Where can I get music (contemporary) CDs at good prices?

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Originally posted by ckiang

You can hook up the sound card to any amp using a standard 3.5" stereo to RCA cable. Simple as that. :)


Won't that be a compromise since we normally spend so much on good interconnects? Or you custom made the cable yourself from those better coaxial cable off the reel???

Originally posted by Gunjack

Won't that be a compromise since we normally spend so much on good interconnects? Or you custom made the cable yourself from those better coaxial cable off the reel???

That's possible, or there are better quality ones with 3.5mm stereo on on end, RCA on the other by the likes of Monster and others. :)


Ok, Thanks! I don't like the lower end monster cables though, to me they are crap... hahaha!

Custom make your own belden cables.... ;)

Using those 3.5mm mini plugs wouldn't necessary mean compromising sound quality. In fact, we use even tinier ones(Bantam type) on professional audio patch bays. Just make sure you use good solid plugs. I personally use Canare 1/4", RCA and 3.5mm's. Noticed a lot of Taiwanese Canare crappy imitations in some Hifi shops though.

Thanks guys for all your inputs... learnt something new abt computer high fidelity. :)

Tried to custom make a van den hul interconnect for my friend off the reel... the soldering was harder than I anticipated, or my soldering skills just suck, hahaha! Saw lotsa cheap Canare plugs in Sim Lim Tower... real or imitation, I dunno where to get the real ones...

I don't know any shops in SLT selling original Canare. See the official catalogue here. Last time I checked (2-3 years ago), there was one shop in SLS selling them for ~$10 each for 1/4" TS, but they do not keep much stock. Best is to buy in bulk (50pcs packs) from the local distributor. I never trust my own soldering skills.. always leave it to the professionals. ;p

These days, you can also go full-digital.. lesser cable hassles.

Originally posted by Gunjack
Thanks guys for all your inputs... learnt something new abt computer high fidelity. :)

Tried to custom make a van den hul interconnect for my friend off the reel... the soldering was harder than I anticipated, or my soldering skills just suck, hahaha! Saw lotsa cheap Canare plugs in Sim Lim Tower... real or imitation, I dunno where to get the real ones...

Why custom make the ven den hul interconnects?
Why not get them off the shelf?
I definitely cannot solder them myself.... as:
1. My soldering skills stinks. :D
2. It would be kinda different to solder yourself right? You would have to get the right timing to put the solder iron onto the wire...
Too long a time would affect the dielectrics of the cable or something... (this one i read from the net, not sure if it's true.)

I got my mk102 (the yellow mustard cables, forgot the model) @ Kingsley... although they do sell them loose.

I think the shop that sells Belden cables (forgot the name already) sells original plugs right?
Anyway, if you are afraid of getting imation Canare plugs, you might want to try out Neutrik plugs. I'm using one set for my digital cable, it's quite sturdy.

It's ok, i got them off the reel at Kingley too... considerably cheaper than buying the whole interconnect. With the help of my father who has much better soldering skills than mine, got quite a decent interconnect in the end, hehehe... It sounds great anyway. The mk102III has incredible gut wrenching bass for the price, but the system must not sound thin... preferably a little warmth will be nice...

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