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Great work from the master again- clubgrit

kiumjoon- Pic 1 & 3

Very nice !!! Can I ask which film did u used for pic number 3??? looks great


yashica 124G with fuji velvia.

dunno what went wrong with the shots. i realise my photos turns out splotchy. do u guys think that it is caused by condensation after i took the film out from the fridge? but the film was left at room temp for awhile before i load them and they were in the camera for a few days before i went to shoot with them.

clubgrit : Thank you!
nordleadx : Thanks! Film used was ilford xp2.

Hey flipfreak, you must be scanning your photos with an epson scanner?
You can't use "Dust Removal" when your are scanning b/w negatives. Turn it off and it will be fine, nothing to do with your film.

dunno what went wrong with the shots. i realise my photos turns out splotchy. do u guys think that it is caused by condensation after i took the film out from the fridge? but the film was left at room temp for awhile before i load them and they were in the camera for a few days before i went to shoot with them.

look at the shadow area of her hair ...


his feet ....


Hey flipfreak, you must be scanning your photos with an epson scanner?
You can't use "Dust Removal" when your are scanning b/w negatives. Turn it off and it will be fine, nothing to do with your film.

hi kiumjoon. thanks for the advice. i was suspecting it had to do with my scanner but i only used dice. do u think it will make any difference if i don't use that? it did appear like a software problem initially but it didnt appear in all the pics. tats why i was quite confused.

The dust removal, DICE or ICE or canon FARE can't work on B&W film. That's the general rule of scanning negatives and you might want to take note. Scratch/dust removal only works on colour negatives/positives. That's because of the algorithm used by all the scanners.

Hope that helps.

The dust removal, DICE or ICE or canon FARE can't work on B&W film. That's the general rule of scanning negatives and you might want to take note. Scratch/dust removal only works on colour negatives/positives. That's because of the algorithm used by all the scanners.

Hope that helps.

thanks! gonna rescan them later.;)

don't use D-ICE. Go to cathay and buy yourself a pair of anti static gloves + anti static brush.

It can easily get rid of 80-90% of the dust that would other wise be present in your scan. Not to mention it'll save you tons of time scanning too!

I agree too, I would not recommend using these options for dust or noise removal, on either B&W or color. And enivre's advice is good too, anti-static gloves especially are a necessity for handling negatives, and the microfibre cloth for a quick wipe of the scanner. Then just remove the hair or dust that still manage to get into the scan using Photoshop's spot removal tool or healing tool.


hehe. thanks for the advice guys. actually getting gloves to handles the negatives crossed my mind last night. i was wondering whether issit being paranoid to do so. :)

Trying out the Kodak Tri-X 320 film (developed in Tmax), seems hard to get. I like it too, but I think Tri-X 400 is just as fine and is everywhere ... long-live Tri-X :)

Rolleiflex, Planar lens


hi kiumjoon. thanks for the advice. i was suspecting it had to do with my scanner but i only used dice. do u think it will make any difference if i don't use that? it did appear like a software problem initially but it didnt appear in all the pics. tats why i was quite confused.

yeah, same here. It doesn't matter if i on dice or dust removal for scanning bw films. So its more troublesome.

i nv use dust removal or ice on color or bnw films.
seldom work correctly, esp with people, eye balls kanna digged out as dust!! :bigeyes:

hahah!! what a funny way of putting it. When i started using my epson scanner and i saw that for the first time, i was quite scared.

don't use D-ICE. Go to cathay and buy yourself a pair of anti static gloves + anti static brush.

It can easily get rid of 80-90% of the dust that would other wise be present in your scan. Not to mention it'll save you tons of time scanning too!

Hey enivre, can i ask how much is the pair of gloves+brush?
Often the dice takes up alot of time when i on it. Your idea sounds like a solution to me. :D

Thanks, no flash, but there is a reflector somewhere in the area.

Speaking of flash, that reminds me ... I can't get IR flash photography to work well, I think it's best with Kodak HIE film, which is unfortunately not available in 120 format. Rollei and Ilford IR films are not enough.

Was just looking at some Hasselblad Flexbody pictures, very interesting camera for DOF manipulation ...


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