Why should i pay when models are newbies???

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Hmmmm my two cents worth. Models volunteer their time to let us shoot them. Be it they are new or not its a service that they render. Their time and effort. If one wants a model that is experienced then one needs to get a more experience and hence more expensive one. If one gets a new one, then one has to expect some kind of inexperience on their part. As someone mentioned, they are "pretty" girls.... that alone is one qualification for them being models. Models are people whose looks have a certain attitude, look, edge to it. One that can appear pleasing, good on commercial spreads etc. Hence they should be paid for their services.... similarly if you are a new photographer and then someone takes your photos and says "Im using it in my promotion. But because you new so I cant pay you for it. You should be paying me instead you know cos I am willing use your photos"

For those still insistance on not paying, well at least cover the taxi fare lah and meals if the shoot takes long

centuryegg said:
Hmmmm my two cents worth. Models volunteer their time to let us shoot them. Be it they are new or not its a service that they render. Their time and effort. If one wants a model that is experienced then one needs to get a more experience and hence more expensive one. If one gets a new one, then one has to expect some kind of inexperience on their part. As someone mentioned, they are "pretty" girls.... that alone is one qualification for them being models. Models are people whose looks have a certain attitude, look, edge to it. One that can appear pleasing, good on commercial spreads etc. Hence they should be paid for their services.... similarly if you are a new photographer and then someone takes your photos and says "Im using it in my promotion. But because you new so I cant pay you for it. You should be paying me instead you know cos I am willing use your photos"

For those still insistance on not paying, well at least cover the taxi fare lah and meals if the shoot takes long
pretty girl alone is not good enough to shoot. I agree, covering taxi fares and meals is the fair thing to do, if the model is not charging.

Now, if someone ask to use my photo anyway, that means my photo is good enough, and I shlould be compensated one way or another. If the person is not willing to pay, then it is up to the photographer to allow the usage or not. Cimilarily, I shoot a newbie model for free, but then I want to use one of the image for some commercial purposes, and I will be compensated for it, I belive the new model should too. That is just my opinion, and what I will do.

centuryegg said:
Hmmmm my two cents worth. Models volunteer their time to let us shoot them. Be it they are new or not its a service that they render. Their time and effort. If one wants a model that is experienced then one needs to get a more experience and hence more expensive one. If one gets a new one, then one has to expect some kind of inexperience on their part. As someone mentioned, they are "pretty" girls.... that alone is one qualification for them being models. Models are people whose looks have a certain attitude, look, edge to it. One that can appear pleasing, good on commercial spreads etc. Hence they should be paid for their services.... similarly if you are a new photographer and then someone takes your photos and says "Im using it in my promotion. But because you new so I cant pay you for it. You should be paying me instead you know cos I am willing use your photos"

For those still insistance on not paying, well at least cover the taxi fare lah and meals if the shoot takes long
pretty girl alone is not good enough to shoot. I agree, covering taxi fares and meals is the fair thing to do, if the model is not charging.

Now, if someone ask to use my photo anyway, that means my photo is good enough, and I shlould be compensated one way or another. If the person is not willing to pay, then it is up to the photographer to allow the usage or not. Cimilarily, I shoot a newbie model for free, but then I want to use one of the image for some commercial purposes, and I will be compensated for it, I belive the new model should too. That is just my opinion, and what I will do.

TFP or TFCD is not only for newbies, is just a mean for all parties to gather portfolios with share resources. Professional models, photographers, fashion stylists and makeup artists do offer TFP/CD from time to time.

I believe we are share our view here about that young lady name render, please just leave her alone, this is a free market, she want to charge a fee for herself or her sister is up to her, even you think she is not up to par.

Same as if a newbies photographer wants to charge a fee for his/her service, we can’t tell him/she should do it for free.

So she posts an ad for her modeling service here, does this means you can’t hire some other models? Nobody force you to use her service.

Slam her here is just like slamming any other newbie photographers, they needs some suggestion and pointers, not thrashing.

Pay or don't pay... its up to each individual. Got money pay... no money don't pay.
You see, you like, you pay.
Or don't pay - if you have the means. ;p

But if you pay, be aware that if you engage a professional model, you get all rights to your pictures. Go look up a model release. A paid model sells copyrights to her images created by the photographer.

So... if you are not at least getting that after you pay... sorry pal, you just got yourself a raw deal sucker! Mwa-hahahahaa!:D

Anyway, there used to be model academy or some sort in the past. But nowadays its like a pretty face and thats it.:kiss:

Its all supply and demand dude... if the price is right, there will be some who pay.
No one is pointing a gun to your head to make you pay. If you can't even control your own money... well pal, I am sorry for your sorry ar**.

Just another day of 1/3 f-stops...:)

centuryegg said:
Models volunteer their time to let us shoot them. Be it they are new or not its a service that they render. Their time and effort.

Does the photographer not give up his time too, to provide the model with pictures and/or CD of images?? Why is the model's time worth more than the photographer's time? Again, for a so-called photography forum, we seem to put ourselves down a great deal.

We don't even want to get started on the amount of money the photographer has spent to get the images!!

I agree (and always do this) that expenses should be paid. But let's not sell ourselves short here. Models want high quality pictures - we can provide this. We might not be pretty, but we offer just as good a service, if not better, to new models.

Well, just like a business transaction, if it is agreeable for both parties, great, if not, then carry on... Its demand and supply... Anyway, if the transaction is unreasonable, it would not last anyway.

If I pay for a model shoot, then I won't be bothered/obliged to provide her with photos. If its a TFCD/TFP then I'm obligated to give her prints or CD of the shots taken.

If I pay a model for a shoot, regardless is commercial or private shoot; I’m not giving any images to her.

Only is state clear a TFP/CD term, the model will have access/ rights to the images for none commercial usage.

Does any models here ask you to pay and want some images at the same time? If so, is all up to individual. If you find this is no a good deal, you can always refuse it.

smurfman said:
Sometimes i wonder, why newbies models, be it ladies or young guys, wanna charge $$$ for a shoot???:confused:

Pretty or handsome doesn't make she/him a good model. Experience more important.
So what she is pretty, cannot perform means cannot perform.

This is just like asking should you pay if you get a hrm... hooker who's a newbie.

Some like newbies, some like old skool, and some will even ask for those who are not even in this profession. As mentioned earlier, it's just a business transaction, which should be agreeable by both parties before the transaction take place. No complains either.

Want to see girls, want to shoot girls, yet don't want to pay? Or complain too expensive? Why take the deal then? Cantonese's saying,

"Keu Kai Mu Peh Qin"

Go figure yourself.


So far I only take newbie model-to-bes :bsmilie: coz I really hate a time-constrained shoot. Newbie model-to-bes have their own advantages. They are fresh, they are humble, and they are natural (or unnatural if things go wrong). It's all up to me to direct/pose them. Actually this is a faster way to learn portraiture. The photographer has full control. But I agree that newbie models could give me a hard time, both in photogrpahy and photoshop sessions :sweat:

However, this is a free market. There are offers and takers. Similarly, newbie photogrpahers (like me) also have to advertise services. Be nice to others.

Stylus C34 said:
"Keu Kai Mu Peh Qin"

Go figure yourself.


While the rest of the post sounds valid.... this seems to imply that the models are.... "Kai"... what ever that term means.... I am not too good inmy cantonese as I am not from the province of Kanton.

I'm all out of 1/3 f-stops...:)

Stylus C34 said:
This is just like asking should you pay if you get a hrm... hooker who's a newbie.

Some like newbies, some like old skool, and some will even ask for those who are not even in this profession. As mentioned earlier, it's just a business transaction, which should be agreeable by both parties before the transaction take place. No complains either.

Want to see girls, want to shoot girls, yet don't want to pay? Or complain too expensive? Why take the deal then? Cantonese's saying,

"Keu Kai Mu Peh Qin"

Go figure yourself.


I have shoot alot with pros model b4, thats why i can't understand....

by the way, should not compare with hookers, totally different.

better lock it b4 ppl quarrel.......;)

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