Hot numbers! Take your pick!

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Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
Took this just for fun ...


aside from the prime numbers... all are multiples of 2 or 3?!?!?!!!... like duh?!! :kok:

cool shot!! :thumbsup: where ah? need to go buy new t-shirts!! :sweat:

Cactus jACK said:
aside from the prime numbers... all are multiples of 2 or 3?!?!?!!!... like duh?!! :kok:

50% of all numbers are multiples of 2, and 16.5% of all remaining numbers are multiples of 3 mah. not much choice left. :bsmilie:

James_T said:
50% of all numbers are multiples of 2, and 16.5% of all remaining numbers are multiples of 3 mah. not much choice left. :bsmilie:

Gosh ... u guys are hardcore :sweat: Can compute and predict tomorrow 4D 1st prize ah? PM me!

Cactus Jack, if my memory didn't fail me ... this was shot somewhere in France.

Thanks for all the comments guys.

renegade said:
Cactus Jack, if my memory didn't fail me ... this was shot somewhere in France.
alamak... i though AMK or marine parade :cry:

renegade said:
Gosh ... u guys are hardcore :sweat: Can compute and predict tomorrow 4D 1st prize ah? PM me! :bsmilie:
based on the analysis of prime numbers (because i prefer prime lenses), the 1st prize number will be... (crank... churn... crunch)... a permutation of the following prime numbers 3, 7, 11, 13, & 17 (prime numbers found on the t's)!!! e.g. 1117, 1303, 7103 but the eventually 4-digit number must also be a prime number!!! :bsmilie:

just in case anyone is really taking me seriously - DON'T!! this is just a prank... so don't come and claim your losses from me after putting down 50big-50small!! <- for the record... i'm also not advocating playing 4D... eeerrrr... anymore caveats i should add to cover backside?!?!!! :sweat:

Cactus jACK said:
just in case anyone is really taking me seriously - DON'T!! this is just a prank... so don't come and claim your losses from me after putting down 50big-50small!! <- for the record... i'm also not advocating playing 4D... eeerrrr... anymore caveats i should add to cover backside?!?!!! :sweat:

Argh! You used such small font! I couldn't read 'em properly and spent 50 big 50 small ... sat & sun ... that means 200 bucks burned! So when are you gonna send me a cheque?? It's all your fault! :cry: ;p

Astin said:
Ok System 12;
3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22.

If tio Toto, u can buy the D2X liao.

wah! u also! wait lah ... i claim my last weekend loss from Cactus Jack 1st ... then use it to whack your set of numbers. if dun come out hor ... :angry:

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