Unable to surf websites.. :(

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New Member
Jan 17, 2002
Hi all,

My PC at home has this strange problem. I am able to log on MSN and ICQ, but whenever I want to vivist a website, it will show " "Cannot Find Server"...Anyone knows whats wrong????



End task all programs & services un-needed by Windows.

Try to browse to www.mcafee.com and do a system scan. I suspect it's a virus.

Hi !
Just call the ISP you subscribe
Singtel, StarHub or Pacific
If it is Pacific internet, you can call their Technical Helpline
directly : 6336-6622 (24 hrs)
They should be able to help you; small problem :)

using internet explorer? go to tools, internet options. click on the connections tab and then go thru your list of connections. select whichever connection u r using n click on settings.
if u r using broadband, proxy server option should be unchecked.
if u r using dialup, check tat your proxy server is correct.

suspect your firewall settings ... ensure you have configured it correctly or just disable it to check can surf

Goto windows run

type cmd

and then ping www.singnet.com.sg

is there any reply?

then ping

any reply?

if the ip has reply and the domain name dosent, ur dns has some problems..

don't think too much.

sometimes it just happens that there's a network problem with your ISP. like unable to connect to foreign DNS servers... you're accessing clubsnap so that means your internet is still working.. try again tomorrow ?

Try the following:

1. Reboot
2. check config
3. Scan for virus
4. check your firewall settings

When was the last time you were able to access websites using that particular PC?

I have the same problem here in Australia from time to time with my ISP, can connect to local sites but nothing overseas. Just have to disconnect from ISP then connect again and all is well.

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