Simple shibari gun girl [nude]

well, there was no need to link it to FB in that case.

these pictures, reminds me of those olden days, before i was born, when one steps into this circus ground and rushed to this pictorial promising nude women for a pence or two.

men of all kinds would dig into their pockets for a view of their lifetime once they pass the black shroud over the entrance. once they enter the entrance, they rushed forth to see plenty of those who have already been hawking over others. what was the thrills ... those who were in the rear would try to push their ways front, fighting for space.

only when they reached the front, it was neither a stage nor a gallery but a keyhole to have a peep for CKP (chi ko peh).

sorry lah.... really anti-climax.

Nice try on this shoot and I quite like the shots although there is no face.. makes people feel curious how she really looks like.. :)
I think maybe the picture will look even nicer if there is no censorship.

Next the fact it is a shibari shot, the focus is one the tying. Not the model's expression as most would like to see, including her nipples and such. If it is one picture with the face cropped off, that will be a bad edit on my part, but if it is generally so for all, then dun you see that it was intentional and from a very different point of view?

If your focus is on shibari then there are ways to position your model so that the face is not directly visible. I'd find it nicer to have a hint of the face, or just the back, rather than a face chopped off.

Public place?! In singapore?! :sweat:
I think both model n photog are quite brave!

Usually people will find it hard to accept unconventional compositiom,
Poses, cropping, editing.... Too many times such posts degemerate into a clamour
On the insignificant details and many viewers miss the point the photog was trying to make in the first place. It is unfortunate that many comments choose to focus on nipples and censorship as opposed to the weightage of the entire photograph.

Ah well, what can you do.... The people demand nipples....
And thats the way the cookie crumbles... :bsmilie:

Still upon a second look at the series... I maintain my opinion of liking the photos, censorship, cropping, warts amd all.

can get famous.... 4 language newspapers + teevee. wow. it's real cheap advertisement.

Everything looks so wrong.. Cropping is one thing... Ur place & lighting looks like a rape screen.. :(

dun get caught by police... can be sued. :)

Ya. That one I know.. thanks ;)

But it's quite surprising how people can walk pass without knowing... hahahaha:bsmilie::angel:

Hi, I was kind of disappointed when the 'nude' isn't nude at all. I would rather have the model holding to something to 'hide' the sensitive parts if the intent is not to show them. :dunno:

I would rather have the model holding to something to 'hide' the sensitive parts if the intent is not to show them. :dunno:
Shibari is about bondage, which means: immobilize the model. No chance to hold anything with your hands firmly tied to your back.

Shibari is about bondage, which means: immobilize the model. No chance to hold anything with your hands firmly tied to your back.

Thanks Octarine for your highlight.

In Shibari, there is generally 2 schools of thought - Japanese (Asian) and Western. Both approach it different though the techniques are roughly the same. The Japanese usually use it to gain pleasure through pressure and strain, while the Western usually use it for immobilisation or decorative. So depends on which angle you see it... I tend to have use both schools of thoughts, since I love them both anyways...

Look out for upcoming previews/shoot too. :)

Actually, I'm wondering about the weapon of choice. The pre 20th century pistol doesn't seem to blend well with the modern white boots, a Jap blade could be more ideal but that's just me :)

Nice use of smoke, adds mystic to the series. There must have been a lot of insects huh?

I can understand your stand on censoring out the sensitive parts due to the general forum here but it's always a pleasure to view the intended works as the compositions now look a little off.

Actually, some of us could actually know her if she's a hired model, the lips ;)

The pic is nice but the editing make it look sad lo.

May I know where this shot took place?


I do agree with you that there are minors here who will still go look at it, but the fact that you are posting photos of the shibari gun girl who is scantily clad and the word [nude] already has forewarned them about the consequences of viewing these photos. Anyway, anyone can get tons of such photos using google, so even if one is a minor, there is nothing to hide when you come onto this World-Wide-Web. The only protection now is appropriate supervision.

Also, the links here already created another layer of warning according to CS's policy, so I don't think there is anything wrong in posting a full nude photo without PS with model's face here.

There is also no necessity to link your photos to FB, thus I don't see why you should PS those sensitive parts and cropped the model's face away, unless model has requested to do so.

Now, in my honest opinion, is that whether your photos can be widely accepted by viewers here. It seems that most of us cannot just concentrate on the rope tying and ignore the overall feel of the photo. If not, why don't you just show your take of rope tying without the model? Shibari includes rope tying and models face and other parts of the body to give an overall feel to work. I am afraid I cannot just concentrate on the ropes and ignore the rest of the photo.

If you do a search on Wikipedia for Shibari, you will see what I mean. The photo shown is not sensored at all. Model's face, vital parts and the ropes are all shown to give the overall effect of bondage for a pleasure. I don't think any minor will be protected against this (Wikipedia for sure). I can only iterate, again, the importance of appropriate supervision and explanation to therm if you are concerned about minors.

The censorship was done on a blanket edit or else my facebook site will be reported. There are still minors in here who will still go look at it. If you look at my other photos, most are obviously edited for, like Long Thai Bean put it "general consumption".

Next the fact it is a shibari shot, the focus is one the tying. Not the model's expression as most would like to see, including her nipples and such. If it is one picture with the face cropped off, that will be a bad edit on my part, but if it is generally so for all, then dun you see that it was intentional and from a very different point of view?

On the censorship, I do have my inkling to show them, but it was also to take a different angle of edit and pursuit. Why restrict ourselves to one way when it is to explore new controversial edits and portrayal? In terms of 'controversial', I believe I got my results. :)

Now, just sit back, relax and enjoy the rope tying... besides, it was done in public, in full view of people who actually took notice their surroundings... we were there for a good 3 hrs in a reasonably public place with good human and vehicle traffic flow... yet no one actually saw us... that's what I call brave.. not to me as a photographer or whether it will be put in full glory online... how many of your girls are willing to do that, especially in sg...

End of the day, all feedbacks comments are welcomed. And glad all bros/sis took the point to point what left a good or bad taste in their mouth :) More themed shoots coming out in tune with what I do... wayward... :)

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I do agree with you that there are minors here who will still go look at it, but the fact that you are posting photos of the shibari gun girl who is scantily clad and the word [nude] already has forewarned them about the consequences of viewing these photos. Anyway, anyone can get tons of such photos using google, so even if one is a minor, there is nothing to hide when you come onto this World-Wide-Web. The only protection now is appropriate supervision.

Also, the links here already created another layer of warning according to CS's policy, so I don't think there is anything wrong in posting a full nude photo without PS with model's face here.

There is also no necessity to link your photos to FB, thus I don't see why you should PS those sensitive parts and cropped the model's face away, unless model has requested to do so.

Now, in my honest opinion, is that whether your photos can be widely accepted by viewers here. It seems that most of us cannot just concentrate on the rope tying and ignore the overall feel of the photo. If not, why don't you just show your take of rope tying without the model? Shibari includes rope tying and models face and other parts of the body to give an overall feel to work. I am afraid I cannot just concentrate on the ropes and ignore the rest of the photo.

If you do a search on Wikipedia for Shibari, you will see what I mean. The photo shown is not sensored at all. Model's face, vital parts and the ropes are all shown to give the overall effect of bondage for a pleasure. I don't think any minor will be protected against this (Wikipedia for sure). I can only iterate, again, the importance of appropriate supervision and explanation to therm if you are concerned about minors.

Thanks bro for your advise. will keep that in mind for the next few shoots.. IF i can convince them for this genre of shoot in the first place... hahaha...

The Smoke really dun work for me. It looks like the model is farting. A case of putting too many elements into one shoot n hoping it works.