Tang Shooters XXXV: TCSS Thread...

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soo..kt ...u wanna let go your cammy? d300?:p

Fairy... told u D300 is one cam i wont let go coz i simply love it too much. Moreover there are so many functions that i haven learn within it... Also, it doesnt mean my composition and skills will improve with an upgrade now rite... hee... The only satisfaction i get from an upgrade now is the ownership of a FF cam that is new so feel shiok... for this amt of satisfaction, i cant justify the upgrade.

that's pretty long..:(

whole day refreshing the subscription and new post link..:embrass::bsmilie:

Wahaha... I ish chatting with mollers on msn in morning and afternoon for an hr each... :embrass:

my weekend like no weekend leh..

tmr morning crawl to JB...movie...dinner...
sun morning..crawl out of bed...nite go shoot daughtry...
mon.crawl to work (50% manpower down)...nite crawl to meeting
tue.crawl to work (more than 50% manpower down)...crawl to library
wed.crawl to work (all exhausted)....crawl to get my lens...hopefully
thur.crawl to work (100% manpower again)...crawl to chua chu kang...
fri.crawl to work (heng har..TGIF)...crawl to Bonfire..
sat.crawl to NDP
sun.crawl to doggy show
mon. crawl to work...nite..crawl to chua chu kang.
tue.crawl to wrok..nite..crawl to audit
wed. pengsian....till
sat...crawl to ndp..again..

i need a life!!!!!!!!!:cry:

Fairy... told u D300 is one cam i wont let go coz i simply love it too much. Moreover there are so many functions that i haven learn within it... Also, it doesnt mean my composition and skills will improve with an upgrade now rite... hee... The only satisfaction i get from an upgrade now is the ownership of a FF cam that is new so feel shiok... for this amt of satisfaction, i cant justify the upgrade.

then accompany me go buy lens/cammy? :D

旧camera还是最美 美的东西往往太早obsolete
后悔时的泪水 又特别让人觉得无力buy another回
旧camera还是最美 有时分手不是D300负了D80
两个cameras 却在correct 的时候buy了few 回s

NO CAMERA ISH DE NICE.......auntil ik ish de becum a cameller huan...:sweat:

:sweat:...errr.. hwich Girl Ish Fabulous ahh.....:think:

ooi, you leaving MASter alone ,,,,,, May the forces be with MASter ... :bsmilie:

Yeshz... mei de forces be hwif de MASter..... and de camee ish de be hwif me..........:sweatsm:

oki..tata...going off for my next DESTINATION!

kt...tmr sms me the place to meet tomorrow...
So far i know, it's GV marina at 1600hr yah?:angel:
I think I might lose my way at the mall, so save me!!!

tomorrow BBB at TK??? what time??? :D

Bro, u not in the dinner list ar? How come? If can go BBB then come anniversary dinner lar...

I evening got something on...4-7, end at suntec, that's why din put down name

I evening got something on...4-7, end at suntec, that's why din put down name

now only I see shaw towers -_- thot was vivo or something else that time

Bo nang lah. Where is everyone? Yo yoYO.

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