Ris Low: Guilty of credit card fraud

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Never said you right or wrong.Just commented how you guys formed your opinion just based on what were reported in the papers. Are they accurate? If you do not possess accurate information, better you go easy with the comment and remark.

I know already!!! Ris bought a few handphones with the STOLEN CREDIT CARDS while IMPERSONATING AS THE REAL OWNERS, she must have gave one to you!!
What model?? Nokia or Iphone??

And if we are not supposed to base our opinions from what we read in the papers, then where should we get our 'accurate' information from? Ris Low's blog ah? :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

By the way, I like Infernal Affairs better :sticktong

This sort of reasoning is getting all too common in online forums. You readily cast doubt on published sources when it suits your fancy or persuasion, but when asked to clarify you offer no alternative sources of information yet. It's easy to doubt credibility on others when you don't have to show any that's more credible, ain't it?

Never said you right or wrong.Just commented how you guys formed your opinion just based on what were reported in the papers. Are they accurate? If you do not possess accurate information, better you go easy with the comment and remark.

Agreed. Let those who have not been convicted of credit card fraud cast the first stone.

I have not committed any credit card fraud before!! Throw!


How very true..

And perhaps they could also have the courtesy of requesting to the Miss World Committee, that when they introduce "her" at the international contest, don't put the SG flag beside her name too?.. hmm..

it is correct; Singaporeans didn't pay for RIs Low.

What he is saying is that the Miss World is a private contest organised by the Miss Universer franchise and hence, Singaporeans have no say as to who represents them or what morals these people have. I guess he is likening it as any other competition which Singapore sents representatives, such as World Cyber Games, World Cosplay Competition, Math Olympiad, Best Microcomputer Contest, etc yada yada. Singaporeans never really thought they have much of a say in those right? So why the difference now?

He is saying that he has paid for the contest, and is paying to fly her over to whereever Miss World is being held and all associated expneses; so he gets to make the final decision.

Sure thing, they can, but as with all private competitions, the flag has always been displayed. If you feel strongly enough, you can petition the PM to disallow them to use the flag (if there is even such a basis in law to do so).

How very true..

And perhaps they could also have the courtesy of requesting to the Miss World Committee, that when they introduce "her" at the international contest, don't put the SG flag beside her name too?.. hmm..

Agreed. Let those who have not been convicted of credit card fraud cast the first stone.

Another pro comment for the day. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Although some folks have a soft spot when it comes to pretty stuff, nature dictates that the sweetest and most beautiful things in the world are usually lethal. :bheart:


What? The organisers said we didn't pay for our Ms World? Neither did we approved the use of the country's name or flag in the event and we are about to pay in terms of our reputation.

I have no doubt foreign media will scoop this juicy news to blast them during the length of the event. :eek:

Another pro comment for the day. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Although some folks have a soft spot when it comes to pretty stuff, nature dictates that the sweetest and most beautiful things in the world are usually lethal. :bheart:


Don't insult those beautiful frog, those are protective colours to warn others that they are poisonous, they don't act innocent and do bad things. :bsmilie:

Okie Dokie Leong. I know the frogs won't do bad things. Ha ha, good one! :bsmilie:

Don't insult those beautiful frog, those are protective colours to warn others that they are poisonous, they don't act innocent and do bad things. :bsmilie:

You fellas ah...



in this morning's papers.. was something about how she only informed the contest organisers after mypaper had published an article on her case.

now, this is different.

she claimed that she had kept them informed since the start of the contest, because it was in the rules that criminal cases would not be qualified to enter the competition. now she's singing a different tune. :think:

Here's an extract from today's Straits Times article:


Seems to me that she's backpedalling and was just lying before, or that she did tell the truth of informing the organizer which they flatly deny. Either way, I wonder if there are still people now asking her to be given a second, or is it third chance now.


Sep 29, 2009
Pageant organiser: We didn't know
Now Miss S'pore World says she told organiser about credit card fraud conviction only last week
By Lim Wei Chean & Carolyn Quek

THE organiser of the scandal-tarnished Miss Singapore World pageant finally broke its silence on the Ris Low saga yesterday, saying it had no knowledge of her conviction for credit card fraud when she was crowned queen.

After days of silence on the issue, ERM Marketing said in a statement yesterday that it would now be seeking legal advice on whether to allow Miss Low to keep her crown.

The tersely worded statement said the company was investigating the issue, and would make a decision later in the week, once it has all the 'pertinent facts'.

It added: 'Kindly do not call us or disturb for answers. We will entertain you once we have a decision made.'


When asked by The Straits Times and other papers last week whether the organisers knew about her conviction, she insisted that they did.

But yesterday, Miss Low made an abrupt U-turn and confirmed ERM's version of the events.

She said she told the company about her brush with the law only after the My Paper story appeared last Friday.

She added that she let on only after she was asked about it: 'They ask then I tell lah, because actually I don't find the point of telling...'

Asked why she did not come clean about her conviction from the start, she replied: 'It's still a record, but it's not as though it's that big... I was given a second chance to change.'

However, ERM's terms and conditions for contestants, which are stated on its website and which applicants have to accept and agree to before they submit entry forms online, state clearly that fugitives from the law, or those charged with or convicted of a crime, are disqualified from taking part.

Asked about this, Miss Low said she did not read the regulations carefully before signing up.

'I didn't really go and check because I've joined other pageants before, and they didn't really check,' she said.

"them".. as in certain individuals or......? hmmmmmm.....

in this morning's papers.. was something about how she only informed the contest organisers after mypaper had published an article on her case.

now, this is different.

she claimed that she had kept them informed since the start of the contest, because it was in the rules that criminal cases would not be qualified to enter the competition. now she's singing a different tune. :think:

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From the wind blowing from the West Coast?

:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

OIC ......... the wind carring the haze??? to bad, smoke not thick enough so we see right through it :bsmilie::bsmilie:

So, Ris Low thinks that the conviction is just a triviality which is not worth telling the organisers, she actually saw no point reporting??? Bloody compulsive liar who doesn't deserve a 2nd chance and sympathy at all!

It seems that a month before the story broke, The New Paper as her about it and she denied it


"When The New Paper learnt of Ris' legal troubles about a month ago and confronted her, she denied it."

I think the best thing she should do now is to step down before things get worst, especially if during the international event and their press got wind of this.

Goodness, with every passing day, the plot just gets thicker.
I serioiusly wonder where else would this saga lead us to. And what other surprises will spring up.

The more she talked, the more trouble she gets into :sweat:

That's the problems when you try to cover lies with more lies.

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