a solo holiday

You dont speak or know chinese, u go there, sure gone case. Haha! Anyway, enjoy your trip.

:bsmilie: i'm sure i'll be able to get around just fine :bsmilie:

after-all, they love Japanese culture ;)

Taiwan is pretty good.. People are generally very helpful and nice..lodging/Food can be found everywhere also..
Problem is ..too many things to see..so you might want to plan carefully. :bsmilie:
Hopefully you enjoy your trip

Taiwan is pretty good.. People are generally very helpful and nice..lodging/Food can be found everywhere also..
Problem is ..too many things to see..so you might want to plan carefully. :bsmilie:
Hopefully you enjoy your trip

yeah plan carefully..

i went for 14 days... only covered a bit of Taipei. part of Hualien, Sun Moon Lake and Alishan. Still many areas not covered!

yeah plan carefully..

i went for 14 days... only covered a bit of Taipei. part of Hualien, Sun Moon Lake and Alishan. Still many areas not covered!
There are still yilan, pingtung, kaoshsiung etc etc

T2 branch is under renovation, is it why you are on leave now? Don't they ask you to work in T3 or T1?

Nvm the guy, but Jolin will Welcome you 2 Taiwan!



Wah you very relax leh 14days can cover from Taipei to Tainan already :)

cos i spent more time at the place instead of rushing thru haha.

i spent 1.5 days at taipei, 4 days at hualien, 3 days at sun moon lake, 3 days at alishan.

also had to factor in the transportation time i took btw each stop.

Go to Afghanistan and introduce barista-made high class coffee to the Taliban. They will spend more time drinking coffee and less time fighting.

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i think i'll take up my friend's offer to go to Taiwan instead :bsmilie:

the only thing i'll have to live with is her incessant whining about her love-life :bsmilie: