Should I get a Mac?

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how many of us have heard this before? someone raises a topic, for example, this one "Have been thinking of getting a Mac? Any strong reasons to move to Mac? Mac users out there, any opinions other than form factor?"

while the Mac users will be sharing their insights and experience on the platform - afterall, who else would do so - inevitably there will be some guy(s) who have negligible knowledge on the system (aka going into the Apple reseller, touch touch the keyboard, cannot find the right-click button, declares the Mac a frivolous, fanciful computer for act-cool people).

haha i agree i'm being wu-liao with this post, but i suppose this is the kind of answer that befits some of the posts here.

I can share with you the joys of using the PC if you have the time...

Mac is not frivolous. It can hold it's own. It is superior for certain tasks. But it is fanciful and it attracts the act-cool people. :bsmilie:

I can share with you the joys of using the PC if you have the time...

Mac is not frivolous. It can hold it's own. It is superior for certain tasks. But it is fanciful and it attracts the act-cool people. :bsmilie:

yes, we know pc has its joy of usage too.. but if u were to kindly read post #1 again.. u probably would understand why its noted that you aren't responding to the queries by TS nor has your contribution been of any use.

oh yeah.. FYI, act cool ppl buy either the ferrari or lamborghini notebooks.. who cares about apple anyway..

Maybe 1 button usage has something that I dunno?
the 1 button was dated back to the 1st Macintosh in '83 (cost more than S$10k!). The masses had no clue of what a mouse is & apple wants to make it as easy & painless for everyone when they use a GUI compter. So the birth of 1 button mouse was born & apple has kept this philosophy for decades until recently...

need to rem back then, all computers uses some form of Disk Operating Sys. Apple has its Apple DOS, Commodore64 had its own DOS, MS DOS, etc. So apple with its GUI & mouse were revolutionary & the millions of graphics pro & DTP artists started from there.

personally i find the 2 button & a scroll wheel most productive. the mighty mouse actually annoyed me with its 360 ball, doesn't have the feel when i scroll things & not accurate.

Just FYI


xserve raid


OS X server

remote desktop

web objects

and guess what?

Apple servers look cool as well, talk about product design


I can share with you the joys of using the PC if you have the time...

Mac is not frivolous. It can hold it's own. It is superior for certain tasks. But it is fanciful and it attracts the act-cool people. :bsmilie:
please lor.

as mentioned in post #64, a Mac is also a PC (personal computer), albeit an Apple-labeled one.

thank you, don't need to share with me, i'm also a PC user, and i'm also a Windows user. thanks.

please..back to #1

please lor.

as mentioned in post #64, a Mac is also a PC (personal computer), albeit an Apple-labeled one.

thank you, don't need to share with me, i'm also a PC user, and i'm also a Windows user. thanks.

please..back to #1

Don't say I never offer... ;p

Went to try a Mac and noticed certain features which PC shd really have

1. EXPOSE is one of the most interesting tools. It is easy and convenient for pp like me who tend to open a lot of folders or applications. In PC, it is not as convenient during these kind of scenario. en

2. Second thing is that yeah, it seems to work more efficiently than PC during multitasking. Dun seem to slow down unlike PC.

3. Safari seems to be super fast in terms of downloading and graphical websites. However, noticed that it conflict with certain website cause the website is configured to IE explorer. Problem with some of my company's system:(

4. Colour seems more acccurate also although the system was not configured with any monitor calibration system.

Thanks for all the tips and guidance. Please keep your information coming. Still evaluating the system.

Maybe PC also got Expose-like shareware?

Some of the websites I went it will not load with Safari and give error message like "... support only IE and Firefox." This is true with some companies customised app that detect the browsers.

I think those website can be loaded with Safari just that the programmer dunno why go and write few lines of code to detect the browser and dun proceed if it is not IE or FF :angry:

Went to try a Mac and noticed certain features which PC shd really have

1. EXPOSE is one of the most interesting tools. It is easy and convenient for pp like me who tend to open a lot of folders or applications. In PC, it is not as convenient during these kind of scenario. en

2. Second thing is that yeah, it seems to work more efficiently than PC during multitasking. Dun seem to slow down unlike PC.

3. Safari seems to be super fast in terms of downloading and graphical websites. However, noticed that it conflict with certain website cause the website is configured to IE explorer. Problem with some of my company's system:(

4. Colour seems more acccurate also although the system was not configured with any monitor calibration system.

Thanks for all the tips and guidance. Please keep your information coming. Still evaluating the system.
very good observance, given the short time i assumed you had with the machine. did you have a problem with the one-button mouse operation? ( :p just kidding)

another thing you'll notice is ... start-up time remains more or less the same no matter how long you've been using it. there's no noticeable progressive slowdown, unlike other OS eg. Windows. i've also known of users who never restarted their Macs in weeks, some even months without experiencing any slow-downs or problems. or the need to.

maintenance is mainly fuss-free, nothing that you can't do without that's not available as freeware. if you purchased Apple Care, it comes with Techtool Deluxe, and that's more or less all you need if you are the bo-chup type.

another one i can think of ... installing and uninstalling applications is mainly idiot-proof. if you can do drag-n-drop, that's all you need to know most of the time.

in other words, it's very hard to crash the Mac lor. thumbs-up to those who manage to do that unwittingly.

Maybe PC also got Expose-like shareware?

Some of the websites I went it will not load with Safari and give error message like "... support only IE and Firefox." This is true with some companies customised app that detect the browsers.

I think those website can be loaded with Safari just that the programmer dunno why go and write few lines of code to detect the browser and dun proceed if it is not IE or FF :angry:
cos the designer very 'eem-jim', wanna make sure the design looks the same as it does on his/her IE. or never bothered to test compatibility on Safari, so just put a disclaimer Safari not supported. truth is, market share of Safari users isn't that great yet.

another thing you'll notice is ... start-up time remains more or less the same no matter how long you've been using it. there's no noticeable progressive slowdown, unlike other OS eg. Windows. i've also known of users who never restarted their Macs in weeks, some even months without experiencing any slow-downs or problems. or the need to.

maintenance is mainly fuss-free, nothing that you can't do without that's not available as freeware. if you purchased Apple Care, it comes with Techtool Deluxe, and that's more or less all you need if you are the bo-chup type.

another one i can think of ... installing and uninstalling applications is mainly idiot-proof. if you can do drag-n-drop, that's all you need to know most of the time.

I like this 2 points

Last time having a Windows, everytime when I came home from photoshoot and wanted to backup the photos immediately, I will have to boot up my Windows PC, go and do other things while it loaded as it booted slower and slower after a period of time. It was very irritating. Initially, the boot up speed was pretty fast.

I like the maintenance free as I am lazy and bo chup so I dun need to tweak registry, defrag, scan for virus etc. I haven't been meddling with the system files and never defrag for at least 2 years and the speed seem to remain almost the same as I first bought it.

I like this 2 points

Last time having a Windows, everytime when I came home from photoshoot and wanted to backup the photos immediately, I will have to boot up my Windows PC, go and do other things while it loaded as it booted slower and slower after a period of time. It was very irritating. Initially, the boot up speed was pretty fast.

I like the maintenance free as I am lazy and bo chup so I dun need to tweak registry, defrag, scan for virus etc. I haven't been meddling with the system files and never defrag for at least 2 years and the speed seem to remain almost the same as I first bought it.

:bsmilie: when the Windows PC is still brand new, freshly formatted and installed, boot-up time is a breeze. when it gets older, boot-up time is the time i take to switch on the fan, turn on the tv, take a drink. then when it becomes slower and slower, i rather turn it on and then go straight for a shower first hehe. after that run all the maintenance tasks and take dinner first. THEN can finally use the computer :bsmilie:

with the Mac, i come home - put the Mac out of sleep mode - screen comes to live - see the wireless icon activate - straight away can surf, play iTunes or do the stuff i want to do.

i also agree with you , i don't really miss all the tweak registry, defrag, scan, meddle with system files thingy.

very good observance, given the short time i assumed you had with the machine. did you have a problem with the one-button mouse operation? ( :p just kidding)
Actually, i had a few irks abt the system.

No 1. - The mouse
I was quite frustrated with the one button system. I also noticed that the apple mouse is hardly ergonomical. The movement of the mouse is also relatively sluggish. I once had to change my mouse to a very ergonomical mouse as my finger was strained and swollen for more than 3 months without knowing the reason why. The doctor told me it was due to stress from mouse usage (and I thought my mouse was quite ergonmical). My finger finally recovered when I switched to a hundred over dollar mouse.

No 2. In PC, I can just download the image to a folder and straighhtway browse in the windows fax viewer. I can scroll through the image and browse through conveniently. It was even made better in Vista where they include the ctrl + and - functions of Photoshop (Smart move). However, this is not possible for Mac. U must download it into the I photo first before this could be made possible.

6 pages still haven't decide to buy ah?

IMHO, It's worth right down to the single cent.

I've a Mac Mini that's two years old. These two years, there was ZERO incident of troubleshoting and ZERO incident of virus/spyware infection. Crash I experience ONE time.

The thing with Mac is, if there's something wrong, it's almost 100% to be a hardware fault. Reason being the OS is too stable already. On Windows, there are so many things that can contribute to a fault, OS and hardware.

One of the reasons why Macs don't slow down after prolong usage is because of the amazing memory management. On a Windows machine, even when 1'm super sure I have enough RAM, I sometimes might get the Out Of Memory error pop up. That's ridiculous.

Also, I've never seen any Mac users complain about their Macs.

There are only 2 situations I won't recommend Mac. If you need specialized software that don't have Mac versions and if you are a hardcore gamer. Sure you can install Windows using Bootcamp. But I'm one that don't tolerate inconvenience. E.g. I find something like holding down the Alt key when starting up to boot into Windows inconvenient, even if it's just a button. Haha.

(Recently just bought a Mac Pro too)

Actually, i had a few irks abt the system.

No 1. - The mouse

No 2. In PC, I can just download the image to a folder and straighhtway browse in the windows fax viewer......

I sold the Apple Mighty Mouse the day after I got my new Mac. That says a lot about how I feel about that mouse.

For No 2. You still do the same thing in Mac but the software is different, called Preview.

Actually I can't emphasize the lack of virus/spyware/troubleshooting/defragmentation more.

Even when you get a brand new PC with state of the art components, if you're still running Windows, you'll still have to go through the virus/spyware/troubleshooting/defragmentation

Maybe PC also got Expose-like shareware?

Some of the websites I went it will not load with Safari and give error message like "... support only IE and Firefox." This is true with some companies customised app that detect the browsers.

I think those website can be loaded with Safari just that the programmer dunno why go and write few lines of code to detect the browser and dun proceed if it is not IE or FF :angry:

Sure have Expose-like software. Windows support ALL sorts of software. hahah.

I don't use Safari though I have a Mac. Not as feature rich as FF

:bsmilie: when the Windows PC is still brand new, freshly formatted and installed, boot-up time is a breeze. when it gets older, boot-up time is the time i take to switch on the fan, turn on the tv, take a drink. then when it becomes slower and slower, i rather turn it on and then go straight for a shower first hehe. after that run all the maintenance tasks and take dinner first. THEN can finally use the computer :bsmilie:

with the Mac, i come home - put the Mac out of sleep mode - screen comes to live - see the wireless icon activate - straight away can surf, play iTunes or do the stuff i want to do.

i also agree with you , i don't really miss all the tweak registry, defrag, scan, meddle with system files thingy.

Mac User : "What is Tweak Registry, Defrag, scan, meddle with system files thingy?"

PC User : "Oh that is to speed up my PC."

Mac User : "Oh really?" I didn't know you need all that to speed up your PC."

PC User : "Yeah after a while when a PC never reboot, all my memory and other shi* slows down the PC."

Mac User : "Oh really? Doesn't seem to be able to do all that on my Mac. My Mac always remain constantly at the same speed even after 2 weeks without rebooting. It does not slow down"

PC User : "You sure?"

Mac User : "Well you want to try it?"

PC User : "Sure. Thanks!"

2 weeks later........

Mac User : "So how was it?"

PC User : "Well, I haven't rebooted the system as yet. And it's still running the same speed weeks ago. Working with Photoshop was a breeze. I could download thousands of files at the same time without slowing down the processor. Wow.....this Mac is fantastic! I wish PC would be like this. No need wasting time rebooting, defrag and other shi*........"

Mac User : "Then what are you waiting for?" Switch lar........"

PC User : "I am use to 2 click mouse. Can I connect that on a Mac?"

Mac User : "Sure! You definately can do that. In fact I am using a Razor Diamond Back for my Mac Pro. Plus I still can switch to a XP/Vista platform on the Mac if I want to."

PC User : "Wow, you mean you can run XP/Vista on a MAC?"

Mac User : "Yeah man. Here, this is how I can switch to XP/Vsita."

PC User : "Cooooooooooool! Time to get a MAC!":bsmilie:'s a joke.....please take this lightly.....!

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