Tang Shooters LXXIV - TCSS Thread...

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Happy Bday PAUL !!!

inspiring pictures billy !! :)

moi back in sg liao, when nxt shoot :) !!!

the temple abit blue also hehe :embrass:

yes, got bluish tinge...:think:

I have deliberately left the color not disturbed....
so that you can see the amount of attenuation that the CPL had created to the shot.


with a little bit of RGB slider control plus slight sharpening.
no burn and dodge was done.

I think it is better now.
thanks for commenting :)

thanks butties for the wishes... just back from Bali.... and is down with diahhroea... sianz!

anybutties interested in a 5DmkII body markins plate can pm mi :), nv use before ... hahahaah
SSS !!!

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goot morning :)

goot morning!
moi leg ish aching after praying soccer yesterday

Bruff chilwren! Moi CSI chiu! Chiu soot babes pray soccer ok!

Oh ya... btw, which xmm watch mobee wib chiu ar? Moi gotch news in edmw chiu ish got xmm lean on u and hug chiu in mobee teeater!

Bruff chilwren! Moi CSI chiu! Chiu soot babes pray soccer ok!

Oh ya... btw, which xmm watch mobee wib chiu ar? Moi gotch news in edmw chiu ish got xmm lean on u and hug chiu in mobee teeater!

goot CSI! :thumbsup:

but hor, nowadays xmms welly fierce. cannot anyhow comment on our butties' pictures. KT2 kenna!:sweat:

but as long as our buttie heypi can riaos. :p

feeling lighter and lighter each day! :rolleyes:

goot CSI! :thumbsup:

but hor, nowadays xmms welly fierce. cannot anyhow comment on our butties' pictures. KT2 kenna!:sweat:

but as long as our buttie heypi can riaos. :p

feeling lighter and lighter each day! :rolleyes:

kt2 kenna?
he kenna huat

goot CSI! :thumbsup:

but hor, nowadays xmms welly fierce. cannot anyhow comment on our butties' pictures. KT2 kenna!:sweat:

but as long as our buttie heypi can riaos. :p

feeling lighter and lighter each day! :rolleyes:

I am not feeling light.. I am happy for Ronald Macdonalds..:heart:

:eek: sho fierce
neber scold her back

no point lor...:sweat: :bsmilie:next time your bro no more xmm shoot if argue back!

its ok to treat us lightly, we ish understand...:embrass:

Moi ish oso harpy por rs kor kor... but but moi ish leed to noe which xmm took moi tong lok away :)

goot CSI! :thumbsup:

but hor, nowadays xmms welly fierce. cannot anyhow comment on our butties' pictures. KT2 kenna!:sweat:

but as long as our buttie heypi can riaos. :p

feeling lighter and lighter each day! :rolleyes:

I ish sho paisey :embrass:

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