwanese, hongkies etc. but generally pple just find him interesting to listen to. and sometimes, thought provoking.

for certain, he didnt exactly make lots of friends with his speeches and such

anr thing to note. he've never lost a court case before. he'll definitely flourish in SG.

luckily he did not say LKY stupid, otherwise he will get bankrupt like the rest of the victims. there are no place for people to really speak out in singapore. especially under the lee regime. flourish? in jail perhaps.

lsisaxon said:
Like someone (from US) mentioned to me some time back, he thinks Singapore is not a developed country yet. He thinks Singapore is just a third world country with lots of money that's all. It all shows in the behaviour of the people.

Why do stone tables and chairs have to be vandalised? Why do graffitis need to be sprayed in lifts, why when there were so many trash bins lying around do people have to litter on the ground? Why are cutleries/utensils in food courts/hawker centres so dirty and getting from bad to worse? Why do the cleaners have attitude problems?

I visited Japan recently and was very amazed how people automatically moved to one side when riding on the escalator so that a path is available for people in a hurry to move. Here, even when you say "excuse me", people will give you that kind of look and tell you "I'm going up also!" What the heck!!?!

mmm.... my experience is totally different. With respect to vandalism and graffitis I can safely tell you that we are lagging behind the "first world countries" in the west. You should go to europe, britain, USA and see what is graffitis. As to dirt, I thought Singapore is quite clean compared to the first world countries I have been in. Cleaners usually have bad attitue everywhere. When you have a job like that, low pay, low respect, it is tough to do it with a smile.

以前,有个地主有很多地,找了很多长工干活,地主给长工们盖了一批团结楼住着。一天,地主的谋士对地主说:东家,长工们这几年手上有点钱了,他们住 你的 房子,每月交租子,不划算,反正他们永远住下去,你干脆把房子卖给他们起个名 堂叫做-----公房出售!告诉他们房子永远归他们了,可以把他们这几年攒的钱收回来,地主说:不错,那租金怎么办?谋士说:照收不误,起个日本名儿,叫物 业费!地主很快实行了,赚了好多钱,长工们那个高兴啊!

  过了几年,地主的村子发展成城镇了,有钱人越来越多,没地方住,谋士对地主 说:东家,长工们这几年手上又有钱了,咱们给他们盖新房子,起个名堂叫做旧城 改造,他们把手上的钱给我们,我们拆了房子盖新的,叫他们再买回去,可以多盖 一些卖给别人,地主又实行了,这次,有些长工们不高兴了,地主的家丁派上 用途了,长工们打掉牙只好往肚子里咽,地主又赚了好多钱。

  又过了几年,地主的村子发展成大城市了,有钱人更多了,地主的土地更值钱了。 谋士对地主说:东家,咱们把这些长工的房子拆了,在这个地方建别墅,拆出来的地盖好房子卖给那些有钱的大款还能赚一笔,地主说:长工们不干怎么办?谋士说:咱给他们钱多点儿,起个名堂叫货币化安置,咱再到咱们的猪圈旁边建房子, 起个名堂叫经济适用房,给他们修个马车道让他们到那边买房住,地主说:他们钱不够怎么办?谋士说:从咱家的钱庄借前给他们,一年6分利,咱这钱还能生钱崽, 又没风险,地主又实行了,长工们拿到钱,地主的经济适用房到现在才建了一 间,长工们只好排队等房子,直到现在,还等着呢------

The above story is china version....... Singappore version will be released later, but it is surely worse than the china version.......

以前,有个小岛没有多少地,也没有一个名副其实的岛主,很多人来到岛上做长工干活还要受到别人的骚扰和鄙视,长工门没有多少钱所以只能住自己盖的茅草屋,生活虽然清贫但是过的自由自在,不受别人摆布。终于有一天,有一个聪明,勇敢的长工站出来对大家说:“我来做岛主让大家有一个名副其实的名分在岛上永远生活下去,永远也不被别人欺负了。” 长工们高兴极了,从此以后他们可以做自己的主人不必再让别人欺负了。一下子,那位长工被视为偶像,救世主,人们都尊敬得叫他一声“岛主”。

  过了几年,岛主的村子发展成小城镇了,有钱人越来越多,没地方住,谋士对岛主说:东家,长工们这几年手上有钱了,咱们给他们盖新房子,起个名堂叫做旧城改造,他们把手上的钱给我们,我们拆了草屋盖新的楼房,叫他们再买回去,可以多盖一些卖给别人。“ 岛主说:“这怎么可以?我这个岛主的名分是冒死争取来的,这个岛这么小,这么多人如果我把我的土地都卖了,岂不是不能做岛主了?” 谋士说:“ 东家,别担心,我们在这块土地上加一个期限,那就是99年,到时候土地还不是照样是你的?” 岛主一听高兴得笑了,这次,有些长工们不高兴了,为什么我们住得好好得要把我们赶到楼房里面住?我们已经习惯了这里的环境,长工有点不情愿了。他们觉得这土地是他们土生土长的,为什么岛主要让他们搬到岛主自称是属于岛主的土地上还莫名其妙的说让他们住99年。岛主的家丁出动了,不知如何大片的茅草屋在这个期间失火坍塌,长工们一下子也不知道如何是好,终于乖乖得搬去了楼房。岛主赚了好多钱。


  又过了几年,由于岛主的大力扶持,很多私营企业变成了半私营半国营的大型跨岛公司,而且岛主的公司越开越多,越来越赚钱。很多在这些公司打工的长工们也因此受惠,口袋里的钱也慢慢多了起来。谋士对岛主说:东家,给你卖命的长工财富虽然没有办法和你比,但是你给他们的薪水越来越高,给我们打工的人越来越多,这也是一笔不小的数目啊!“ 岛主说:怎么,你是想让我少给他们一点工钱?谋士说:非也~,你如果扣他们工钱,他们反而会不满意,我们公司的竞争力就会大大下降,反而没有好处,你反而应该多给他们些钱。” 岛主:“什么?多给他们些钱?”谋士:“对,多给他们些钱,这样他们钱多了就会想要过更好的生活,想要开车上班了,这样你提高路税和拥车证,想要吃好东西了,你就开超市卖给他们好东西,想要更好的房子了,你就再造别墅卖给他们。这样他们觉得日子改善了,生活满足了,工作有干劲了,到头来他们从你这间公司领取的薪水都花在了你另外一间公司的产品上了,而且你的钱庄还可以贷款给他们,赚取利息。” 岛主高兴极了,又采纳了这个建议,结果给岛主打工的长工们的生活一下子改善了,工作起来斗志更足了,而且越来越多的普通长工都梦想有一个能为岛主打工的机会。父母就经常教育他们的孩子:孩子,一定要好好念书,长大了到岛主开的公司里面给他打工,这样你一辈子都不用愁了。



zhang3feng said:
gang boy/girl: "Knn! stare wat stare! u chab tor lo!?"
gang boy/girl: "Si mi CS!?"
Chiang: "ClubSnap LAH! Bro & Sis Over 1000 hor! all can shoot u one!"

gang boy /girl will say :
kio la , wa buay gia eh, wa lang ba ri si liao , ma si bo lang lai ji ri"


so u all tell me , is it dumb to tell them off , is it dumb not to have good social eq.

Actually the reason why there's no litter in japan, specifically tokyo, is that they've removed all the dustbins, and placed an instant fine for littering of any sort. And graffiti is definitely more of a problem elsewhere than here in singapore where the tags are mostly really really lame.

I kind of feel that japan very cooling (at the period when i am there ) so i think very hard for dust to gather n rubbish to gather ahahahahahhaha

icarus said:
The common Singaporeans (peasants) are smart... the problem lies with the decision-makers up there.

HAHA!! I LOVE WHAT YOU SAID!! sigh ... and we have to choose them soon - GE coming ... btw, the cats on your avatar are so CUTE!!! do they belong to anyone?? I am a cat - (mau) - lover!!

plainsunset said:
Acts of stupidity? U decide.

1) Donating tons of money out of sympathy for the victim when he/she is already dead. So who gets the tons of money? The un-deserving parents and relatives of the victim. That money could have gone to better use, and we could have shown our sympathy in other more productive ways.

2) Despite years of the govt promising things and not delivering. Despite all the goodies that is being thrown at us before GE, we still vote for them. Despite our unhappiness that the govt holds us hostage by denying us our citizenship rights (such as house upgrading), we still vote for them. We shld let our votes fo the talking. We will not be held hostage over upgrading.

3) We are so obedient...till we have to be told and taught to be creative, to be enterprising...

4) We We let rankings and grades cloud our better judgement. When will we realise that grades only mean so much......

I didn't finish my BA due to some financial problems - my college in the US couldn't give me the scholarship I need - so I looked around in Singapore and decided I could continue here - I wanted to do Art History and there is ONLY ONE INSTITUTION IN SINGAPORE (A PRIVATE ONE) that offers the course. After I went for the interview, everyone (the Dean, Dir, Management, Profs, etc) all agreed that I should just go on to do my Masters (I did very well when I was in the US) - and I don't need to finish my degree first - meaning I can sort of 'skip' finishing my BA and do my Masters - but guess what? After I get my Masters - SHOULD I CHOOSE TO WORK IN ANY GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTION - for eg to teach (with any govt sch) or any of the museums - I WILL NOT GET PAID AS A MASTER'S HOLDER - I WILL NOT EVEN BE PAID A BA HOLDER'S PAY - I may be very good - EXCELLENT - academically and I have great ideas, and I think a lot, etc etc etc - but if I DO NOT HAVE PAPERS THROUGH CHRONOLOGICALLY CORRECT PROCEDURES - I AM JUST NON-DEGREE HOLDER - WHO IS ON THE LOWER RUNG OF THE SINGAPOREAN STATUS LADDER.

mau_lovers said:
After I get my Masters - SHOULD I CHOOSE TO WORK IN ANY GOVERNMENTAL INSTITUTION - for eg to teach (with any govt sch) or any of the museums - I WILL NOT GET PAID AS A MASTER'S HOLDER - I WILL NOT EVEN BE PAID A BA HOLDER'S PAY.

I can empathize with your plight. It is a paradox that in Singapore, all government tertiary institutions need employees to complete their academic qualifications through a formal process. In which case, I believe they will recognize your qualification as a first “general” degree only. Conversely, if you are pursuing your education through the professional qualification route, i.e. accountancy qualifications like ACCA or ACMA. They will recognize it as local polytechnic equivalents only. Personally, I feel that it is a “Stupid” or “Dumb” policy. These two accountancy qualifications have world-wide recognition and therefore accepted by the local accounting body for CPA memberships just like NTU’s BAcc graduates. :confused:

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