WHATS NEXT FOR M43, after Olympus, what future is left?

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S9 COLD shoe is an incredibly dumb decision for a manufacturer to make in the year 2024.
What is the point of a F8 lens on a full frame compact?
No EVF? Ouch.

My guess.
Panasonic designers had a price ceiling for S9.
They rushed this thing to market without resolving issues.

Panasonic is trying to conjure up a new hype - LUT in marketing spin to sell their cameras.
And touting LUT as though it is the new wonder drug.

Look Up Table is as ancient as they come.
Remember those Logarithm Table books you used in secondary school mathematics in the early 1970's?
That is a Look Up Table. The first log tables were published in 1614.

This is a first try and Panasonic can improve on future models.
Part of the stupidity is that the company stuck with MFT for so long, it forgot common sense.

Correction. The Leica D-Lux 8 uses a Four Third Sensor, not M43 sensor.
Err.. what’s the difference between Four Third and m43 sensor?
As far as I can tell they’re all the same Typ 4/3rd sensors. Only thing that Dlux models appear to do is apply a further slight crop (around 2.2x instead of the usual 2x), likely cos they’re doing a fair bit of software correction so they need to cut away more of the edge, which also accounts quite precisely for the drop in MP from 20 to 17MP effective.

As for m43, they’re loosing their pixel density for reach advantage. Both Canon and Fuji are effectively on par already even with mainstream products so you can bet Sony and Nikon won’t be far behind.
If Oly wants to stay ahead in that arena I think they better not hold back the OM-1 sensor in just that model.
Similarly the G9 II sensor in the S9 body with a mount swap should be an easy task but they painted themselves into a corner with some odd decisions on the S9 and I can’t see Panny m43 outshining their L-mount product. I suppose they can revive their GX series.

No camera is perfect and Panasonic has opportunities to evolve into MK2 and others going forward.

Ricohflex said:
S9 COLD shoe is an incredibly dumb decision for a manufacturer to make in the year 2024.
What is the point of a F8 lens on a full frame compact?
No EVF? Ouch.

The cold shoe is meant for content creators to attach a microphone, video light or any other accessories rather than a standard photographic hot shoe.

An f8 lens may not be bright but over at EU or USA there is abundance of sunshine in the good seasons.

No evf issue, Panasonic isaking it easy for smartphone users who are familiar handling a slab or brick of a phone.

From petapixel :
Most social media content creators aren’t worried about the same things as enthusiast or professional photographers. They’re less concerned about resolution and dynamic range than they are about being able to create something with a unique look straight out of the camera and getting it online quickly, no matter where they are. Providing a workflow that allows them to do that, without having to do any additional editing, goes a long way to solving that problem.

Lastly @Pitachu, four thirds sensor is the same as mirrorless m43 sensor without the mirror box of DLSR.

Edit: Thread views have crossed 99k. ✌️


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@ricohflex , you seem to be a bit out of touch with the current trends, application and usage but keep focusing your tunnel vision of the demise of M43.

1) No EVF is OK. Sony has already released so many ZV Models without EVF that the ZV series has been a huge success forming more than 48% of Sony sales.

2) Concept of LUT (Look up table) is of course not new, but the application is new. The new Sony models A7Cii and A7CR allows user to upload their own LUT and is popular for video content creators who want a unique color grading for their videos. Panasonic has gone one step further, creating it's own app so that user do not need to transfer to another app eg. Adobe Premier,, LumaFusion etc to apply their custom LUT. @ricohflex this has nothing to do with the Log tables in learned in secondary school LOL LOL

3) Why a F8 lenses? Purpose is to have camera with lenses that can slide into a pocket (this one is from a young person I asked)
But then again, this is the disadvantage of Full Frame. It cannot retain all the benefits and at the same time, be small and tiny.
Even Sony trim its most popular zoom lenses the 24-70 down to 24-50 just to make it smaller for its ZV series.

The FF manufacturers have still yet to produce a lenses equivalent to one of my favorite lenses, the tiny Pana-Leica 12-60 (F2.8-F4),
1) giving me a focal length of 24-120mm,
2) providing me F2.8 at the wider end,
3) weighs only 320g
4) and only 3.3inches long

If Panasonic can pair this as a kit lenses on the S9, it would be perfect. Unfortunately this can only be used on a M43 camera LOL

S9 COLD shoe is an incredibly dumb decision for a manufacturer to make in the year 2024.
What is the point of a F8 lens on a full frame compact?
No EVF? Ouch.

My guess.
Panasonic designers had a price ceiling for S9.
They rushed this thing to market without resolving issues.

Panasonic is trying to conjure up a new hype - LUT in marketing spin to sell their cameras.
And touting LUT as though it is the new wonder drug.

Look Up Table is as ancient as they come.
Remember those Logarithm Table books you used in secondary school mathematics in the early 1970's?
That is a Look Up Table. The first log tables were published in 1614.

This is a first try and Panasonic can improve on future models.
Part of the stupidity is that the company stuck with MFT for so long, it forgot common sense.

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Photography is not immune to geopolitics. It's helpful for photographers to understand how image processor chips are made. Now what is the threat of remotely disabling lithography machines in Japan or taiwan do to the production of new cameras?

America buys about 92% of chips from Taiwan and if tsmc chip production is disrupted, a study estimates that it would lead to an increase of 59% cost for consumers.


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Yes, of course Panasonic new LUT app is going to support its M43 G9ii camera.

@ricohflex mentioned that Panasonic is abandoning M43 cameras when it introduce the S9.
No, why would Panasonic released the G9 Mk2 and a new LUT app that support the G9ii if it going to abandon its M43 line.
Unless @ricohflex is the CEO. LOL


Thinking about it I’m not gonna give the 26mm f/8 lens a pass. It’s either rushed or lazy. About the only saving grace is that it’s ‘free’ with the S9 but you can bet they factored the real cost into the S9 body price.
It’s f/8 and MF. That’s worse than the iPhone main camera equivalents.
Both Canon and Nikon managed to do 28/26mm f/2.8 AF lenses that are barely bigger. M43 pancakes also out-do this lens handily.

It almost looks like there is internal infighting within Panasonic Camera Division.
Top management from parent company may have directed the creation of a full frame compact.
But resentful employees purposely made a totally CRIPPLED camera and lens (the S9 with Manual focus F8 lens) to sabotage their own company.

The Panasonic Lumix S9 and the Olympus OM-D E-M1X both fall into the category of weird products that make others ask the following:
{ What were the manufacturer's designers thinking? }

The Panasonic S9 can actually use all the L-Mount lenses from itself, Sigma and others.
I believe Panasonic came out with the 26mm Pancake lenses just to fulfill its mantra of "An affordable Camera for everyone.
Panasonic are facing some financial difficulties now and going to offload some of the not so profitable divisions (not cameras)
so it does not have the budget like sony to release so many lenses for its compact range of full frames.

The Olympus EM1X is a different story. Olympus at that time already new it need to find a new niche besides the small the light market.
The Olympus EM1x, followed by the 150-400 zoom is Olympus first step into the Sports / Wildlife market.
It is like testing water. After that Olympus got feedback and refine it the much more successful OM-1 and OM-1ii.
In fact hardly anyone I know buy the vertical handle for the OM-1, as batteries generally can last 1 whole day or at least half a day
and it is no big deal to turn my camera 90 deg for portrait shoots instead of carrying a more bulky body.

Let's see how receptive is the about to be released Canon R1 with the built in vertical grip.

It almost looks like there is internal infighting within Panasonic Camera Division.
Top management from parent company may have directed the creation of a full frame compact.
But resentful employees purposely made a totally CRIPPLED camera and lens (the S9 with Manual focus F8 lens) to sabotage their own company.

The Panasonic Lumix S9 and the Olympus OM-D E-M1X both fall into the category of weird products that make others ask the following:
{ What were the manufacturer's designers thinking? }

Panasonic has a few baskets. The recent release of the good looking Dlux 8 (same time release as S9) is a rebadge of lumix lx100 and is using 43 sensors. This dlux 8 looks more promising as a competitor to X100 family.

S9 seem fine to me actually. A bit quirky, sure but for the target audience it seems fine. I am however very critical of the 26mm f/8 MF lens. If I’m being cynical, maybe it’s thrown in with the body just to pad the lens shipment numbers since every S9 body sold counts as an extra lens sold.

A bit fanciful to suggest internal sabotage led to decisions about the S9 I think. More likely it was just rushed to market.
Even the marketing faux pas of using stock photography from other manufacturers screams of offloading to an external agency without proper checks and sign offs.

Integrated grip cameras are a main stay of pro sports and photojournalism cameras. It’s evolved over decades, not a new idea to throw at the wall to see if it sticks.
Issues with OM1-X isn’t so much it’s an integrated grip body but that it doesn’t have a presence in the pro sports/media market where that style of body is most desired. Oly’s market of enthusiast amateurs likely only has a handful that really want the integrated grip. But they also didn’t do themselves many favours with the design being similarly sized to something like an R3 despite the much smaller mount.
To justify the low volumes, FF flagship also sell with a large premium, in excess of $5k USD that the OM1-X just can’t command.
Unfortunately I think it was just poor decision making for the OM-1x and not utilising the format’s strengths. I’m not bagging the product as the few user reports seem positive but there’s just no real market for it.

I do think D-Lux and LX-100 series have lots of potential though. Fuji can do fixed focal and retro whilst Ricoh does fixed focal and Bauhaus. D-Lux can be fast zooms and minimalist/lux whilst LX100 can be fast zoom and advant-garde or something.

Panasonic was caught using photos taken by a former Nikon ambassador, using a Nikon camera - to promote Lumix S9.
Giving viewers impression that the photos were taken using Lumix S9.

A deadly mistake by Panasonic Lumix marketing the S9

Panasonic's explanation is that they sub out the promotion to an advertising company choosing not to do it themselves. But the issue of S9 started when a well known youtuber whom he claimed to have said negative things about Lumix cameras who was not invited to Osaka event so had sour grapes which also attracted a bunch of YouTubers who got on the bandwagon of criticising S9.

As there are no perfect camera and S9 is designed for content creators of course there are certain things not found on more expensive Panasonic cameras which one can buy so really the negative things that people choose to nag about is just that.

Here is a review by someone who was invited to Osaka and her whole video was done onsite with the realtime LUT and Panasonic app. Watch to the end as she gives the pros and cons of S9 . As said she did a good job of promoting the city of Osaka. Oh about the kit lens bundled, it's a third party china lens ( Brighting star ) so that's why it's manual focus as reviewer said if a standard Lumix lens is used S9 would be lens heavy since it's a fullframe compact camera. 🤪


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No issues sub-contracting marketing but onus is on Panasonic to check their content before sending it out. Still screams of a rushed job to me.

If the 26mm f/8 is a Brightin Star design, it's even more confusing as I can see a 28mm f/2.8 manual lens on their website with aperture and focus controls so at least you can have some fun with zone focusing, setting hyperfocal and such. It looks even flatter than the Panny, but does protrude into the mount quite a bit so maybe there's an issue there with the L-mount baffles/contacts. I still don't buy their explanation given that Canon and Nikon have FF f/2.8 28mm and 26mm AF lenses that are barely bigger and definitely wouldn't be too heavy for the S9.

I honestly think many influencers thinks too much of themselves. Companies have a prerogative to choose who they want to market their products. It's always been the case and always will be. It doesn't stop content creators from buying products themselves to review, which is their own prerogative. Or are they sore they didn't get a free trip.

I understand that Panasonic is facing some financial difficulties and going to let go some of its non profitable divisions (eg. Household appliances) etc. So it is not surprising that they have a very limited budget. BUT I am sure they have enough die-hard ambassadors to provide some photos (FOC) by lending them the S9. Look at how Laowa promoted their Full Frame 10mm AF lenses. The photos from its ambassadors are inspiring. The lenses is now oversold and there a huge back order. I also have photographer friends in Singapore where Sony & Canon lend them gear for their shoots, in exchange for a copy of their photos / videos for promotional purposes. If only Panasonic have given more thoughts to their marketing.

We all know ex-Lumix ambassador Matti Sulanto who was not invited to Osaka global event but nonetheless use his own money to buy S5iiX. Forgive the click bait title as he said if Panasonic had not stubbornly stuck to their contrast based focusing it would have gain a bigger market share by now than Sony and others.

More on S9 Lut usability. I bet other camera makers will try to imitate Panasonic. This review from a well known duo. 😃 You also see more of Osaka and the S9 presentation event. 👍



Things not looking good for Panasonic, at least OMDS is stable.😃 Nikon not on the graph? Let's hope S9 will make some headway.💪 I think it will.

Click on the 3 dots on top right hand corner to translate Japanese report for android phone.


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Olympus / OM was quick to spot the wildlife niche.
Panasonic was too reliant on its video niche of the GH series. It took too long to update the GH6.
In the meantime, Sony has come on very strongly in the video niche with its FX and ZV series.
Panasonic (and also Nikon) then try to jump into the wildlife market with its G9ii, but it has not developed any super teles which OM System has.
Panasonic then tried to jump into the small compact camera which is more appealing to the younger generation with the S9 Full frame,
but it lack the financial muscle to introduce compact lenses for Full Frame, unlike Sony.
I do hope Panasonic can make some headway in a niche market.