Which shop offers a better price and good customer service?

Which shop offers a better price and good customer service?

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all this is rather subjective la.... some people think the service at macdonalds is good, some are more picky, and some are in the hospitality industries abroad would think that even the service in our hotels are sucky...

so who's to say which shop has the best service etc...

it is also dependent on the person who goes to the shop... if they are not exactly pleasant in nature, then unavoidably they will cause commotion over seemingly ridiculous issues.. and its not deniable that many spoilt singaporeans are as such... then again the whole issue is blown out of proportion by someone who FEELS that they were treated unfairly...

so some people may have good experience with some while others have bad with others..

the internet provides us with easy access to a wealth of information, but don't believe everything that you read on the internet...

Got a better pricing at the mall branch. It depend who is the sale that serve you.
At 711 the older sale staff (the boss i think ) are quite friendly, the younger one, I am not quite sure.
Still prefer to get things from the shop in the mall.

share only:

Treatment looks different esp. for non-singaporean sometimes. On my experience, I when to MS color at AMK near to S11 (food place). A guys (ard 30+ y/o) approach not in a friendly way. I wanted to buy few ND and filter for my DSLR cam. I tell him can i open, see and i wanted to test/fit on my lens, straight tell me if you open consider sold.... I'm a customer should have a right to check and verify the status of filter. I dun want any argument then I decide to F.O. on that shop.
then i when to PENINSULA place and try one shop as name WORKSHOP. the sale guy let me open the boxes of filter and let me installed to my lens and try it. Somemore give me tip for my camera param setting. I bought there interms of good approach (good parts what i'm looking also) and satisfactory service.

To-date, this thread has 88,629 hits and there was 1240 votes. J316 is not my vote,:nono: if the poll is not base on 1 login account 1 vote system,:sweat: I will think it is kelong

aiya I think is highest vote for people go there test body test lens + vali friendly
price wise :thumbsd:

I think in term of price, MS color is still more better. Service from their young staff is :sweat:..
ask him for lens code and year of manufacturing, give me the blur look. Not knowledgeable at at all when ask him for filter recommendation.

More comfortable with TK , David is rather attentive and has rather good memory.
Overall,for accessories i will go to TK . Lens will shop for the best quote.

I think in term of price, MS color is still more better. Service from their young staff is :sweat:..
ask him for lens code and year of manufacturing, give me the blur look. Not knowledgeable at at all when ask him for filter recommendation.

More comfortable with TK , David is rather attentive and has rather good memory.
Overall,for accessories i will go to TK . Lens will shop for the best quote.

yup, i like david service as well, everything in my sig(other than the battery grip) is bought from him :thumbsup:

Just got back from Orient photo today, bought a Kata bag for $150. The sales person told me that the bag retails for $199 but they selling it for $150 because it was used for one day and returned by previous customer. For $49 savings, I was willing to forgo the receipt and warranty. I was happy that I got such a bargain until I saw the same bag retail for $160 at TK Foto.

I was made to feel like a fool. But seriously thank you Orient photo for showing how business works in the real world. Luckily I didn't buy the Nissin from your store. I got it from Rei at SLR revolution which gave me top notch service. Really thanks again Orient!

Just got back from Orient photo today, bought a Kata bag for $150. The sales person told me that the bag retails for $199 but they selling it for $150 because it was used for one day and returned by previous customer. For $49 savings, I was willing to forgo the receipt and warranty. I was happy that I got such a bargain until I saw the same bag retail for $160 at TK Foto.

I was made to feel like a fool. But seriously thank you Orient photo for showing how business works in the real world. Luckily I didn't buy the Nissin from your store. I got it from Rei at SLR revolution which gave me top notch service. Really thanks again Orient!

Even if it's a return, why can't OP issue a fresh receipt (and the warranty card) to you? I have returned for exchange things I bought but always with the original receipt, warranty card and the original packing. Why would OP or any shop accept return with the original document? Thank you for the head up, this shop I will avoid.

Yah it made me realise how stupid I was, because when I asked for the receipt, the salesman said "No Receipt because it is a return item". I am not a fussy buyer in general and I left it at that. Hopefully fellow clubsnappers who read my story will learn from my mistake. I should really blame myself for being a cheapskate haha.

You are welcome, kkgoexplore bro. By the way, please feel free to go to OP if they have been giving you guys great service. I am usually objective when it comes to rating Camera shops but "being made a fool" is a highly subjective and emotional experience. I will stick to SLR, TK and MS color from now on.

I need advise I will be visiting Singapore soon.. I am looking for the best place to buy Camera Gear, I heard SLR rev is nice.. and also Tk Photo... Anyone could advise a place where to buy which is sort of good service but would be honest and give you what you bought.. Possibly selling units that are not Lemons... and allows you to select lenses and check em for focusing issue... and as well competitive prices?

I need advise I will be visiting Singapore soon.. I am looking for the best place to buy Camera Gear, I heard SLR rev is nice.. and also Tk Photo... Anyone could advise a place where to buy which is sort of good service but would be honest and give you what you bought.. Possibly selling units that are not Lemons... and allows you to select lenses and check em for focusing issue... and as well competitive prices?

just go funan center
go john to test body or lenses..maybe check price although not competetive
walk to TK or SLR check px....this 2 shop ok la.....
got smoe smaller cam shop around maybe u can grab some bargain

Went to John 3:16 and got a d700 from them. I have to say their service is great and no doubt, prices too. It justifies the long wait and crowded place. Keep it up John 3:16!

J3:16 gives awesome customer service though their prices may not always be the most competitive. That said, I'd rather pay a little more and be treated with respect and honesty, rather than save some money and realize later that I got conned.

Yesterday, I itchy hand called AP @ SimLim and MS @ AMK for the price of the Nikon 50mm f1.4G. I was offered $830 and $850 respectively.

Then that evening I happen to pop by Sim Lim (for something else)... so itchy mouth asked around some of the "non-traditional" shops on the group floor (those that look like tourist traps) - and to my surprised was quoted $750 in one and $780 in another.

How come har? Any idea?:dunno:

Grey sets?:think:

Yesterday, I itchy hand called AP @ SimLim and MS @ AMK for the price of the Nikon 50mm f1.4G. I was offered $830 and $850 respectively.

Then that evening I happen to pop by Sim Lim (for something else)... so itchy mouth asked around some of the "non-traditional" shops on the group floor (those that look like tourist traps) - and to my surprised was quoted $750 in one and $780 in another.

How come har? Any idea?:dunno:

they can't be trusted so don't be tempted by these prices...

either is grey set, used before then take out and sell again..

or they sell u with other converters..

SLR Revolution for me. :thumbsup:

My goodness how did John 3:16 garner so many votes? :eek:

Yesterday, I itchy hand called AP @ SimLim and MS @ AMK for the price of the Nikon 50mm f1.4G. I was offered $830 and $850 respectively.

Then that evening I happen to pop by Sim Lim (for something else)... so itchy mouth asked around some of the "non-traditional" shops on the group floor (those that look like tourist traps) - and to my surprised was quoted $750 in one and $780 in another.

How come har? Any idea?:dunno:

Possibly they would add GST later and cited that the GST is collected by government. They should quote the price inclusive of GST.

Visited Funan today to check out prices for the Canon G12. The first shop I visited was John 3:16, and no one inside came forward to even inquire. Apart from myself, there were only 2 other customers and 2 staff on duty. I hung around for another 2-3 minutes and then I left. So you're right, how this shop can get the votes is a mystery to me!

p/s I visited SLR-Revolution and Alan Photo, and the staff both shops bothered to engage me, even though it was lunchtime and their respective shops were crowded. SLR-Revolution offered a slightly more competitive price of $753 against Alan Photo's $760, but service level for both were on par.

I was a newbie and very excited when I bought my first DSLR Nikon D90. I went to Funan Centre to get more stuff as I cant wait to use it. Walked past John 3:16 and being a christian myself, was naturally attracted by its name. The staff were busy and seemed friendly. I bought a HOYA UV (C) Filter at $65 and happily left the shop. Met a friend and told him what I bought and its price and where I bought it from. He commented that it was very expensive. He brought me to a shop opposite John 3:16 and bought the same item for himself as he was looking for the item...but at only $37. I found price difference startling. Though it was only $28 difference in price, it was about almost twice the price difference. Was abit puzzled and went back to John 3:16 to check back. I went back to the same staff and was speaking softly to him as he had a customer beside him. His reply was "Thats our price", well, with a smile....I felt like a "cheated" idiot. Well, I only have myself to blame as i did not do any research on the price. I can accept some price difference and I understand different shops do sell items at different prices, but really, not almost twice. Anyways, I just smile and left the shop and that was probably my last time into the shop.

That was very good lesson learnt. Lucky I bought an item of a small value. Its advisable to check around to find out more before buying anything. Trust can be expensive....but at least the staff at John 3:16 was friendly. The $28 smile was a bit expensive though.