Sentosa Thread VIII (...smilies say a thousand words too)

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alechim said:
not me man haha..i tried ox tongue once and thats it :bsmilie:
besides i had fish head curry today...power stuffs :thumbsup:
walau.... dun temp me leh...
fish head curry, chicken curry, tomyam, anything spicy is fav.

scud said:
walau.... dun temp me leh...
fish head curry, chicken curry, tomyam, anything spicy is fav.
next time you must try the fish head curry at Teacher's estate!...solid boy! plus some jiam tao roti for its gravy.Hmmmmmmmmmmmm yum yum! :thumbsup:

alechim said:
next time you must try the fish head curry at Teacher's estate!...solid boy! plus some jiam tao roti for its gravy.Hmmmmmmmmmmmm yum yum! :thumbsup:
thanks for the tips.

i like the 933 golden pillow curry chicken.... /gg
hehe, i can't take much spicy food.. that one almost my limit liaoz... :bsmilie:

~Arcanic~ said:
i like the 933 golden pillow curry chicken.... /gg
hehe, i can't take much spicy food.. that one almost my limit liaoz... :bsmilie:
i try my best to eat spicy stuffs only at home...else i will perspire like if i just showered :bsmilie:

teh-o will do, thank you.
actually, i'm just a ghost floating in & out of CS minding my own business.
The 1st time I posted was in B&S. Other than that, I'm hardly active; just reading good & shitty threads to pass my time in the office. Yes, I'm that free!!

Anyway, i'm have been holding back since day 1 but just could not take any more of the pretentious crap oozing out from you-know-who.

Ok, time to do my disappearing act again.....

pcc said:
teh-o will do, thank you.
actually, i'm just a ghost floating in & out of CS minding my own business.
The 1st time I posted was in B&S. Other than that, I'm hardly active; just reading good & shitty threads to pass my time in the office. Yes, I'm that free!!

Anyway, i'm have been holding back since day 1 but just could not take any more of the pretentious crap oozing out from you-know-who.

Ok, time to do my disappearing act again.....

teh-o? heck, think all of us here will chip in for a bottle of Tiger!! do join the sentosa gang for their shooting trips tho!! :thumbsup:

~Arcanic~ said:
i like the 933 golden pillow curry chicken.... /gg
hehe, i can't take much spicy food.. that one almost my limit liaoz... :bsmilie:
933 is lousy. curry not spicy enuf (i order xtra spicy).
i'll never order from them again.

scud said:
AB, sms me early if u need it (u know what i mean). ;)
didn't know you are this kind of person...

pcc said:
teh-o will do, thank you.
actually, i'm just a ghost floating in & out of CS minding my own business.
The 1st time I posted was in B&S. Other than that, I'm hardly active; just reading good & shitty threads to pass my time in the office. Yes, I'm that free!!

Anyway, i'm have been holding back since day 1 but just could not take any more of the pretentious crap oozing out from you-know-who.

Ok, time to do my disappearing act again.....
welcome to ST.

why teh-o only? why not teh tarik?

pcc said:
teh-o will do, thank you.
actually, i'm just a ghost floating in & out of CS minding my own business.
The 1st time I posted was in B&S. Other than that, I'm hardly active; just reading good & shitty threads to pass my time in the office. Yes, I'm that free!!

Anyway, i'm have been holding back since day 1 but just could not take any more of the pretentious crap oozing out from you-know-who.

Ok, time to do my disappearing act again.....
what a nice acronym nickname.

pcc said:
teh-o will do, thank you.
actually, i'm just a ghost floating in & out of CS minding my own business.
The 1st time I posted was in B&S. Other than that, I'm hardly active; just reading good & shitty threads to pass my time in the office. Yes, I'm that free!!

Anyway, i'm have been holding back since day 1 but just could not take any more of the pretentious crap oozing out from you-know-who.

Ok, time to do my disappearing act again.....

:thumbsup: i personally owe you 1 teh-o.... check yr Pm, we have having a meet up session for all tonight in NUG... do drop by if you are free..

last thing...what does PCC stand for???? :bsmilie:

:think: ... new thread.. new ghost ... :think:

Who is Pee-See-See hur? :dunno:

gee... went into CZ lens thread again for the 2nd time 2day.
cant help it.
agree wif pcc, better lock the thread.

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