Tang Shooters Outings: Upcoming Events...

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Wah heroes leh you guys. Sorry man, I fell out half way. Then things didn't really go my way and ended at 6ish, so couldn't join you guys.. :embrass::cry:

Just woke up also.. :embrass:

haha.. no la.. not yet..

nice meeting u guys...the NS/Tekong chit chat along the way was funny and interesting...definitely helps to keep me awake...:D

nice outing with u guys, at least feel less pai sei as when i'm out alone hahah :)

I just woke up !!! wahah

hey all! i couldnt slp well..slpt abt 10 plus woke up 2 plus, just came back from jog...haha
my pics will post pretty later bah...;)

time to lose weight u know...havent been exercising for god knows how long and i am putting on alot of weight :(

the 13hrs sure burned quite abit of fats i hope... a wasted sunrise shoot though!

pierce got his sunrise TFCD!! very garang..shooting directly at them ..redsun u got ur new babe division trooper liao..commando of them all..chiong right in front and snap one haha

time to lose weight u know...havent been exercising for god knows how long and i am putting on alot of weight :(

the 13hrs sure burned quite abit of fats i hope... a wasted sunrise shoot though!

pierce got his sunrise TFCD!! very garang..shooting directly at them ..redsun u got ur new babe division trooper liao..commando of them all..chiong right in front and snap one haha

lol ya the commando!Chiong in front 1:bsmilie:

Clementi Railway track outing Part II
5/6 Jan 2008
Meetup at Clementi MRT


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