Some questions on S5 Pro

S5 no doubt has been a great companion to me when to comes to colors. lately i have decided to sell it off, but its still with me. then again the question comes back to me, so what body am i going to use next? would it be any better than S5?

S5 no doubt has been a great companion to me when to comes to colors. lately i have decided to sell it off, but its still with me. then again the question comes back to me, so what body am i going to use next? would it be any better than S5?

haa..yeah..thats why most will buy another body but still retain the s5pro..

haa..yeah..thats why most will buy another body but still retain the s5pro..

this is so true. the pics are really marvellous esp when i pair it with the 105mm ais f2.5, the legendary portrait lens. one word to describe it, "Heavenly"

recently i acquired a vivitar 135mm, i felt that the vivitar is better than the 105mm :] maybe because of the reach too.

recently i acquired a vivitar 135mm, i felt that the vivitar is better than the 105mm :] maybe because of the reach too.

have yet to try vivitar 135mm. :) can email me the pics u taken with tat lens? sent u pm

i thought i should just upload and post here bah..

just a humble shot of this nice lotus :]


Gd fine details of the petals

Hi all, Just became a proud owner of the s5 last weekend. Lovely camera, just have to get used to the controls. And the dynamic range is so good that it makes the photo looks like HDR..gotta tone it down a bit i guess :) Now how about telling us what genre of photography you used the S5 for and what settings you prefer? :) Thanks again Guys.

Congrats and welcome to the S5 "club". My recommendations / suggestions as follows:

1. Shoot raw (plus JPEG if you wish). Sure, the raw files are huge and the jpeg files are generally excellent. But you will never know when you will shoot that A* photo (that might win you a competition or whatever) and when you do, you will want the raw file to get the very best out of that pix. You will also never know when you, or the camera, might make a mistake and, eg, produce "avatar" skin with blue tone etc. Always shoot raw for best results and for kiasu-ness.

2. Get a copy of Fuji's Hyper Utility software for raw conversion. A bit hard to find, but look for it. It is a slow software (unless you have a super-fast computer like one of my S5 user friends do) and quite a pain to use. But for really important pixs, it is worth the pain and the effort.

3. Eventually try to shoot in MANUAL mode. This takes confidence and getting used to. But the results will be more consistent, especially in difficult lighting situations. (It took me nearly two years to switch to fully manual and I still make mistakes, eg forget to change settings etc, but my image quality is now much more consistent, no more some bright some dark, some warm some cool, etc).

4. Join other S5 and Fuji shooters to share knowledge, experience and the joy of photography. You will find a group of us at the Esplanade Outdoor theatre (and sometimes Esplanade Concourse indoors) usually at the front row with long lenses (Nikon 70-300 or 80-400) - practically EVERY saturday evening. We learn a lot from each other, grew to become good buddies and have great fun. Do join us.

i thought i should just upload and post here bah..

just a humble shot of this nice lotus :]


Nice pix and yes, nice, fine details. The Vivitar is a manual-focus lens, I suppose? Just wondering... how come next to lotus got a blade of long grass looks like lallang? Usually lotus flowers all surrounded by round round leaves mah!

Anybody noticed that when you changed the mode from STD to F1a/b/ or F2, the filename in the CF card changes?

Is there anyway to change it?

Here is my contribution for my S5Pro with Tamron 200-500mm on bird photography:



Is there anywhere to get a new S5 pro?:bsmilie:
I love Nikon and Fuji...getting a S6 Pro,7 Pro etc would be a dream come true...wahaha...any announcement yet?it's been so long....

Below is to showcase the sheer dynamic range of s5pro. Shot straight into the sun. single raw file.


Some shots today.. see how much shadow details (top branch) i can recover from JPG alone..


S5 Pro and Nikkor 24mm F1.4:heart:

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What mode did you use in the s5pro when shooting with 24 f1.4? All my pictures taken with nano lenses seems a little too saturated.