Sony Cyber-shot DSC-R1, a 10mpixel monster...

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Aug 2, 2003
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Hi Guys,

Read about this baby yet in
Goodness gracious is offering a totally new revolution in the swirl-body of the Fseries.
Could this be another new series away from the famous swirl-body Fseries?

Apart from the 10mpixels that is catchy;
below are some that i found pretty neat...
1) 24mm-120mm (much wider angle)
2) claim to have a better processor and less-power consumption 500shots/charge
3) Bigger LCD (2")
4) LCD can be kept(hide) after use.
for much detail spec in the hardware, pls refer to


Wow! Real cool 10 MP! If this digicam can produce almost noiseless @ ISO 1600 than it's a prosumer killer! Sure must save up and buy!

Well, on paper.....

Likes: ISO 3200, mechanical lens focus ring, larger CCD-> better dynamic range??
Dislikes : f/4.8 at 120mm, no more 3D holographic AF

Hi guys,

From the prospect that Sony is having the 10mpixel sensor, for this new R type. I am quite convince that the Fseries(swirl body) can be going toward the 10mpixels region.
the wider angle for the R1 attracted me, but does it really improve more? Big Sensor on this. Coolios, it look the same size of a DSLR.

I wonder why Sony don't want to get into the DSLR side? Perhaps they are not ready to produce their own lens? but all along they colaborating with Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss Lens to expensive for the community.

They are reserve to use 2" LCD instead of the trend now in 2.5". Why? Power consumption?
i wonder again on how to the LCD swirl on top of the camera?

if you look at the picture carefully, the LCD panel is actually built on top! :bsmilie:

Just adding a few cents into this

It's a very, very interesting camera, with several implications.

Will this be the beginning of a new trend?
Are the chip yields for cmos sensors getting to the point where they will be common place in a prosumer class camera?
If they are then it will be good times for budding digital photographers soon.

Another thing would be the price point of this camera.
Will it be launched at the f828 (1.6+k) price or will it be more expensive?

The only down thing about this whole camera is the max aperture.
I suspect it might be deliberate on the part of sony in some weird product differentiation that they want to achieve (room for improvement on future models?)
It's strange that they reduced the zoom range but reduced the max aperture in the process, doesn't seem quite logical but I don't know lens designs so maybe there's some sort of compromise going on here

If the max aperture was the same as the f828, sony would have a product beyond compare on paper.

Hope that the picture quality lives up to the specs that we see.

radedward said:
Just adding a few cents into this

It's a very, very interesting camera, with several implications.

Will this be the beginning of a new trend?
Are the chip yields for cmos sensors getting to the point where they will be common place in a prosumer class camera?
If they are then it will be good times for budding digital photographers soon.

Another thing would be the price point of this camera.
Will it be launched at the f828 (1.6+k) price or will it be more expensive?

The only down thing about this whole camera is the max aperture.
I suspect it might be deliberate on the part of sony in some weird product differentiation that they want to achieve (room for improvement on future models?)
It's strange that they reduced the zoom range but reduced the max aperture in the process, doesn't seem quite logical but I don't know lens designs so maybe there's some sort of compromise going on here

If the max aperture was the same as the f828, sony would have a product beyond compare on paper.

Hope that the picture quality lives up to the specs that we see.

Think the barrel design is same size as F828, den since F828 sensor is small, it will be able to get F2.8 at tele, cos its same calculation as front element approximate to sensor size, like those 70-200 f2.8 uses 77mm or larger front element to allow more 'light' to pass thru, since f828 only uses a small sensor, a 58mm front element provides enought light to the sensor, the aperture blade at wide open also smaller than the aperture blade of a 70-200f2.8 at f8 i think... (i could be wrong...). This new R1, uses a bigger sensor, so naturally lens design would be changed...

btw this only applicable to prosumer, dslr since the lens is interchangable, they need to calculate base on the 35mm film, unless its made for APS-C or other sensor.

everything looks ok except the LCD..weird location :think:

I am seriously considering this camera. Just need to read more review on it. I am very interested to know how it performs in low light situations (noise). Anybody got any update on the noise issues? Please post here for all. Thanks.

Astin said:
Very rare u will find a Sony product that looks normal...
lolss.:bsmilie: but T series looks super slim..thats quite normal isnt it?:cool:

From the side, it looks like a medium format camera like those Mamiya 645 type. But the price is on the high side, hopefully this cam can produce excellent images @ higher ISO setting. Not just @ ISO 100 or 200 or even 400.

Moonstone said:
From the side, it looks like a medium format camera like those Mamiya 645 type. But the price is on the high side, hopefully this cam can produce excellent images @ higher ISO setting. Not just @ ISO 100 or 200 or even 400.

Since its a APS sized sensor, confirmed it can take good pics at 800-1600iso. I dont know if they had to put extra circuitry in the CMOS to allow a live feed so I cant say if the quality will be as good as a DSLR.

This is the first all-in-one digital camera to utilize a large (APS size) sensor, to be precise a 10.3 megapixel CMOS unit measuring 21.5 x 14.4 mm which is essentially a slightly smaller version of the sensor used in the Nikon D2X

Don't play play wor...

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