What lenses for 9 days in Japan

Starting April 8th (cherry Blossom season) Going to Koyto for 4 days Mount Fuji one day Tokyo 4 days Thinking of taking Nikon; 14/24 24/70 Swithering over taking 70/200 and a 300mm for Mount Fuji What do you think, can I leave the long lenses at home??
Completed my Hokkaido & Tokyo trip (2 weeks) with D800E+24mm/1.4... Personally, for your trip, I will just take 24-70/2.8.

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Decided to leave the 300mm f2.8 at home and take everything else...............thanks for the input

I just came back from Japan with only D800E + 24-70 and 18-35 and no regrets... I was into landscape, streets and people and hence this choice of lens

Hope to see some pics from ur trip!

Been there a few times, the 24-70 and 17-35 would be useful with a SB-300/400.

However, with a high ISO capable machine, the flash is negligible.

Hi TS, I am leaving for Tokyo/Kyoto one week earlier than you, and only plan to bring:

2x DSLR -- One for my brother and me
35mm prime
85mm prime
AFS 24-70

I totally agree with the others here, in the notion of traveling light, because the weight and hassle will eventually wear you down before the day is gone. You have to take into account the forecasted increase in human traffic due to this peak season.

Hi TS, I am leaving for Tokyo/Kyoto one week earlier than you, and only plan to bring:

2x DSLR -- One for my brother and me
35mm prime
85mm prime
AFS 24-70

I totally agree with the others here, in the notion of traveling light, because the weight and hassle will eventually wear you down before the day is gone. You have to take into account the forecasted increase in human traffic due to this peak season.

Ditch e 24-70mm...Just let go wht you can't shoot..:)

Not a bad thing too. Most of the time you end up being able to appreciate your surroundings more when you cant shoot everything. :)

If I were in your shoes, I will just bring one body and 24-70.
Need anything wider? Stitch with Microsoft ICE to the rescue.
Need more tele? Use my feet to get closer... or crop those MP as required :).

Your back, shoulder and travel companions will thank me later :D...

I'm planning a Japan trip as well. Thinking of moving from Okinawa-Fukuoka-Kyoto-Tokyo. Likely 14 days free and easy. The setup I'm bringing will be Nikon Df + 20mm 2.8 + 35mm 1.8 + 50mm 1.4 + 85mm 1.8. All in should be slightly above 2kg. Likely 85mm can be quite useless hence still thinking whether to bring. Okinawa can be nice for landscape hence might want to bring a light tripod.

Ditch e 24-70mm...Just let go wht you can't shoot..:)

24-70 [will be staying in the hotel most of the time] is meant as a back up just in case **** happens. Have experienced situations when my trip was almost ruined because my gear gave up on me, aint risking that again :)

I'm planning a Japan trip as well. Thinking of moving from Okinawa-Fukuoka-Kyoto-Tokyo. Likely 14 days free and easy. The setup I'm bringing will be Nikon Df + 20mm 2.8 + 35mm 1.8 + 50mm 1.4 + 85mm 1.8. All in should be slightly above 2kg. Likely 85mm can be quite useless hence still thinking whether to bring. Okinawa can be nice for landscape hence might want to bring a light tripod.

I think you can remove either the 35 or 50 from the lot, that will depend on your shooting style.

24-70 [will be staying in the hotel most of the time] is meant as a back up just in case **** happens. Have experienced situations when my trip was almost ruined because my gear gave up on me, aint risking that again :)

Understood, backup can be an ultra light 50mmf1.8..?lol :p bt i guess if sit in hotel is fine :)

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i went with 3 lenses

28mm f1.8
50mm f1.8
17mm f3.5
extension tube

tripod is a must as sakura viewing at night is also very beautiful

i went with 3 lenses

28mm f1.8
50mm f1.8
17mm f3.5
extension tube

tripod is a must as sakura viewing at night is also very beautiful

Great combination :)
For travel i also carry light with few lenses
15mm f4
28mm or 35mm f2.8
50mm f1.2
8mm fe

Yes tripod must.

This is what I am taking;
Leica M240
50mm Noctilux 0.95
21mm Lux
Nikon D4s
16mm Fisheye

My wife is taking
24mm 1.4
50mm 1.4
Both taking Tripods

Plan to keep Leica with me all the time and hang the D4s off a spider with either 24/70 or 70/200mm screwed into it depending on what we plan to shoot for that day..........

Wow...any space left for sightseeing essentials?