Standard Photos experience

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Originally posted by Falcon

Sorry, I am new to digital printing. When u mean cropping is not the same as adjusting the image size rite? I am currently using ps5. Which tool do you use to crop the picture to exact figure of 1066?? Isit by trial and error? :dunno:

For PS 5,

1) Open the image you want to crop
2) gotto Window > Show Options.
3) Click on the Rectangular Marquee Tool(aka Crop) tool
4) In the Options window, under Style, select Fixed Size
5) Then type in the size you want. e.g., 1600, 1067
6) When you click on the image now, the 1600 x 1067 marquee will appear. You just need to shift it up or down to crop.

You just need to repeat step 6 for every image you open to crop.

Originally posted by Deadly

I was referring to Singapore Colour Centre of course.

I see.. thanks. Sorry to ask, does Standard Photo and Spore Color used the same machine to print? Quality same?

Originally posted by Deadly


confirm that u get 15% discount using the Standard Photo / S'pore Colour Centre VIP card? Applicable to digital photos? I even tried to get free 4R albums but they refused to give me even one! On the contrary, Soo Kee Colour gave me a couple when I processed with them.

I used it on 2 occasions for my digital prints at Raffles Place.

Originally posted by azone

I see.. thanks. Sorry to ask, does Standard Photo and Spore Color used the same machine to print? Quality same?

See earlier posts on the same thread: both are under the same management and it seems all digital photos are sent to their HQ at MacPherson, dunno exact address though.

Originally posted by azone

For PS 5,

1) Open the image you want to crop
2) gotto Window > Show Options.
3) Click on the Rectangular Marquee Tool(aka Crop) tool
4) In the Options window, under Style, select Fixed Size
5) Then type in the size you want. e.g., 1600, 1067
6) When you click on the image now, the 1600 x 1067 marquee will appear. You just need to shift it up or down to crop.

You just need to repeat step 6 for every image you open to crop.

Actually, it's better to use Constrain Ratio instead of Fixed Size,
then it will allow you to choose the size instead of limiting yourself to the 'fixed size'. Following examples assumes ration of 3:2 (4R size)

*Photoshop 5*
Choose Rectgular Marquee Tool
In Options, choose Constrain ratio, enter width:3 height:2
Use mouse to drag area to crop
Then use Image.Crop (Alt I,P) to crop to get the final ratio

*Photoshop 6*
Choose Crop Tool
In Options, enter width '3in' height '2in' resolution blank
(if you don't enter ''in' it assumes you want 3pixels by 2pixels)
Use mouse to select cropping area
Press enter or double click in cropping frame when done

Hi Azone, Willy, thanks for the tips.

Are you guy saying that every pictures I must crop it one by one. Can I crop 100 pictures in one go then review to see any head chop off or not?

Doing one by one is vey time consuming lah! :cry:

Didn't know I act "lao jiao" so well. Hmmms, may be should consider a acting career! :bsmilie:

Originally posted by Megadark

Kevin, I thought you more lao jiao than me.:D Heheh And to think I look up to you as an expert.:p Here's the low down on cropping ratios and print sizes.

Print size____|Ratio

Crop to the correct ratios of pixels of the length: breath of your digtal image. This is to prevent the photo developers from removing essential details from your photo when you give them images of the unsuitable dimensions.

Originally posted by Kevin
Hi Azone, Willy, thanks for the tips.

Are you guy saying that every pictures I must crop it one by one. Can I crop 100 pictures in one go then review to see any head chop off or not?

Doing one by one is vey time consuming lah! :cry:

I think many softwares can do that. Try Irfanview, I always fall back on this freeware in certain times of desperation.

Originally posted by Kevin
Didn't know I act "lao jiao" so well. Hmmms, may be should consider a acting career! :bsmilie:

You are more experienced than me, except maybe not for digital.;p ;)

Originally posted by Kevin
Hi Azone, Willy, thanks for the tips.

Are you guy saying that every pictures I must crop it one by one. Can I crop 100 pictures in one go then review to see any head chop off or not?

Doing one by one is vey time consuming lah! :cry:

If you really want to do that, you can use Photoshop's Actions...
Just start the action recording... then crop one of the photos. Then stop the action.

You can then go File.Automate.Batch to do the same to all your photos. Be sure to choose 'save to another folder' else your originals will be overwritten.

Originally posted by willyfoo

If you really want to do that, you can use Photoshop's Actions...
Just start the action recording... then crop one of the photos. Then stop the action.

You can then go File.Automate.Batch to do the same to all your photos. Be sure to choose 'save to another folder' else your originals will be overwritten.

Thanks, that is very useful.

Originally posted by Kevin
Thanks, there is a Standard Photo near my work place and my collegue got "Network" card that can get discount on normal print. hopefully the discount apply to digital print. I can try it out!:)

Not sure if its the same card, but last time (abt 2 yrs ago) when
I got the discount card from Standard Photo, its not only useful
for prints, you can get discount for stuff like film too! Its also
affliated with some other discount schemes such that you can
get other discounts like hotels overseas etc ...


Dear All,

I have been using 1600x1200 on all my pictures and am going to print them in 4R, wat do I need to tell the shop..??


You do not need to crop the pictures if you don't want to. If you are printing them at a fujifilm epics lab, just tell the lab you want to print at 4dsc size. It is slightly shorter then 4R width wise, and is in 4:3 ratio. Alternatively, you can just tell the lab to print in 4R with no cropping (this applies to all labs). This will leave white borders at the left and right side but it's still better then having some heads rolling on the floor. ;) As I prefer the quality of epics prints and always patronize SooKee or Konota, I never crop my pics and always have them printed in 4dsc.

I just collected mine from konata. The prints looks great. :)

Originally posted by Keito
I just collected mine from konata. The prints looks great. :)

where's Konata and price??

They have an outlet at Peninsula 1st floor. Price is standard for all fujifilm epics outlets, that is, $0.50 per print and $5 handling charge.

Originally posted by ziploc
They have an outlet at Peninsula 1st floor. Price is standard for all fujifilm epics outlets, that is, $0.50 per print and $5 handling charge.

price is not really standard. at least one shop charges only $2 handling charge.

and you could try to bargain somemore ;p

Originally posted by mpenza

price is not really standard. at least one shop charges only $2 handling charge.

and you could try to bargain somemore ;p

Hmm.. is it? Which shop arh?

what is the cost of development 6R @ the above mentioned centers

Fuji/Konota/Sokee : 0.50
Standard Photo: 0.35

Media handling charges applies to some shops
Price list of Fuji can be found in their website

since 6R is in 4:3 and no cropping is needed

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