anyone NOT celebrating valentine today or cant find a date?

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dun subtlely disclose my age lei!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bsmilie:

Hahaha.... Jacky's song from the 80s are the best. I listen to the 60s oldies, doesn't mean I'm a 50 years old :sticktong :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Just wanted to start a debate to exchange opinion on how these festive days have evolved... but you guys were too focused on this small word to catch the whole discussion.

And for the one who said that he found normal that I spend V day alone, :bsmilie:, thanks but, that's just because I decided it like that ...


If you are looking for exchange of opinion on how festive days have evolved, you can always start a new thread on that, that way you can have the users who wish to discuss this to share with you their views. :)

As the saying goes, it takes 2 hands to clap. Flip, have you ever thought that even if you decide to spend V day with someone but that someone might not want to. Being confident of yourself is a good virtue. Being confident & yet at the same time sensitive towards the feelings of others will make you a great friend to have. :)

i dont think i can fulfil your monetary needs.:bsmilie:

hmm, i very easy to maintain 1... :lovegrin:

just buy me a PS3, Wii will do, then every week i go shop for new games... Thursday will have new games from japan... Saturday will have new games from US, i only buy import originals, no local games for me...

Then i share car with u can liao...

Changi beach is a crowded place ... u can see many pple camping, fishing and walking along the beach

Not really ... not for yest nite .

It is a nice cool breezing walk in a brightly lit park. :bsmilie:

hmm, i very easy to maintain 1... :lovegrin:

just buy me a PS3, Wii will do, then every week i go shop for new games... Thursday will have new games from japan... Saturday will have new games from US, i only buy import originals, no local games for me...

Then i share car with u can liao...

are you a student?if so, state your teacher.
i do not wish to sugarmommy some undesirable creatures.:bsmilie:


A belated valentine's flowers for you... ;)

Life goes on... continue to create memories... stay beautiful and smile more...

Everyday is a valentine if the love is sweet,

For the rest of the bitter days, it is a cactus . :sweatsm:

well it's over.. another great evening dating my PSP and completing a new level in the game! :D

wah here become sugar mommy lookout station :p

Too old to find sugar mommy :(


A belated valentine's flowers for you... ;)

Life goes on... continue to create memories... stay beautiful and smile more...

it's beautiful.

it's beautiful.

cant help but notice seems like almost most of the eflowers are for jeanie... i think she must have her hands full already... from both her work place and from here :bsmilie:

:think: wonder what she will get if everyone know her birthday? :bsmilie: :bigeyes:

cant help but notice seems like almost most of the eflowers are for jeanie... i think she must have her hands full already... from both her work place and from here :bsmilie:

:think: wonder what she will get if everyone know her birthday? :bsmilie: :bigeyes:

photos of CSers in their Birthday Suits.

photos of CSers in their Birthday Suits.

hmm... good ideal you have there...the ladies will dress in their bunnies suits and the guys in texudo :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

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