The Random Thread

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But the XMMs accompanied by parents? Haha!!

what kind do you want?

there're products for all market demographics:

- the old uncle
- the pedo bear
- the voyeur
- the cougar hunter

and the list goes on and on hahah

now in math lesson hmm...

i just found out... that my office won't be operating on half-day tomorrow HAHAHA. crap. i would have show up to an empty office HAHAHA.

my office is CLOSED! hooray hoo-ray. more sleep xD


Haha can lah, can tell lame joke can join liao:bsmilie:

Lame jokes a day can keep heart and mind 'healthy' ;)

what kind do you want?

there're products for all market demographics:

- the old uncle
- the pedo bear
- the voyeur
- the cougar hunter

and the list goes on and on hahah

I'm the cougar hunter. You also wat coz you Tok Gong Commando mah :cool:

what? OMG i'm just a normal Signal Spec!

with my beer gut and thick nerdy spectacles...

i'm not brave enough to be a commando~~

Doesn't matter lah.

You're not alone na.

Actually you're 'commando' enough to do (the action as in your avatar) :thumbsup:

Cant wait for my cuz to come bk with my kei bubble tea!!!!!

1 hour 23 minutes and 4 seconds before i can leave the office! woots!

1 hour 23 minutes and 4 seconds before i can leave the office! woots!

count until liddat

You dont like work leh?

There got no chiobu or XMMs to look at meh?;)

i like cougars :bsmilie:

according to SurrealDreamWalker


oh I'm home. sort of. I forgot to bring keys, parents out shopping. now sitting outside house using the WiFi from home. fml

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