What should I do if a CSers borrowed some photography stuff and not returning

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freebsd said:
the irony is that it took a set of Metz 54MZ4 colour filters to reveal his true 'colours'.
hahah lol.

if you need help can call 1800-Ah-Long for assistance.

:bsmilie: Color gel simi color then Ah long pour simi color!

option 1
get admin to help
identify nick
identify ip
identify comp
call police
identify address thru isp
let police handle

option 2
this person is worth $80...
post out his nick
post out his name
post out his telphone
post all info of this guy lah,....
afterall he is worth $80 nia...

option 3...
suck it up and forget it?
but since you asked for advice, i think options 1 and 2 are more sound...
if you wanna choose option 3, you wouldnt have started this thread right?
so choose the two other options please


There seems to be too many instances of this type of "abusing goodwill" behaviour going on. :thumbsd:

I think if you have given fair warning and tried your best to contact the other party and resolve the situation amicably, and the person is still not responsive, then I would strongly encourage you to name and shame that person in the forum.

If this type of behaviour is not kept in check, then I think CS will become a very un-trustworthy forum. ;(

Hobbesyeo said:
There seems to be too many instances of this type of "abusing goodwill" behaviour going on. :thumbsd:

I think if you have given fair warning and tried your best to contact the other party and resolve the situation amicably, and the person is still not responsive, then I would strongly encourage you to name and shame that person in the forum.

If this type of behaviour is not kept in check, then I think CS will become a very un-trustworthy forum. ;(

sometimes u won't know who is good or who is bad...

to majority this guy who seem like the Superman (goody goody) can be your worst nightmare and makes the whole world seem like you are Lex Luthor, but then i am Batman lor... look bad, but nice in nature...

truth doesn't take time or even explains itself, but time can let u forget, simmer down & move on with your life...

oh well... everyone is a bad guy in some unknown universe full of b**tards...

madmacs said:
you need to be 100% sure on this - did he borrow the metz with gels? and did he return it with the gels?
He volunteered to collect the whole batch of Metz 54MZ4s flashes, total: 10pcs with me... Together with the flashes, there are also a huge batch of other accessories, cables, battery packs, colour gels set for Metz 60CT4, etc... Among all these stuff, on 1set of the 54series colour gels which I specially purchase for my own use. Do a search on my previous stuff on sales and you'd know. Not to mention for his help, I actually sold 1pc of the metz 54MZ4 to him at my cost. And he ask if he can try the colour gels first with his new flash. As I am also quite busy with MOs and other stuff, I agreed to let him try first and let me know the results.

I have been good to him as a friend since, always let him follow me around and show him my lobangs. And whenever I got new gadgets, I also tell him and let him borrow back to test and play with it. Thus I dare say, thru me, he learn a lot and have also tried and seen a lot, so much so that he later thinks he has become 'god' and I have been noticing him 'showing-off' in the forum thinking he can mentor someone now. :( But to be frank, he stills got a long way to go, and many a times, he gave inaccurate info to some ppl. :(

I don't mind about the $80... just that it sadden me why someone I know can degrade to that extent. And I do actually hate myself for putting trust in the wrong person!!! Letting him have 1st hand access to some new high-end stuff, stuff that I believe he would not be imagine himself to lay hands on, or at least for now, and I turn out grooming a monster in the end. ;(

sykestang said:
He volunteered to collect the whole batch of Metz 54MZ4s flashes, total: 10pcs with me... Together with the flashes, there are also a huge batch of other accessories, cables, battery packs, colour gels set for Metz 60CT4, etc... Among all these stuff, on 1set of the 54series colour gels which I specially purchase for my own use. Do a search on my previous stuff on sales and you'd know. Not to mention for his help, I actually sold 1pc of the metz 54MZ4 to him at my cost. And he ask if he can try the colour gels first with his new flash. As I am also quite busy with MOs and other stuff, I agreed to let him try first and let me know the results.

I have been good to him as a friend since, always let him follow me around and show him my lobangs. And whenever I got new gadgets, I also tell him and let him borrow back to test and play with it. Thus I dare say, thru me, he learn a lot and have also tried and seen a lot, so much so that he later thinks he has become 'god' and I have been noticing him 'showing-off' in the forum thinking he can mentor someone now. :( But to be frank, he stills got a long way to go, and many a times, he gave inaccurate info to some ppl. :(

I don't mind about the $80... just that it sadden me why someone I know can degrade to that extent. And I do actually hate myself for putting trust in the wrong person!!! Letting him have 1st hand access to some new high-end stuff, stuff that I believe he would not be imagine himself to lay hands on, or at least for now, and I turn out grooming a monster in the end. ;(

woo..ok. hope you get your stuff back.

any previous similiar incidents in CS we can relate to? seems to have quite some cases here but always wondered how all of them ended, remembered there was one whose Nikon flash wasn't returned.

sykestang said:
;( I had this very bad experience. One of the Csers in CS appeared friendly to me earlier as he purchase some items from me. As such to return him this friendliness, I had bring him ard and show him some good lobangs of which he got 2 of his favourite lenses from my supplier in HK at dealer price. On top of that, as he help me to bring some stuff back, I sponsored part of his airfare to HK as well.

However, in recent mths he thought he had already on par in terms of photography skills, knowledge, etc, he started to talk big with me. Which I have now seen his true colours and had got rid of him as a friend.

However during a recent stock count, I found out that a set of Metz Colour Gels for the Metz 54MZ4 flash is missing. On recap, I remember he, the CSer, borrowed it to test when I first take stock from my supplier and I don't remember him returning me. ;(

Now I have send PMs and SMS to him demanding for the set of colour gels to be returned to me immediately and all this while he ignores me. Just for info, a brand new set of Metz 54MZ4 colours cost ard $80.

So I am asking for suggestions from fellow CSers here on what options can I take to get the stuff back. As of current, I have refrain to mention nicks or name as I still give him some face and not to tarnish his reputation. Main reason is that he don't seems to be that kind of person, unless he really push me to the limits and proof me otherwise.

And hope he sees this thread and reply to me immediately. :(
Announce his name, contact and ID out. Should warn the other CSers not to loan things to such a person :nono:

_espn_ said:
Announce his name, contact and ID out. Should warn the other CSers not to loan things to such a person :nono:

i think it's already out, unless he borrowed to someone else b4 that.

Cheesecake said:
to me, S$80 to see through the colours of a person, is money well spent.

but it is disgusting the way things have turned sour.:thumbsd:

hi. you want to see my colours?:bsmilie:

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