Sentosa Thread VIII (...smilies say a thousand words too)

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long way to go le...
not even 1k... lolx

oh ya... how come some of u all can post so many smilies one?
i can only post 4 le... :cry:

~Arcanic~ said:
long way to go le...
not even 1k... lolx

oh ya... how come some of u all can post so many smilies one?
i can only post 4 le... :cry:

Only can have 5 image links per post.

oh ok.. haha, cos i see u (king of smilies) like can post a lot... haha...
tot maybe after 1k posts can add more smilies...

~Arcanic~ said:
long way to go le...
not even 1k... lolx

oh ya... how come some of u all can post so many smilies one?
i can only post 4 le... :cry:
they are smiley king

Wa lau... u all really fast leg fast hand leh...

me juz went for a nap only and it's already page 6.. :bigeyes:

almost the same...except for the 2" lcd i think... ;p

yeah loh...and faster plus better precision focusing

i think he has started to clear his ord leave.... yes?

bye guys...knocking off..catch ya at home :)

~Arcanic~ said:
i think he has started to clear his ord leave.... yes?

Or did he take the 20% increment and signed 1yr contract ?

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