What are the Canon gear that you are buying in 2008?

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may be buying 100mm f2.8 macro or 135mm f2.0L next yr. However dunno which one better.

100mm for portrait n macro photographing, 135mm for portrait only.

hai, hard to decide :mad2:

buy both lenses and save yourself from the hurt of bangin~~ ;p

82mm? damn. the filters are gonna be ex.

Haha ya... But it could be realli possible... Cuz they up the thread size from 72mm to 77mm abt 10 plus yrs back when 20-35L made way for 17-35L and 28-80L made way for 28-70L...

Guys, kindly restrain yourselves for OTing too much.

Thank you for co-operation. :)

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