SEED on 11 August 2004!

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Wah King Tiger going is it?:thumbsup:

King Tiger said:
Hi jbma are u coming?

Last 2 seeds, I honour to talk to Zekai, Weiliang, one Minolta user and one moderator (forgot their name,sorry), but was left out from the main group....... :cry:
Left out... aiyo.. there is no such things.. it when the group get too big, an dthe place too small.... hey.. dun expecet all 10++ people sitting at a table right.?

anyway, think the mod you speak to was Adam? Tall? wear Spec?

I wanna join too!!! can i come? im newbie...hee

ransoma22 said:
:rolleyes: mean "Yandao" ...double quoted

keke....I will be going this time

BTW u guys seen Yongcheng before? :)

i am new here.. can i join??

y0ngcheng said:
har? how come ask this qn?
scare i take ur 180macro run away is it? ;p

huh no lah....Just hope to see some1 familiar there :)

ur L lens cost more than my lens....hehee

AdamGoi said:
Sorry people; just realised it's my mum's birthday so I won't be able to make it. Thus I need someone to welcome and induct the newcomers ... any takers? ;)
Well there always Yongcheng... so no worries... hehhee..e :devil:

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