a solo holiday

kei1309 said:
i think i'll take up my friend's offer to go to Taiwan instead :bsmilie:

the only thing i'll have to live with is her incessant whining about her love-life :bsmilie:

Tell her you are her 咖啡王子.


no thanks! if i have to marry that sorta girl i'd rather run away and stay single :bsmilie:

really burnt out from work. anyone has a good itinerary for Vietnam/Taiwan to share?

kei1309 said:
really burnt out from work. anyone has a good itinerary for Vietnam/Taiwan to share?

Vietnam! Go to dalat! :bsmilie: sapa's becoming touristy now

Go for reservist. Free food, free lodging & if its an oversea training, free flight. Good deal...........................:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

kei1309 said:
hardly counts as an itinerary bonnie! :bsmilie:

The itinerary is how you're going to get there. :bsmilie: once you're there you'll know what to do. :bsmilie:

madmartian said:
Go for reservist. Free food, free lodging & if its an oversea training, free flight. Good deal...........................:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

He's over that age already.. :bsmilie:

Penang, Bali and Taipei offer reasonable costs, lots of street stuff and if you venture out of the city, landscapes too.
Kuantan is a chill place too.

I'm thinking of going on a solo holiday trip to take a break from work.

preferably a safe place since i'm going alone. also, some place relaxing. these are the things i plan to do:

1) Photography (Landscape and Streets)
2) Relaxation
3) Exploration of a different culture

it'll be a 4 day trip not inclusive of flight.

budget: below SGD $2,000 inclusive of meals, flight and accommodation and shopping.

anyone has any good recommendations?

anyway, as this is Kopitiam, i'm expecting a whole lot of weird ideas. but keep the serious suggestions coming too. thanks


kei1309 said:

i'm how old again, you 40 year-old auntie?

We're the same age la uncle! You have early stage dementia is it?

Kei should go hk. Nice food n also, got sales soon. I thinking of going but no $. Ha ha!

4 days for a budget of $2000 is kind of luxurious...... You can go to Dalat, Vietnam. Lovely lovely place to shoot eat and relax.

You'll have lots of left over budget to get me a present. :bsmilie:

This is my favorite spot

Go Sapa, hide in the mountain for 1 week :p

If you mean Sapa vietnam then that's a good place!


Years back I went to Melbourne for a solo vacation for a whole week. Man was it fun!

er... so Phuket or Melbourne?
In Melbourne u have friends? Or just you alone? I guess it's bore when u there alone.

Go for reservist. Free food, free lodging & if its an oversea training, free flight. Good deal...........................:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

You miss the most important specs... make-up pay :D :D