Will Greece be expelled from the European Union?

There is something fundamentally wrong with the concept of the Euro.
it's just one opinion, nothing else. And less than 3 minutes don't really offer very detailed view. Helicopter view has never been useful.

The deal is sealed. Problem postponed to 2018.

The deal is sealed. Problem postponed to 2018.

Only if the Greek PM manage to get the Greek Parliament to agree with the deal by Wednesday (not SG time)... and he may not survive the vote...

Money spent on the referendum... totally wasted and totally pointless... :think:

Only if the Greek PM manage to get the Greek Parliament to agree with the deal by Wednesday (not SG time)... and he may not survive the vote... Money spent on the referendum... totally wasted and totally pointless... :think:

Greek Parliament overwhelmingly voted to support their PM's latest proposal. Why would it now reject?

Greek Parliament overwhelmingly voted to support their PM's latest proposal. Why would it now reject?

Go listen to BBC and you'll understand... 88.9FM on the radio... have been going on since yesterday...

They have no wheelbase gentlemen. EU is their only hope and even then they must cross borders to get work. No leader. Aging population. Corruption. They just do not have any sort of dynamo to run their economy. Can you imagine the mess should they let Turkey in?

Europe is in trouble...kicking the can down the road does not work they have tried this bailout thing 3 times already.

My bet is eventually Greece exits...in fact EU possibly even dissolves.

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Europe will survive this crisis. People want a peaceful and dignified Europe. It only needs the financial mafia (Goldman Sachs),
IMF, England, HedgeFond Oligarchs etc. are expelled from the EU then a life is possible again.

In the US, 47 million (47 000 000) people do not get enough to eat and vegetate of food stamps.
Living in primitive wooden houses and camping vehicles. In the US Colony Puerto Rico as the people live in the Middle Ages,
such a thing does not exist in Europe.

What people want and what people give, get, and take are different things. Sure Europe will survive but then we are talking about the EU and Greece right? :)

As for the USA and Puerto Rico...let's not even go there...LOL

The EU was what Hitler sort of had in mind of course his version probably would have worked better economically speaking at least. My opinion FWIW

Nationalism has always been a problem for the world and if folks continue to think and behave this way then it will always be a problem for the world. Also just an opinion.

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What people want and what people give, get, and take are different things. Sure Europe will survive but then we are talking about the EU and Greece right? :)

As for the USA and Puerto Rico...let's not even go there...LOL


Of course, EU with Greece.

Greece belongs to Europe.

Greece is the cradle of European culture.

People want a free, solidary Europe.
People in Europe do not want longer
are controlled and exploited by the financial mafia.

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There is a reason Alexander went the way he did...because that was where the money was at the time...lol

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The EU was what Hitler sort of had in mind of course his version probably would have worked better economically speaking at least.

Ditto "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Circle".

Well I hear the IMF (aka the Rockefellers) is butthurt over the plan now. They want a clean slate all debts forgiven it seems. I don't know what to make of that but it sounds suspicious to me. Good ole 'merica...if one has important business that affects millions of people you can be sure we'll stick our nose in it..

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Athens has erupted in protest...

Hate to be a doomsayer but if Greece goes others are gonna say lets default also.

The new powder keg of Europe...

And if it is true that the USA is next then prepare for a bumpy ride folks..

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Just heard on the radio by BBC World Service.... The Greek Parliament has just approved on accepting the the tough measure demanded by the EU before a new bailout plan...

Once again... wasted $$$$ and time on a referendum that still ended on a YES vote.

While I personally believe in the local saying of "O$P$"... its really better if Greece has gotten out of EU to start anew... :think: