Anyone still using 35mm film?

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Raj_Bai said:
a camera shop told me "lucky you sold off your filim camera, another 3 years those camera going to be antique"

Another 3 years, that camera shop probably'll be out of business too....:bsmilie:

Honestly, it depends on the market based on the region. Film sales are pretty much well sustained here within the East bay, (Across the bridge from San Francisco) with lots of fine art, wedding, reproduction, and fashion industries based here still sticking to the film medium, from 35mm all the way to 8x10 and even 11x16.

Back home on our little island, most of our tech savvy consumers have probably succumbed to the wonderful marketting of the camera companies (especially Ca*on) and have probably switched mediums.

Sadly, i do agree that the digital age is developing rapidly, with 35mm being almost obsolete under most circumstances. COlleagues of mine still using 35mm, mostly do because of the prolonged extreme conditions they'll be working in, where even their 1ds Mk 10000s, or d2xs will and have died bad deaths.

However, it'll certainly be a while before digital will trump over film in terms of cost and feasability, especially when a simple 10$ 4x5, or even 6x9 roll of provia provides the detail which a 30k$ phase1/imacon can hardly match.


Looks like a biased point of view - is there a need to look down on anyone?

ronaldjace said:
HAHA.. i look down on almost all digital photographers. esp those who never touched ILFORD XP2 400 (black & white).

how can quality of a tiny weeny [6mp] DSLR compared to a 6x4.5 camera(think close to few hundred of mp ba) ? :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

F5user said:
Sadly, i do agree that the digital age is developing rapidly

What is so bad about it that it fills you with sadness?

Taken with Ilford XP2...


:thumbsup: nice contrast....

ronaldjace said:
HAHA.. i look down on almost all digital photographers. esp those who never touched ILFORD XP2 400 (black & white).

how can quality of a tiny weeny [6mp] DSLR compared to a 6x4.5 camera(think close to few hundred of mp ba) ? :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

woah~ so shld we look down on ya coz ya swear by XP2 ?
frankly, Im not a big fan of XP2, it's too contrasty...

so~ how bout Tri-X in HC110, Delta 100 in Rodinal?
or even more exotic mix shall we list then.

XP2's know for e contrast. but mind ya~ most labs do a great job of scratching e negs with e C-41.
or was it e other of scanning and touching up yaself?

anyway ever heard of lousy 654's ? CMI lens? not even all 67 are 'good stuff' aye.

ah well, it's but a silly comparison anyway.
let's be frank. either ya love what ya're using & doing or ya like what others are using & doing.

& erm, how often do we print bigger then 8x10? for daily shows?
645 for 8x10? it's chicken feet (yeah~ & a shame too)

i still use film most of the time, even though digital is more convenient and provides instantaneous feedback.
i like the feeling of anticipation; the feeling of processing your own b/w negatives in the darkroom or waiting for the photo lab to process your colour negative.
film makes you think twice before pressing the shutter and i treat every frame as my last frame before getting the shot.
it's not worth clicking so many times and at the end of the day, only that one shot will be useful to you. why not think more, think of ways you can improve the shot before executing it?

i use digital too, mainly for experiments and occasions when i'm not sure if i will get the shot right. it's much cheaper for me. :)

Me too shooting with films using Canon AE-1.. I like the feeling of anticipation and awaiting as films getting process...i was like ...did I expose the film correctly... did i frame the picture correctly... etc...

It take more time and concentration shooting with film...

I started out with a film compact... follow by digital and now back to film... I like the sound of the shutter...

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