What should I do if a CSers borrowed some photography stuff and not returning

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What the.... son of a.... *beep* U mean u sponsored half of his air tickets and lodging?!

Busturds like these ought to be shot there and then. And if that guy feels so slandered by all these going on, COME IN HERE! STAND UP AND DEFEND YOUR OWN INTEGRITY!

What the.... Son of a.... [insert imaginative expletive]

Its obvious that someone's trying to lower your standing to raise his, thus all his sabotage.

My 2 cents, if ur suppliers or buyers ever bring up this issue, just explain urself once, clearly. You are in the light. And u placed ur testimony on the wall for all to scrutinise, all that's left is the bugger's to defend his OWN testimony and integrity.

Time will tell where things like these are concerned. :)

Hope it doesn't affect u.

sykestang said:
I guess so... got more info from GmbH... appearently 'he' PMed GmbH indirectly advicing him not to get the 12-24 from me with some crappy reasons. I have dealt with many ppl in CS and have proven many a times my honesty, service and of cos good pricing as well. Don't believe, you can check on my latest MO of Nikon lenses in the MO/Mass Sale forum. I believe the prices I offer there is the lowest one can ever find in SG or even from any MOers here in CS!!!

I'm just wondering why he need to stoop so low as to play this knid of dirty tricks. :(

In fact for him, I even allow him the opportunity to follow me to HK to meet my suppliers and got his personal lens there at dealer's price. On top of that, I even sponsor half of his air-tickets and lodging fare. I believe I am already very generous to him and really treated him well. And yet he can now turn around and bite me! ;(

I am really Pissed Off now!!! ;(

like the saying i said to a fren on some issues...

its like feeding the dog who bites your hand... :devil:

i've been thinking this few weeks, and i find that its really sianz to actually have frens or buddies, cos end of the days, to others, its just about making use of 1 another... nothing called the real frenship like those in movies... must learn to keep my options closed... and do my frenship pruning... there's nothing worse than having frens who backstab u, i'm better off with no frens at all...

jsbn said:
What the.... Son of a.... [insert imaginative expletive]

Its obvious that someone's trying to lower your standing to raise his, thus all his sabotage.

My 2 cents, if ur suppliers or buyers ever bring up this issue, just explain urself once, clearly. You are in the light. And u placed ur testimony on the wall for all to scrutinise, all that's left is the bugger's to defend his OWN testimony and integrity.

Time will tell where things like these are concerned. :)

Hope it doesn't affect u.

the fact he/she/it never came to clarify, u confirm its Son anot? :bsmilie:

Del_CtrlnoAlt said:
like the saying i said to a fren on some issues...

its like feeding the dog who bites your hand... :devil:

i've been thinking this few weeks, and i find that its really sianz to actually have frens or buddies, cos end of the days, to others, its just about making use of 1 another... nothing called the real frenship like those in movies... must learn to keep my options closed... and do my frenship pruning... there's nothing worse than having frens who backstab u, i'm better off with no frens at all...

I thought I your friend...:cry:

To Jnet6/Jensen:

I hope you get a life soon! ;( Don't bother to find the colour gels, cos I don't want anymore. You may keep it. Just for info, I'll be warning all my suppliers in SG & HK about you. And thanks but no thanks to your friendship and helpfulness so far!!! ;(

As I have already decide on my path, this thread shall now be closed!

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