Too many sub forums

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New Member
Thanks for the great effort. I think this is a good start for a local photography forum. However, I feel that there are too many sub forums. Perhaps it is better to streamline them?

Have lesser forums initially and when posting increased to a point where it is needed, then create more.

Seems like there are a lot of forums now and everyone seems to be scattered everywhere.

Originally posted by cheewee
Thanks for the great effort. I think this is a good start for a local photography forum. However, I feel that there are too many sub forums. Perhaps it is better to streamline them?

Have lesser forums initially and when posting increased to a point where it is needed, then create more.

Seems like there are a lot of forums now and everyone seems to be scattered everywhere.

Hello cheewee ;)

Thanks for the feedback. Perhaps all of us need time to get used to we trying not to run another DC&P but rather to create a dedicated photography forum. The various sub-forums are coined and discussed by the core team as we feel that each of them warrant a sub-forum...perhaps for us we prefer to create more now than later ;)

Just give it some time...;)

Originally posted by cheewee
Thanks for the great effort. I think this is a good start for a local photography forum. However, I feel that there are too many sub forums. Perhaps it is better to streamline them?

Have lesser forums initially and when posting increased to a point where it is needed, then create more.

Seems like there are a lot of forums now and everyone seems to be scattered everywhere.

Agreed! So messy.:(

Think it's alright. We probably need a bit more time to get used to it.

i think "general photography chat" and "technical discussion" are quite similar. maybe we can remove "technical discussion" and rename "general photography chat" to "general photography".

No one knows what is "Banal Talk", look at the number of posts. Rename it to something like " mingling,mingle" , "chit-chit", "Kopi Talk", "Loquaciousness People" or etc...

Just my opinions.


I'm also overwhelmed by the number of sub-forums here. Maybe finetuning their scope will be a good idea.


I still feel there are way too many forums. But if the core members think it is ok, I guess we just have to "get used to it".

Originally posted by cheewee
I still feel there are way too many forums. But if the core members think it is ok, I guess we just have to "get used to it".

Well, anyone wants to give a better suggestion here, other then “too many forums" & "get used to it".

If you feel there are too many forums, which should be cut down, which should be merging together?

We are open to all suggestion.

I understand that regulating a forum is not that simple. Not to mention, it is close to impossible to please everyone. I fully understand this as I run my own non-profit website too.

These are just my humble opinion.
1) Is Forum Feature essential? Does Suggestion Box serve the purpose?

2) I don't understand what is Garbage bin for. Doesn't Testing forum serve the same purpose. If it is really for posting Garbage, what is the rational behind this?

3) I agree that a lot of members don't quite understand Banal Talk. Maybe a more general name?

Just trying to provide some useful feedbank here. I was a little overwhelmed by the numerous forums when I first pop in.

Hi there,

I do agree with cheewee that there are too many sub-forums, as a first-timer it will be very confusing with so many sub-forums. Which one to post to?

Generally when people post they tend to post to the forum with the most number of threads because they will deem that as the most active and hence will get the most response.

Maybe a possible solution is to shorten your annoucement forum move some sub-forum to the back, so that the general discussion will go up higher, or encourage more people to go 1 particular thread for general discussions by highlighting either the general photography chat or newbie chat. Try not to scatter the posts.

Thanks. A job well done! :)


Originally posted by cheewee

These are just my humble opinion.
1) Is Forum Feature essential? Does Suggestion Box serve the purpose?

Generally Forum Feature is for newbies who have trouble using the forums, as well as the administrators to post any new features and enhancements done to the forums.

2) I don't understand what is Garbage bin for. Doesn't Testing forum serve the same purpose. If it is really for posting Garbage, what is the rational behind this?

Garbage is meant for flamewars and other very off topic and undesirable threads.

3) I agree that a lot of members don't quite understand Banal Talk. Maybe a more general name?

As always, we're open to suggestions for a better name. :D

I think general photography chat and banal talk should be combined into as general chat.

Testing and garbage bin can be combined since both are off topic channels.

Originally posted by YSLee
Garbage is meant for flamewars and other very off topic and undesirable threads.

If it is flame baits or undesirable threads, shouldn't it be deleted instead of letting everyone peruse them. :dunno:

To me if it is off topic, how very off topic can it get?

Originally posted by cheewee

If it is flame baits or undesirable threads, shouldn't it be deleted instead of letting everyone peruse them. :dunno:

To me if it is off topic, how very off topic can it get?

Well, look at it this way, If a "flame baits or undesirable threads" is deleted, the person who started it can accuse ClubSNAP of not being Diplomatic, and other users have no clue what is going on will blame ClubSNAP of being double standard.

By moving the thread to the Garbage Bin, if they want to continue, that’s their problem. We can't stop everyone or everything, but that's the lease we can do for preventing "flame baits or undesirable threads" from irritating the rest of the members here.

As for off-topic thread, I believe it have to be on a case-by-case basis. What we practice in ClubSNAP is, before any moderator are allow to move or delete a thread, he need 2 more support vote from the rest of the moderators.

No problem. The committee is free to do whatever they please. I am just pointing out my opinions.

I agree some of the forums be merged.

Originally posted by Megadark
I agree some of the forums be merged.

I know you agree, but Maybe you can be more precise on which should be merge?

Whoa, talk about fast service. Thanks for answering so promptly, Simon. These are my suggestions:

1. Remove "Around the world in 36 exposures". It can fit into almost any forums under the "Photo Gallery" heading.

2. Merge "Newbies corner" with "General Photography Chat". A newbie to one is an amateur to another.

3. Close forums with low volume or it'll turn into a "ghost forum".

3. I should suggest closing "Ready, lights, action" and "Photojournalism" due to the small volume, but I wouldn't. Who knows? They may pick up.

4. Rename "Critique Corner" to "Any Other Shots" so that any photos that do not fit into any of the other forums can be posted here. Also criticisms are more often received than not, even when not invited, and members can seek for advice in any forums here, not just the "Critique Forum".:rolleyes:

5. Change "Equipment & Services Price Bazaar" to "Consumers Corner" because the title sounds misleading. A bazaar is a place to sell things and this site already has "Buy and Sell" for that. Let users know this forum allows us consumers to unite and ensures that we know where to get fair prices.

Whew! I think that's it for now. What about the rest of you guys, whaddaya think?

P.S. I hope this place will be as popular if not more than Hardwarezone. Keep up with the good work ppl. You know I will. :D

Originally posted by Simon

I know you agree, but Maybe you can be more precise on which should be merge?

Hi guys,
have been away from the web quite few weeks, while surfing HWZ, was grad to direct to clubsnap last week. Well done guys......

my 1st impression is : too many sub-forums....i lost in the 1st day
my 2nd time surfing: still lost, all topic scatter around, found same topic in different forum, then some ppl direct some questions to another thread in ANOTHER forum
3rd time, today: still lost....

I think webmaster should seriously consolidate some sub-forum together, i'll not suggest which and which, i think some good suggestion already posted previously in this thread.

It's OK if our club got only a few sub-forum, as long as we all keep the forum alive. take a look at
the forum is need at the topic is clearcut.

yeah i think so too....
now i always use the new posts method to view clubsnap.

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