seem like alot user here prefer to get olympus as their m4/3 camera

Personal reasons I guess , not right to say which is better but major reasons for choosing Olympus is the much better in-camera stabilization and of course the warmer tones from Olympus that some prefer.

Panasonic has only recently for a very few models included in-body stabilization and is catching up in this respect. Video wise I'll say if I do NOT count EM5II, Panasonic still has the advantage.

I am using EM5 and GM1 now. Before these two, I had been using either Oly or Pan camera....

I am using solely Olympus since EPM1, then subsequently EM5 and currently EM1.

Not saying here whether one is better than the other, which I think both has its strengths and style.

Personally in the past, I chose initially Olympus for its IBIS because the IS can worked with both Oly and Panasonic lenses. And having the main pool of my lenses in Olympus camp (with no OIS and I had only the Pany 14mm and 20mm) also made it challenging for me to switch to previous older Panasonic bodies unless I also change my pool of lenses which is way more costly. By the time IBIS came out in Panasonic recent models, I had already been spolit by Olympus 5-axis IBIS. Thereafter, it is a trapping cycle of buying more Oly lenses and more dependent on the IBIS. So personally for me, its the IBIS and usage of available lenses with IS in both camps. :D

In case, i mislead anyone, do note that Panasonic also has IBIS in recent bodies as well. Speaking of which, maybe it is also time to try a Pany camera body. :)

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i think with Olympus only having 3 models of the OM-Ds, EM1, 5 & 10, they are able to streamline their range for different needs and budget, yet providing very up-to-date technologies that even with the 'entry' level EM10 they also did not stinge on the features, design and built quality.

Not to mention that they are constantly releasing very good lenses, the pros and the primes.

I got the EM10, due to budget, but it had surpass my expectations and never regretted it. of course 1 of my main concern is the looks as well and it reminds fondly me of my old film SLR.

I've been using Panny bodies since the G2, then had GH2, GF3, now GH3 and also EPL5. Rented EM5 before. I personally like the Panny menu system as well as the Video codecs. Pre EM5 mk II Olympus was terrible at video and since I shoot lots of video, I need my camera to have adequate reasonably artifact free video. Panny wins hands down. But I aslo have an Olympus and I truly believe that with 2 such strong manufacturers, we all win. Whether panny or oly. I shoot oly lenses on my panny (even had the 14-54 Mk II 4/3 lens on my GH2 for a while) and panny lenses on my oly. Mix and match. Whichever works for you. More vendors supporting m4/3 means more choice : )

I own both Oly & Panny bodies and have used them for both photography & videography. Each have it Pro and Con....

In case, i mislead anyone, do note that Panasonic also has IBIS in recent bodies as well.

To my knowledge, they only offer 1 body with IBIS... and it does not work in video. :(

Oly colors are nicer

Personally I prefer Panny's default skin tone over the Oly.

To my knowledge, they only offer 1 body with IBIS... and it does not work in video. :(

Indeed you are right, and thanks for the correction. :sweat:
At the moment seem like only GX7 is the only recent Panasonic model with IBIS so far.

seem like alot user here prefer to get olympus as their m4/3 camera

Perhaps the key word in your question is 'seems', but we don't really know unless we have a poll ;p That said, I agree with you that it seems to be the case. :) Among my friends who are m43 users, it seems like there are more using Oly bodies. I would have been an E-M5 owner myself if it had stronger features for video back then, was SO close to getting one.

Maybe... Olympus's history of the E-series/Four Thirds meant that they had a larger user base familiar with its branding and camera products? Compared to Panasonic, their first ILC was the G1 (2008), if I'm not wrong.

Maybe... Solid marketing leading to very high brand recall? There was a point when it felt like it was hard to avoid seeing displays/ads for the Oly Pen everytime I was out shopping. I definitely thought of getting an Olympus body before I looked at Panny.

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There's actually quite a lot of valid points shared.

To be a devil's advocate ;) I think the marketing dept's efforts and capabilities also make a difference.

Lastly , 'seems' means looks like , true or not U only know if u start a census but now what I see is that Olympus is catching up in the video (though still a considerable gap as Pana offers 4K even in her compact - LX100) side.

I've owned EP1, EP3, EP5 , EM5, EM1 and GF3, GF5 , GM1, GX7 but for me I realized that I still prefer EM1 and that's my only MFT body now.

End of the day it's all a tool for creating your desired image haha, any choice is good (even upcoming Kodak for MFT) so long as it can deliver what U need.

Oly body for the 5 axis stabilization and pair that Panny/Leica lens for a winner combi