Which Camera has the sexiest click noise to you?


New Member
Apr 9, 2010
I know it's shallow, but the camera with a nice click sound makes my day. I says congratulations, you have taken a picture... :D

Any other comments?

best cam is the one that when you chimp, the xmm jumped to you, grab your waist and start kiss you. LOL

best cam is the one that when you chimp, the xmm jumped to you, grab your waist and start kiss you. LOL

Thats my camera then.

Personally I like the Leica M shuttersound, specially at 1/8 or 1/15, and also Nikon F or F2's shutter at 1/8.......

But for taking pics I prefer the Nikon, I just can't handle an M Leica, basically I can't use a rangefinder, need to focus on the whole screen, but that's just me......


best cam is the one that when you chimp, the xmm jumped to you, grab your waist and start kiss you. LOL

Aiyo chicks are attracted to BIG cameras ... best is with telefocus lens, never mind if it's not suitable... just photoshop a few kilo off and you are their hero. ;p

olympus E-1

real he-man sounds.......... the old war horse Nikon FM2N .......

Leica. so soft so quiet so subtle. a simple "qik" and its done.

Nikon D3 :bsmilie:

1D2, firm, not very loud and very satisfying.

I like to wrap my camera in sound absorbing material so you can't hear it, then make the click sound with my mouth. :cool:

The sweet soundd of the 1/10th speed of mechanical Leica Ms.