We love our manual focus Nikkor lenses!


At f/1.2.

@tehzeh: i like yr signature. very true, some times u just gotta get in close with a wide angle to get the impact.

Wah seems like a lot of 50/55 F1.2 users here. I find the bokeh harsh but somehow... sometimes i find it very nice. Think its a lens that requires a lot of skill. Kudos to all that have been sharing : )

the foreground blur is a little harsh, but the bg is v smooth. of all the lenses i ve tried so far, the 135 f2 has the smoothest bg blur. its simply beautiful. i haveny tried the 85 1.4 yet though. hopefully soon =)

also, the 55 and the 50 have very different characters. 50 is more crisp str8 from max and has a cooler rendition. the 55 tends to be warmer, witht he typical 'old school'(abit fuzzy) feel. sadly, they aren't so nice on dx, and my 50 1.2 just sits around most of the time. really hoping to go ff. the 5.8cm is stellar for the feel it can produce though. its always in my bag now cos its got the 85mm eqv FOV.

@tehzeh: i like yr signature. very true, some times u just gotta get in close with a wide angle to get the impact.

the foreground blur is a little harsh, but the bg is v smooth. of all the lenses i ve tried so far, the 135 f2 has the smoothest bg blur. its simply beautiful. i haveny tried the 85 1.4 yet though. hopefully soon =)

also, the 55 and the 50 have very different characters. 50 is more crisp str8 from max and has a cooler rendition. the 55 tends to be warmer, witht he typical 'old school'(abit fuzzy) feel. sadly, they aren't so nice on dx, and my 50 1.2 just sits around most of the time. really hoping to go ff. the 5.8cm is stellar for the feel it can produce though. its always in my bag now cos its got the 85mm eqv FOV.

Finally someone who agrees with me. :)

I m still fishing around for a 85 1.4 AIS, but also looking at converting a minolta MC rokkor 85 1.7.. i think i ll move up to FF first. my fav focal length is still 50mm on ff.

here's afew from the 5.8cm 1.4 again.

at f/2,



at f/1.4


Really like your photos, Ben Ang.. May I know where is the location?

Ben Ang said:
I m still fishing around for a 85 1.4 AIS, but also looking at converting a minolta MC rokkor 85 1.7.. i think i ll move up to FF first. my fav focal length is still 50mm on ff.

here's afew from the 5.8cm 1.4 again.

at f/2,

at f/1.4

Bro, go for it. Changes everything in terms of how you shoot. Every lens will get a new lease of life, as if you suddenly have a whole collection of new lenses all over again!

Really like your photos, Ben Ang.. May I know where is the location?
Thanks! im studying in florida for abit, but will be back in afew weeks.

Bro, go for it. Changes everything in terms of how you shoot. Every lens will get a new lease of life, as if you suddenly have a whole collection of new lenses all over again!

yup. thats exactly what i want! to use my 50 1.2 as a 50mm. i ve picked all my lenses for fullframe, but havent had the $ to jump up yet. i ve been waiting for the d700 replacement for quite abit, hoping to get a used d700 for cheaper, but i m getting v tired of waiting.. might just get one in afew weeks.. ps: anyone wanna d2h? =P

anyway, here's afew more to share. 5.8cm f/1.4 both @ f2



looks like its my new favourite lens! managed to modify it to ai without damaging the lens too.

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Ben Ang: Nice colours!

Starting to venture into manual lenses. Love the built quality, sharpness and PRICE! Here's my take


55mm F2.8 Micro

What other lenses should I not miss out? Say 85/105mm range. I heard 85mm F/2 is very sharp as well.

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Ben Ang: Nice colours!

Starting to venture into manual lenses. Love the built quality, sharpness and PRICE! Here's my take


55mm F2.8 Micro

What other lenses should I not miss out? Say 85/105mm range. I heard 85mm F/2 is very sharp as well.

The 55mm f2.8 Micro is my favourite lens at the moment and always attached to my camera. Agreed with you that its very sharp and value for money though i heard that the f/3.5 version is sharper.

Hi,Mr.Ben Ang,your 50+ years old NIPPON KOGAKU 5.8cm f/1.4 really poison.:sweat: Wide open still got execllent photos.
Would you mind let me know have you modified the effect of the photos? And the vintage single-coating lens is it really can beat nowadays multi-coating lens? Thank you very much. :think:

Another AI 50mm f/1.2 @ f/2


this is the 105mm f2.5 MF lens picture with D700