Tamron 17-50 with Pentax Mount adapter

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New Member
Sep 14, 2011
Err.. I am not sure whether this thread goes here or in Pentax but basically I would like to ask, I havep come across a really good deal on a Tamron 17-50mm non-VC lens. But it is Canon mount.

Seller says that all I need to do is get a Canon-Pentax adaptor for it to fit my K-r.

Do you guys recommend it?
My concern is, will it affect the IQ? Or are there anything that I will need to look out for doing so?

Thanks for your help..

Losing AF and even probably metering capabilities? The deal might not look so good after this...

Apart from this, I believe aperture control may be also lost...all shots will be wide open at f2.8

Oh wow... That sux.. :( So I guess I'd rather not.

Since I am on this, that means adapters are useful if you are lenses+MF user?

Oh wow... That sux.. :( So I guess I'd rather not.

Since I am on this, that means adapters are useful if you are lenses+MF user?

Normally so as those MF lens I ever saw (with my limited knowledge), these lens comes with manual aperture control...I think there are also some lens that is AF but have manual aperture control too.

(IIRC) some adapters do have electronic components that still allows data to be "sent" to/from the lens<>body for the controlling of the aperture and setting EXIF stuffs.

btw, for this focal range, you might as well consider DA 16-50 which I heard to be a very good lens.

both AF and aperture no control, cause in AF and aperture for pentax control from body, for canon inside lens control by motor drive.

I see... Thank you so much for all your clarifications guys! Girls, if any.. Hee!

Hmm... DA 16-50? Would that be better than a tamron 17-50 Pentax mount?

I see... Thank you so much for all your clarifications guys! Girls, if any.. Hee!

Hmm... DA 16-50? Would that be better than a tamron 17-50 Pentax mount?

I believe reading up the reviews will help abit and renting it also help alot :)

imo, Most reviews online shows 100% crop which kinda piss me off quite alot. In the "real world" usage, I really doubt you will be printing it at a large resolution that requires the 100% of the raw file. Most of the time, the usage of the photos is only for putting on photosharing websites or on facebook which I don't think it's easy to see the difference (if any)

Sorry you can't use a Canon mount lens on a Pentax SLR camera easily, and there is no easy way to 'adapter' it to a Pentax mount one. You better just buy a Pentax mount one, which can be easily found second hand for around $450 to $500 nowadays. Just check out the Pentax buy&sell forum and you can see there are few copies selling there.

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