Anyone still using 35mm film?

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LittleWolf said:
I don't know anyone doing this here, sorry. There are online communities who are into old methods, you can find a lot of information there. I think calotypes shouldn't be too difficult to make. Wet collodion involves some substances that would probably raise some eyebrows in Singapore (e.g. nitrocellulose, which is a powerful explosive). I have frankly no experience how easy or difficult it is to obtain chemicals as a private person in Singapore.

I can agree that it is likely that no one here does calotypes.

I do some Platinum and palladium printing, but it is extremely dificult to "get it right".

But I have no problems getting my chemicals to be imported- for platinum that is.

I look into this thread simply to make a reply.
Then I see so many replies... no so many long replies.
Many things to learn from reading them.. but very long thread leh.
Thank goodness I come to the end ... after 1 hr.
So exhausted ... aiya... forgot what I want to reply.

Oh ya ya.... wanted to say I also use 35 mm films la.

photoboy said:
I look into this thread simply to make a reply.
Then I see so many replies... no so many long replies.
Many things to learn from reading them.. but very long thread leh.
Thank goodness I come to the end ... after 1 hr.
So exhausted ... aiya... forgot what I want to reply.

Oh ya ya.... wanted to say I also use 35 mm films la.
:bsmilie: welcome 2 the club.... where info overloading often happens. that case..any HP5 users here? anyone with dev. timings when pushed to 1600..heh.

Anyone with experiences of getting looked down by digital photography hobbyists for using film cameras?

kiumjoon said:
Anyone with experiences of getting looked down by digital photography hobbyists for using film cameras?
why do you feel this way?
the camera is just a tool, it's the final image that really matters.

even if i get looked down, i dont really care.
Just that some geeks who own huge lens and latest DLSR think equipments can determine final images.
I had some unpleasant experiences before, and today it happened again. Of course i cant be bothered to argue abt it. Afterall, digital vs film is a never ending debate.

Btw..Sathea, you play in toxpose too? your website is very familar.

kiumjoon said:
Btw..Sathea, you play in toxpose too? your website is very familar.
yeah, so long as you believe in yourself, believe you can shoot better than them no matter what light trapping tool you use, nothing else will be able to get into your way in getting the images you envisioned.

yup, i'm in toxpose, but i only posted 5 times there and you remember me?

i dont remember by your nick. But i think you advertise your website in that forum, and i visited ur website again. Thats why i say its familar.

You are a primarily film user too?

kiumjoon said:
i dont remember by your nick. But i think you advertise your website in that forum, and i visited ur website again. Thats why i say its familar.

You are a primarily film user too?
oh, thanks for visiting :)

i think i posted in this thread, post 18.

oh, sorry...dont think i came across that thread before. Seldom hang out in this forum, occasionally thou~.. :D

Hahaha I like your post.

I especially like 35mm film because the enlargements required really show the quality of the medium. For digital, I love dinky little digicams which I can place in my pocket and run! But what I use is really a function of mood and photographic intention.

chynakym said:
I'm with student that debate is not necessary. The issues are very clear and there are no ambiguities. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. I use both format together or seperately. On certain days I like to use 35mm and on other days I like using Digital. If I have mood, then I use film....if I don't have mood....I may also use film. If I wake up on the left side of the bed, I use digital and if I burp at 2pm...I will use film. So you see...all these debate is pretty wu liao. If you want to use film, go ahead. If you fancies all means use it. If there comes a time when film is no longer made then I will use digital exclusively. Until that happens, I will use film on Mon, Wed and Fridays...all the rest will be on digital unless the wind blows from the east coz thats when I will use film. However if the wind is 28 degree celcius, I will revert back to digital.

So if you feel my ranting makes no sense, I will also say all these argument also makes no sense to me. Just go and enjoy your hobby and stop nit picking. I don't think it is necessary to justify what you use.

still useing a rollei s35

kiumjoon said:
even if i get looked down, i dont really care.
Just that some geeks who own huge lens and latest DLSR think equipments can determine final images.

its true, who cares if you get looked down on? if you can make those photographs, thats all that matters!

but then again, those geeks with the latest DSLRs could also produce photographs. how would you know?

Yes, there are alot of digital photographers who can produce good photographs, but is it neccessary to look down on others?

kiumjoon said:
Yes, there are alot of digital photographers who can produce good photographs, but is it neccessary to look down on others?

ah thats when they become geeks, real geeks. people who look down and then think digital is superior.. when superiority is relative.


doug3fflux said:
ah thats when they become geeks, real geeks. people who look down and then think digital is superior

It's funny, as I have the impression it's usually the film die-hards that belittle electronic photography - talking about "the real thing" and "imitation" etc.

LittleWolf said:
It's funny, as I have the impression it's usually the film die-hards that belittle electronic photography - talking about "the real thing" and "imitation" etc.

OK, just for discussion only.

On "real thing" and "imitation".

Who was imitating who?

Who was talking about a medium to "equal" film? Digital users.

Who was talking about trying to emulate the effects of films? Digital users.

Heard of film users trying to imitate digital?

Who are the imitators? And what are they trying to imitate? Do you imitate the imitates? Or do you imitate the "real thing"? And what is the "real thing"?

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