Recent content by James_T

  1. J

    Hot numbers! Take your pick!

    50% of all numbers are multiples of 2, and 16.5% of all remaining numbers are multiples of 3 mah. not much choice left. :bsmilie:
  2. J

    MPH Warehouse sales?

    I think it was held a few weeks ago. Can't confirm.
  3. J

    Anyone went to Kota Kinabaru before?

    Poring was a big disappointment, just giant bathtubs. The canopy walk was also a big rip-off, very short with nothing to see. But then again, I'm not a keen-eyed bird watcher. On the other hand, at the Poring area, there is a chance to see Rafflesia blooming, which was the highlight of my...
  4. J

    I hate sistic!!!

    I'm not too sure what's the relationship between sistic (ticket sellers) and those managing the indoor stadium. Well, it's those second group of people who check your bags, and confiscate your food and yes even your bottled water. So that they can sell food and water to you at exorbitant...
  5. J

    Sistic tickets.

    I see... tough luck. Can post at yahoo classifieds and/or auctions, I tried once and got one reply. But most of them would expect steep discounts, else they can get direct from Sistic. Good luck selling.
  6. J

    Sistic tickets.

    if sistic postponed the concert, I believe it's your right as a consumer to ask for a refund.
  7. J

    Idols Seeker ?? Here is Malaysian Idols ^_^

    My favourite is still the ymca-visitor pass advert. :bsmilie:
  8. J

    Biz Opportunity wanted

    as the population becomes more tech savy, making profits from a minilab will become harder. The pie shrinks while the number of competitors remain the same. You will probably partner with Kodak, Fuji or Konica, the full set of equipment would cost upward of $150,000. You must have a special...
  9. J

    dell notebook at fixed price?

    Similar experience. Current DELL inspiron 3800 notebook is about 4 years old. Had the motherboard replaced during first year warranty. It was a known problem and they came down to replace it. The battery died after 3 years and the keyboard and lcd are also giving me some problems after about...
  10. J

    Deuter Trans Alpine 30

    not sure about camera equipment but the transalpine is a great bag. (I have a transalpine 22!) There's even a waterproof cover attached! The only downside is seeing so many people carrying the same bag. If you want to carry a heavy tripod, can look for other bags that may have a special...
  11. J

    LOTR III (Spoiler Alert?)

    If you read the book, every step that Frodo took towards Mordor, the ring felt heavier and became an almost unbearable burden. He was almost completely consumed by the ring, so you can't really blame the poor guy. Tolkien also hinted that there is a mysterious enduring quality of hobbits, which...
  12. J

    Don't Be Mislead by Sistics

    Minority, If I'm not wrong, the different sistic counters are allocated tickets in batches. I'm not sure whether they have upgraded but my impression is they still use a system with green monochrome monitors dating back 10-15 years? I had the experience of queuing up to buy concert...
  13. J

    Help ... Transportation to Penang

    nope. I stayed at City Bayview, very nice and comfortable. Had a good room which faced the sea, although it was too cloudy to see the sunrise but a view is better than a wall. The hotel was booked together with the coach, forgot how much in total but I think it probably cost me about $100 for...
  14. J

    Help ... Transportation to Penang

    yup, I'm sure there's more than one bus company doing this. I went to Penang in June/July on a similar journey booked at the agency in Lavendar MRT. My friend said that was the cheapest he could find. Remember to wake up at about 5am when the bus crosses the Penang bridge, although, there's...
  15. J

    Help : NZ domestic airfare

    shucks! I tried the domestic booking and at payment details, they asked for country of residence. Rejected me when I keyed singapore. did you encounter the same thing? thanks.