Standard Photos experience

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Originally posted by Deadly

fotohub is NOT cheaper than Standard Photo/SCC. The 40 cents per 4R is only for a promo period until 14th May.

The online stores in Singapore does not give very good rates. The best one I had was with where I was given 60 free prints for signing up. Ofoto had a very good promo in the begining where it gave away up to 115 free prints but alas, not anymore.

I know abt it, but they using Fuji e-pic mah, publish rate is 50cents, so can get 40cents very good liao. somemore turnaround time is only 1 day. so I think it is quite ok.

Told the guy that 50cents is very expensive, he should permanently lowered it to 40cents.

Maybe I shall negoiate with him.

Q1. Is there a limit to the number of images you can send for digital printing?
(Besides the 100mb limit for Zip disks or CF card memory limit of course.)

Q2. Is there a way to tell them to print more than one copy of a photo?
(A very common request, especially since we do not have negatives like in the case of film.)

Originally posted by etman
Q1. Is there a limit to the number of images you can send for digital printing?
(Besides the 100mb limit for Zip disks or CF card memory limit of course.)

Q2. Is there a way to tell them to print more than one copy of a photo?
(A very common request, especially since we do not have negatives like in the case of film.)

I think there is no limit as a CD of 650 Meg can be send for printing. Try to use 650 instead of those mre uncommon like 800 Meg. May not be compatible with their CD reader.

A way to tell them to prit mutliple copies is to put them in folder with name like [1copy], [2copy] and so on. Or, you can just duplicate the file.

Originally posted by binbeto

I think there is no limit as a CD of 650 Meg can be send for printing. Try to use 650 instead of those mre uncommon like 800 Meg. May not be compatible with their CD reader.

A way to tell them to prit mutliple copies is to put them in folder with name like [1copy], [2copy] and so on. Or, you can just duplicate the file.

Good answer for Q1. A CD beats a Zip disk flat!

But will putting the files in directories like [1copy], [2copy] work?
Duplicating images will cause them to do image processing many times, not a very nice thing to do leh...

Originally posted by etman

But will putting the files in directories like [1copy], [2copy] work?
Duplicating images will cause them to do image processing many times, not a very nice thing to do leh...

I have not tried it but someone here have tried it and it came out well...

Abt the image processing, you are paying for every pic mah. so not to worry.. and all the printing process should be automated. Dun think too much resource will be wated in this way. It is more safer that everything you wanted will be developed, I think.

Originally posted by etman

Q2. Is there a way to tell them to print more than one copy of a photo?
(A very common request, especially since we do not have negatives like in the case of film.)

I just do it the same way as sending film for reprints. I just list all the files in my CD that will be sent for printing into an excel file (could be any text file, just that working with tables easier), 2 columns, Filename & Quantity. Fill in & print it out, fold/cut into jewel case size and insert into jewel case. Then ask lab to follow table just like film reprints.


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