Tang Shooters LXXXVII - TCSS Thread...

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Yesh! i quote myself!! :devil:

3rd anni. confirm celebrate! We ish book Sands SkyGarden and do bungee together!! :bsmilie:

Bungee upwards! a.k.a. TONG LE!!!:bsmilie:


wet flyday moanings...nowadays tcss sho wols! :sweatsm:

jimmy apologise for the bruff xmm saga :bsmilie:


Harlow butties

How r you all?Fallen sick for these few days so kinda sucks here.Well i have some great things to share here tho.I have a copy of a video tutorial called " NIKON SCHOOL - Guide to creative lighting"
This particular 2 hour video consist of major guides from Bob Krist - contributor for National Geographic Travel Magazine and he will show you on how to use your Nikon CLS and also basic explanation on how to do your CLS setups on your speedlites eg SB600,SB800,SB900 & SU800.
Also it has a hands-on tutorial where world's famous photographer Joe McNally will show you the recipe of his lighting setups of some of his work in this tutorial video that will defiantly gonna amaze you and get you more inspired.
Any buttie wants a copy of this video tutorial pls Pm me so when i am in Singapore next week,can pass to you butties.Cheers ;)

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Harlow butties

How r you all?Fallen sick for these few days so kinda sucks here.Well i have some great things to share here tho.I have a copy of a video tutorial called " NIKON SCHOOL - Guide to creative lighting"
This particular 2 hour video consist of major guides from Bob Chris - contributor for National Geographic Travel Magazine and he will show you on how to use your Nikon CLS and also basic explanation on how to do your CLS setups on your speedlites eg SB600,SB800,SB900 & SU800.
Also it has a hands-on tutorial where world's famous photographer Joe McNally will show you the recipe of his lighting setups of some of his work in this tutorial video that will defiantly gonna amaze you and get you more inspired.
Any buttie wants a copy of this video tutorial pls Pm me so when i am in Singapore next week,can pass to you butties.Cheers ;)

Buttie..just make a copy and we can SIC! :thumbsup:
You coming back for good? or short stay oni?

Harlow butties

How r you all?Fallen sick for these few days so kinda sucks here.Well i have some great things to share here tho.I have a copy of a video tutorial called " NIKON SCHOOL - Guide to creative lighting"
This particular 2 hour video consist of major guides from Bob Chris - contributor for National Geographic Travel Magazine and he will show you on how to use your Nikon CLS and also basic explanation on how to do your CLS setups on your speedlites eg SB600,SB800,SB900 & SU800.
Also it has a hands-on tutorial where world's famous photographer Joe McNally will show you the recipe of his lighting setups of some of his work in this tutorial video that will defiantly gonna amaze you and get you more inspired.
Any buttie wants a copy of this video tutorial pls Pm me so when i am in Singapore next week,can pass to you butties.Cheers ;)

tfs buttie!! But i like durian more from your place..:D

hurry back here, alot of outhinks, some got balls and sticks. Cocks and shooting.. Later on rolling...:bsmilie:

ola butties!!;p

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