shame store same ol same ol

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Bally photo in funan...avoid like the plague

salesman, kinda crippled or something, had a limp...bad news.

i asked to see a specific lens, he said he has to get it...more like "I'll go get it if you confirm" i told him i will test the lens, not confirm...he didn't want to get it and i was going to leave, he said ok ok, i go get.

i tried it out, first snap good, second snap good, changed the aperture from 2.8 to 3.5... snap another shot and half of the photo was yellow and the bottom half was normal. snapped again, this time bottom half of the pic was yellow and top was normal. changed aperture settings and it was hit and miss.

i told the salesman no thanks and showed him the pics, he got pissed off with me...he said with this lens i am supposed to keep it at only 2.8. yeah right??? it was a constant 2.8 mid zoom lens from a verrrrrrrry popular brand. i snapped back at him and told him, what you think i am can buy a mid zoom lens and must keep at 2.8? i said it rather loud where the rest of the customers looked at me, and yes, i then made a scene with the intention to chase their customers away, which is what happened.

its a shame that this a new store, at least location anyway, but same ol BS selling tactics. stay away from Bally and take a few more steps to Alan Photo....much better people there...but bad lighting, sheesh that purple neon gotta go :)

he (the crippled guy from Bally) then tried to sell me a sigma 17-50 2.8 anyways, the price he gave was 1, can buy two tamron's or one 17-40L for that price... anyways, stay away from these clowns and avoid the headaches...peace.

have a good day gang

Thanks for warning & sharing bro.

wah like this also can arr.

take his picture and post mah.... :angry:

I concur. Unfortunately there are too many of these kind of shops around. Really BS pricing and even worse attitude. Even if the rest of the camera shops in the country burn down, I also won't give them a single cent. Pui!

Bally photo in funan...avoid like the plague

salesman, kinda crippled or something, had a limp...bad news.

i asked to see a specific lens, he said he has to get it...more like "I'll go get it if you confirm" i told him i will test the lens, not confirm...he didn't want to get it and i was going to leave, he said ok ok, i go get.

i tried it out, first snap good, second snap good, changed the aperture from 2.8 to 3.5... snap another shot and half of the photo was yellow and the bottom half was normal. snapped again, this time bottom half of the pic was yellow and top was normal. changed aperture settings and it was hit and miss.

i told the salesman no thanks and showed him the pics, he got pissed off with me...he said with this lens i am supposed to keep it at only 2.8. yeah right??? it was a constant 2.8 mid zoom lens from a verrrrrrrry popular brand. i snapped back at him and told him, what you think i am can buy a mid zoom lens and must keep at 2.8? i said it rather loud where the rest of the customers looked at me, and yes, i then made a scene with the intention to chase their customers away, which is what happened.

its a shame that this a new store, at least location anyway, but same ol BS selling tactics. stay away from Bally and take a few more steps to Alan Photo....much better people there...but bad lighting, sheesh that purple neon gotta go :)

he (the crippled guy from Bally) then tried to sell me a sigma 17-50 2.8 anyways, the price he gave was 1, can buy two tamron's or one 17-40L for that price... anyways, stay away from these clowns and avoid the headaches...peace.

have a good day gang

avoid bally la... never had a good impression of them even back during the days they operate in sls.

It is very common nowadays, sales person doesn’t have the knowledge and pertain he/she know all about the product. I have one very funny experience sometimes ago. My friend wanted to buy a PnS camera. He didn’t know much about camera and asked me to go along with him if I can give any advice. When we visited HM in Funan, my friends asked for several models to try.

Along side, he noticed the VR is printed on the Nikon camera, he didn’t know what’s is VR and he asked the sales person. The answer given by the sales person really make me laugh until cannot stand. Here what he said “ aiyah, VR is just a tactic of the company to trick customer la. VR or not VR is the same, they want to sell more expensive then they will come out with those new term loh.” Then, he tried to show my friends that VR can be replaceable with Flash. He took picture by shacking the camera with flash and told my friends, “ see, it is same result wah”…

Until then, I cannot see anymore and asked my friend to leave…..

eh, u sound very bad leh...

no worries, not meant to insult, he had a limp when he walked, meant only as a description.

actually what is crippled is his brain. it's stll a shame though, brand new shop on the second floor in funan and no ethics. in my opinion what happens is when shops like these do what they do it hurts everyone. i know for myself after i encounter these types of people i am automatically on the defensive and in argument mode when i talk to sales people in a different shop and i'll be honest here, i am almost waiting for them to say something so i can fire back at them because the trust, the integrity is lost. i feel bad for the good shops and sales people because a customer like me with a bad experience will come in with a defensive attitude, a bad attitude even, and be a terrible customer after an experience from shops like Bally

i see a vicious circle here...shops see easy target customers, try to rip them off, customer goes to a different shop with an attitude, good shop and good salesperson then says screw customer service because customers are a**holes...

to be fair, these things happen in most every touristy place...

Funny enough I was there today to look for a Nintendo WII with a friend who wanted to get one. A lot of the stores had no stock. We found a set at bally photo for 600. For the extra sports pack with controller, I was quoted $129. this would have cost a total of $729.

Hearing the horror stories I went to a nearby shop to countercheck and they quoted $79 for the sports pack with controller!

In the end, we bought a whole package from gamescore. Console, Controller & nunchuck, plus sports pack with extra controller + 1 extra game was $640!

Bally photo in funan...avoid like the plague

salesman, kinda crippled or something, had a limp...bad news.

i asked to see a specific lens, he said he has to get it...more like "I'll go get it if you confirm" i told him i will test the lens, not confirm...he didn't want to get it and i was going to leave, he said ok ok, i go get.

i tried it out, first snap good, second snap good, changed the aperture from 2.8 to 3.5... snap another shot and half of the photo was yellow and the bottom half was normal. snapped again, this time bottom half of the pic was yellow and top was normal. changed aperture settings and it was hit and miss.

i told the salesman no thanks and showed him the pics, he got pissed off with me...he said with this lens i am supposed to keep it at only 2.8. yeah right??? it was a constant 2.8 mid zoom lens from a verrrrrrrry popular brand. i snapped back at him and told him, what you think i am can buy a mid zoom lens and must keep at 2.8? i said it rather loud where the rest of the customers looked at me, and yes, i then made a scene with the intention to chase their customers away, which is what happened.

its a shame that this a new store, at least location anyway, but same ol BS selling tactics. stay away from Bally and take a few more steps to Alan Photo....much better people there...but bad lighting, sheesh that purple neon gotta go :)

he (the crippled guy from Bally) then tried to sell me a sigma 17-50 2.8 anyways, the price he gave was 1, can buy two tamron's or one 17-40L for that price... anyways, stay away from these clowns and avoid the headaches...peace.

have a good day gang

Hi, The half yellow, half blue image is not cause by the 'lens' but rather your high shutter speed. You see the lights they use in the shop, I'm half guessing its fluorescent lights which the cycle is only 60HMZ, so you need to shoot at a shutter speed less than 1/60 to avoid it.

Agree the salesman knows nuts but you need to understand why the picture behaves this way too, cheers!:)

Hi, The half yellow, half blue image is not cause by the 'lens' but rather your high shutter speed. You see the lights they use in the shop, I'm half guessing its fluorescent lights which the cycle is only 60HMZ, so you need to shoot at a shutter speed less than 1/60 to avoid it.

Agree the salesman knows nuts but you need to understand why the picture behaves this way too, cheers!:)

er.. i dont think that explanation is right. shutter speed should not reflect in half images like that. ive shot flourescent at all kinds of shutter speeds and never had this problem.

Why you go to shoe shop to buy camera? :bsmilie:

Hi, The half yellow, half blue image is not cause by the 'lens' but rather your high shutter speed. You see the lights they use in the shop, I'm half guessing its fluorescent lights which the cycle is only 60HMZ, so you need to shoot at a shutter speed less than 1/60 to avoid it.

Agree the salesman knows nuts but you need to understand why the picture behaves this way too, cheers!:)


u mean mHz? if flicker so fast, it is even better than continuous...

well... its Hz...

Some of the least pleasant light comes from tubes containing the older halophosphate type phosphors (chemical formula Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl):Sb3+,Mn2+). The bad color reproduction is due to the fact that this phosphor mainly emits yellow and blue light, and relatively little green and red. To the eye, this mixture appears white, but the light has an incomplete spectrum. The CRI of such lamps is only 60.

extract from:

at high shutter speeds, these type of fluorescent lighting gives that half blue/yellow tone, I experience when my shutters hit 1/250 to 1/320.:)

My English is bad forgive me, sorry for the poor explanation, but the concept is there.

please do not blame the lens, nothing to do with it.

Thanks for the warning!

er.. i dont think that explanation is right. shutter speed should not reflect in half images like that. ive shot flourescent at all kinds of shutter speeds and never had this problem.

what it was was that the salesman tried to push an older that we now know today has color consistency issues. it wasn't the camera or the setting, it really was the lens as was confirmed by more research and other people in the industry. i tried out the newer version of the lens again under flourescent lights and no problem, every shot at every aperture was good

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