Sentosa Thread XXI (Season 21 liaos! Open from Sydney & Countdown to Anniversary!)

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espn said:
MOR-DER also want? MTL la... we organise a shoot the XMM activity :bsmilie:
faster go organise then... i am waiting....

markccm said:
i not into deviant practices like u... :sticktong
Mai gei gei la, that day you bio the G*** up down up down :bigeyes:

yklim said:
faster go organise then... i am waiting....
Ok ok, I go find XMM first my office the two poly attachment student CMI... I go find better ones :D

markccm said:
seems like ESPN enjoys getting poked by the G*** :think:
What to do :cry: G*** say want, I cannot say don't want... I only newbie :cry:

markccm said:
i dun see G*** as often as u lor.

i think the last time i saw him was at the Big Walk
u r wrong my friend... should be at IMM....

markccm said:
see, not only u enjoy being poked from the rear end, u also into grp play...

OMG.... pray for u.......
Bo pian... G*** ask me to help him source for potential ones :embrass:

markccm said:
wah Morder got elephant memory leh.... :thumbsup:
MOR-DER is president calibre!!! :thumbsup:


markccm said:
wah Morder got elephant memory leh.... :thumbsup:
hehe... mai siao siao hor... how can i forget someone with 2 samurai sword...

markccm said:
did not know G*** into such deviant practices.

maybe he should go Tanjong Pagar pubs to FS....
G*** never FS one... he only kena FS


DarkForce said:
Don't be too sure.

I got quite a few friends who use 300D and aiming for L lens and said they will never upgrade their camera after getting L.

Few months later after having purchase L, they asked me whether they should go for 20D or 10D.

Now their camera are even better than mine . lol

We will wait and see loh. By that time if you happen to ask me that question, I will say 5D . lol

hehe... the Dynax 5D? :bsmilie:

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