Whoa, talk about fast service. Thanks for answering so promptly, Simon. These are my suggestions:
1. Remove "Around the world in 36 exposures". It can fit into almost any forums under the "Photo Gallery" heading.
2. Merge "Newbies corner" with "General Photography Chat". A newbie to one is an amateur to another.
3. Close forums with low volume or it'll turn into a "ghost forum".
3. I should suggest closing "Ready, lights, action" and "Photojournalism" due to the small volume, but I wouldn't. Who knows? They may pick up.
4. Rename "Critique Corner" to "Any Other Shots" so that any photos that do not fit into any of the other forums can be posted here. Also criticisms are more often received than not, even when not invited, and members can seek for advice in any forums here, not just the "Critique Forum".
5. Change "Equipment & Services Price Bazaar" to "Consumers Corner" because the title sounds misleading. A bazaar is a place to sell things and this site already has "Buy and Sell" for that. Let users know this forum allows us consumers to unite and ensures that we know where to get fair prices.
Whew! I think that's it for now. What about the rest of you guys, whaddaya think?
P.S. I hope this place will be as popular if not more than Hardwarezone. Keep up with the good work ppl. You know I will.
Originally posted by Simon
I know you agree, but Maybe you can be more precise on which should be merge?