The Force is strong here...

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boo also no use.. the tix no matter hw expensive also gt pple go and watch movies one la...

whether they give freebies ornot also gt pple come and see.. cos piracy not very bad in singapore.

like msia, piracy is like a disease, swamp the whole nation.. so by fighting piracy, give freebies to attract pple to come and join lor...

Alamak, BK haven't issue yoda yet, now giving that ugly chewbacca and Milliennum Falcon. The wookie toy looks like those ugly soft toys in movies for pple to write their lovers name on top and poke needles. The falcon looks pretty good tho, with some slightly darker colour air spray on top.


i dont think the passes to the Grand Premiere were actually sold to the public. It was held on 17 May, and organised by RHB bank. Quite a number of Msian celebs were there. I got my pass by winning a radio contest. Security was super tight. Even my chapalang 2 year old no color screen basic model Sony Ericsson T100 had to be sealed up and kept at counter. And in the 20 feet from the cinema lobby to the theater, my backpack was handchecked 3 times and ran through a metal detector twice. I myself was body checked twice plus metal detector. Siao eh?

BurgaFlippinMan said:
i dont think the passes to the Grand Premiere were actually sold to the public. It was held on 17 May, and organised by RHB bank. Quite a number of Msian celebs were there. I got my pass by winning a radio contest. Security was super tight. Even my chapalang 2 year old no color screen basic model Sony Ericsson T100 had to be sealed up and kept at counter. And in the 20 feet from the cinema lobby to the theater, my backpack was handchecked 3 times and ran through a metal detector twice. I myself was body checked twice plus metal detector. Siao eh?

wah... what the...
u all watching a movie or visiting the president...? (j/k) :p

this is real tight security sia... crazy...

togu said:
Alamak, BK haven't issue yoda yet, now giving that ugly chewbacca and Milliennum Falcon. The wookie toy looks like those ugly soft toys in movies for pple to write their lovers name on top and poke needles. The falcon looks pretty good tho, with some slightly darker colour air spray on top.



pls pls pls... BK, can u release yoda tomorrow??

BurgaFlippinMan said:
i dont think the passes to the Grand Premiere were actually sold to the public. It was held on 17 May, and organised by RHB bank. Quite a number of Msian celebs were there. I got my pass by winning a radio contest. Security was super tight. Even my chapalang 2 year old no color screen basic model Sony Ericsson T100 had to be sealed up and kept at counter. And in the 20 feet from the cinema lobby to the theater, my backpack was handchecked 3 times and ran through a metal detector twice. I myself was body checked twice plus metal detector. Siao eh?

Sounds like you are entering the Death Star instead. :sweat:

togu said:
Sounds like you are entering the Death Star instead. :sweat:

:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

china got 2 fake darth vaderss by the main entrance... lol... they arent wearing the official costumes also.. they used those $2 ones.. like those power ranget masks... lol.. hahaha

The path to peace was often unclear, and justice simply a point of view.
More often than not, a Jedi's duty meant putting down the saber and opening the mind.
The Force was not only for defence, but knowledge

sbs99 said:
Hahahaha this one is funny!

now... why oh why din BK pack a leia figurine (in the jaw-dropping gold bikini) in their Kids Pack?? :angel:

togu - any luck finding the yoda figurine today?? i'm going to try my luck after work...

nightwolf75 said:
now... why oh why din BK pack a leia figurine (in the jaw-dropping gold bikini) in their Kids Pack?? :angel:

togu - any luck finding the yoda figurine today?? i'm going to try my luck after work...

I'll try again tonite too. Heheh, I don't think I'll want leia if they pack her up like that chewbacca toy in BK now :think:

togu said:
I'll try again tonite too. Heheh, I don't think I'll want leia if they pack her up like that chewbacca toy in BK now :think:

nah. i only want leia in the gold bikini from return of the jedi.... :heart:

:think: maybe i'll go check out bk after work today too... :bsmilie:

~Arcanic~ said:
:think: maybe i'll go check out bk after work today too... :bsmilie:

dang.... just came back from BK. they are giving out either chewy or the millenenium falcon... no yoda yet.....

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