Some questions on S5 Pro

Alamak! Looks complicated leh... So many different versions to choose from? And it is intended for use with GIMP, which I don't have. If use as standalone how? After that still need Lightroom or Photoshop or whatever? Hmmmm... maybe ask my friend to be guinea pig first, ha ha!

Thanks all the same :thumbsup:

not complicated lar, download the version for your OS (Windows/Apple/Linux). It can be used as a standalone to save as TIFF/JPEG or as a plugin for GIMP where after tweaking (the control are a little complicated to me) click a button somewhere at the bottom right to load in GIMP for editing.

Here is an update of the noise-level comparison, with the new Lightroom 3.

This is a noisy image processed with Lightroom 2.5:


The same image processed with Fuji's Hyper Utility software:


Finally, the same image converted with Lightroom 3. Yes, noise level is lower but image is also darker - visibly darker than the LR2.5 version and very much darker than the Fuji HU version:


One more version, using Capture One: This version the noise control seems "too good" and image all smooth. Now the hair on his hand removed liao!


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ok, here's the color comparison: Finepix Studio vs UFRaw

Pic Settings: Raw, F2 simulation, aRGB (both converted to sRGB), no sharpening done.

1. Finepix Studio v1.0.2.5

2. UFRaw v0.17 (unsharpened)

Unless one takes a closer look, the two pic could easily pass off as having the same color. UFRaw has done a pretty good job in terms of color retention but still can't compare to the original.

Resolution wise is also limited to the native 6mp resolution (3030 x 2036) compared to Fuji's 4256 x 2848 . Next, there is no sharpening function available, which is why it looks somewhat softer than Fuji whose pic somehow looks sharper despite nothing done.

Add the fact that there is no thumbnail view available (so can only see filenames when opening the files), I'll still prefer to use Fuji's converter. :)

ok, here's the color comparison: Finepix Studio vs UFRaw

Unless one takes a closer look, the two pic could easily pass off as having the same color ... I'll still prefer to use Fuji's converter. :)

Yup, need to look closely but Fuji still better, eg the weeds above the deer antlers, Fuji version richer colours. But in general, I find that with pixs taken in bright sunlight, the difference is not great. It's when taken in difficult lighting conditions that Fuji really outshines the rest.

Thanks for sharing this. Don't think I will download the UFRaw ;-) Keep life simple!

BTW: I just updated earlier post with one version using Capture One RAW conversion - and hair removal - software! Walao!

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Yup, need to look closely but Fuji still better, eg the weeds above the deer antlers, Fuji version richer colours. But in general, I find that with pixs taken in bright sunlight, the difference is not great. It's when taken in difficult lighting conditions that Fuji really outshines the rest.

Thanks for sharing this. Don't think I will download the UFRaw ;-) Keep life simple!

No prob.;) the colors are pretty close when viewed small but not good enough. I still prefer fuji's color of the deer :) .

Actually, the processing time isn't that long after i upgraded my pc :bsmilie:

BTW: I just updated earlier post with one version using Capture One RAW conversion - and hair removal - software! Walao!
I think hairy ladies will like it :bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie:

No prob.;) the colors are pretty close when viewed small but not good enough. I still prefer fuji's color of the deer :) .

Actually, the processing time isn't that long after i upgraded my pc :bsmilie:

Yes, the Fuji colors more lively, other one a bit dull.

And yes, one of my friends also upgraded his PC - to "super high-end standards" - and he also said the Fuji software not so slow now. I am still using my 3 or 4 year old Mac :(

Yes, the Fuji colors more lively, other one a bit dull.

And yes, one of my friends also upgraded his PC - to "super high-end standards" - and he also said the Fuji software not so slow now. I am still using my 3 or 4 year old Mac :(

me on budget, my cpu costs only S$173 :p It's intel's i3-530, the lowest of their i-series. Can't imagine the how fast it would be for their >4Ghz 6-core i7-980x :bigeyes:

I think some of us are getting abit out of topic here with the discussion going on not pertaining to the TS's question... no offence in bringing this up though..

I think some of us are getting abit out of topic here with the discussion going on not pertaining to the TS's question... no offence in bringing this up though..

not at all :)
That's bcoz TS has become a proud owner of S5pro and the topic somehow shifted to the difference between Fuji raw converter and 3rd party ones :bsmilie:

No worries, the discussion helped me(and other s5pro user) understand the camera/software better anyways :)

Btw, I have got a copy of the Hyper utility. So all you do with it is to convert Raw to tiff, so as to retain the colour/keep noise minimal? Other than that i did not see any special functions...Might be wrong..:dunno:


No worries, the discussion helped me(and other s5pro user) understand the camera/software better anyways :)

Btw, I have got a copy of the Hyper utility. So all you do with it is to convert Raw to tiff, so as to retain the colour/keep noise minimal? Other than that i did not see any special functions...Might be wrong..:dunno:


Yup. I don't have Hyper Utility so I don't know what other things it can be used for. One of my friends in the C camp is also using manufacturer's software to convert his raw images before editing in photoshop bcoz of color rendering issues, so I think it's pretty normal ;p

Is the Hyper Utility able to switch between different film simulation modes (e.g. from F2 to F1b)? And also change WB while retaining the film simulation settings? Finepix Studio can't, for sure. :(

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No worries, the discussion helped me(and other s5pro user) understand the camera/software better anyways :)

Btw, I have got a copy of the Hyper utility. So all you do with it is to convert Raw to tiff, so as to retain the colour/keep noise minimal? Other than that i did not see any special functions...Might be wrong..:dunno:


I use Hyper Utility to make other adjustments as well - exposure (sensitization), color temperature, curve, etc. etc. Yes it can also let you play play with other film simulation modes but I hardly ever do that, for me usually "standard" mode is good enough.

Depending on the pix, sometimes I find Hyper Utility is good enough for final result, sometimes I do further adjustments on Lightroom and Nik software.

The adjustments available on Hyper Utility, however, as just general adjustments. Nothing like clone / healing brush etc to touch up photo. So in that sense, correct, nothing special. Oh yes Hyper Utility also can crop photos, but to this day I dunno how to do that :sweat:

I use Hyper Utility to make other adjustments as well - exposure (sensitization), color temperature, curve, etc. etc. Yes it can also let you play play with other film simulation modes....

Hi Richard, so are you able to retain the film simulation settings if you change exposure (sensitization), WB (color temperature), curve, etc. For Finepix Studio, once I start changing any settings, I'll lose the film simulation effect which is really stupid! :thumbsd::thumbsd::thumbsd:

Hi Richard, so are you able to retain the film simulation settings if you change exposure (sensitization), WB (color temperature), curve, etc. For Finepix Studio, once I start changing any settings, I'll lose the film simulation effect which is really stupid! :thumbsd::thumbsd::thumbsd:

Errr... I not sure what you mean but yes I find some stupid things happening too.

Eg if I am on standard mode and I adjust temperature, sensitization, etc and then I go to one of the film simulation modes.... WALAO! All my other settings change and I need to adjust all over again.

I think the settings change to the last time I used that particular mode. Eg if my current color temperature is 5000K, but the last time I used Pro Negative film simulation was color temperature 3000K, then when I switch to Pro Negative, I need to re-adjust the color temperature. And so on.... This can be a bit (a lot) troublesome if just want to try try and see the effect. Because if I don't like what I see then I have to go back and start all over again.

Hyper Utility is not exactly a user-friendly software. Argh!!!!

Errr... I not sure what you mean but yes I find some stupid things happening too.

Eg if I am on standard mode and I adjust temperature, sensitization, etc and then I go to one of the film simulation modes.... WALAO! All my other settings change and I need to adjust all over again.

so after adjusting all over again, will it still be in the film simulation mode you have chosen? mine can't, it is either camera setting or custom setting cannot co-exist together. :(

If you wanna try an S5 pro. Camera rental does carry it. I got the notification that they have started to carry it through their email service.

Perhaps you might wanna give them a call?:)

wow Richard you become fuji new spokesmen *thumbs up! i do encounter wad you mentioned abt the WB also. after tt i fed up shoot AWB. my S5pro gets it right 90% of the time!