47th season of Weight Loss Cafe. for Reno & Pink Poodle

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dunno leh, maybe i am fat lah. hubby calls me fat, bro calls me fei por and she said i fat. however NO ONE in the house dares to mention she fat. i got her pic haha... you ask mm lor :sweatsm:

ask me what? you not fat mah...a bit short maybe :bsmilie:

just something i chanced upon earlier today.

made me run to the toilet immediately and i couldnt bear watching. tears still running down abit now.

makes me think that health is everything.


kaos.... this is really..... i open the webbie and read a bit.... figure out what is happen and i immediately closed it.... this is so sad....

just had a funny phone call...

caller: hello...is this the white tiger?

me: no..this is the brown fox.

caller: huh?


lol...the person called back.

caller: i know u are the brown fox. i know its a bit unorthodox but i'm having a cookout at my place and was wondering if you are able to come.

me: thanks for the invite, but i dont think i will be able to make it.

he say his friend yyy convinced him to invite me.. :bsmilie:

not sure but i do look abit chubby and my BMI is like 20. i feel like buay zun leh ... but again im short so i better take note also :sweatsm:

lose weight slowly lor :)

eh... u fat / chubby, then i what? u mean i machiam ball lor? my BMI more than 25 leh

lol...the person called back.

caller: i know u are the brown fox. i know its a bit unorthodox but i'm having a cookout at my place and was wondering if you are able to come.

me: thanks for the invite, but i dont think i will be able to make it.

he say his friend yyy convinced him to invite me.. :bsmilie:
sounds funny. Brown fox? More like brown bear.
n they called u in e middle of e night?

lol...the person called back.

caller: i know u are the brown fox. i know its a bit unorthodox but i'm having a cookout at my place and was wondering if you are able to come.

me: thanks for the invite, but i dont think i will be able to make it.

he say his friend yyy convinced him to invite me.. :bsmilie:

White Tiger must be your nick name in Pink Poodle. Must be Reno recommended you.:bsmilie:

seems like they are tag team par-ner in PP.

Well, White Tiger is very hot over there...... I try to apply but i could not meet their requirement and got boot out of PP..... so sad. :cry:..... end up i go back cowboy town to milk cow.;p

ask me what? you not fat mah...a bit short maybe :bsmilie:

long time no come here...

wah, u say until like so 2D...

sorry dear, you are not fat, cos you not horizontally inclined, just vertically declined... :bsmilie:

or in photographer's term, you look like 4:3, i asked for a 3:2 portrait :bsmilie:

long time no come here...

wah, u say until like so 2D...

sorry dear, you are not fat, cos you not horizontally inclined, just vertically declined... :bsmilie:

or in photographer's term, you look like 4:3, i asked for a 3:2 portrait :bsmilie:

what a way to describe her :sweatsm:

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