Ris Low: Guilty of credit card fraud

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Hey Tony Leong,
glad you could join in.
Love your work in 2046.

You guys think you know so much , started to post and give your comment , sounded as if you are perfect staint, above all wrong and misdeeds.
What you heard are just news carried in the newspaper.How do you know ERM/organsizer is not taking any action?
Surely they have to consult their legal people on the necessary action to follow.

You guys think you know so much , started to post and give your comment , sounded as if you are perfect staint, above all wrong and misdeeds.
What you heard are just news carried in the newspaper.How do you know ERM/organsizer is not taking any action?
Surely they have to consult their legal people on the necessary action to follow.

So all of us are wrong and you got your "correct/right" information from ????

So all of us are wrong and you got your "correct/right" information from ????

Never said you right or wrong.Just commented how you guys formed your opinion just based on what were reported in the papers. Are they accurate? If you do not possess accurate information, better you go easy with the comment and remark.

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Whilst it irks you; it is correct; Singaporeans didn't pay for RIs Low.

What he is saying is that the Miss World is a private contest organised by the Miss Universer franchise and hence, Singaporeans have no say as to who represents them or what morals these people have. I guess he is likening it as any other competition which Singapore sents representatives, such as World Cyber Games, World Cosplay Competition, Math Olympiad, Best Microcomputer Contest, etc yada yada. Singaporeans never really thought they have much of a say in those right? So why the difference now?

He is saying that he has paid for the contest, and is paying to fly her over to whereever Miss World is being held and all associated expneses; so he gets to make the final decision.

What does irk me though, is the response by the organiser, where they said that Singaporeans ‘didnt pay for Ris Low’. Dont exactly know how to read that.

Anyway, she’s great lah, I’ve not enjoyed beauty pageants this much in a while.

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You guys think you know so much , started to post and give your comment , sounded as if you are perfect staint, above all wrong and misdeeds.
What you heard are just news carried in the newspaper.How do you know ERM/organsizer is not taking any action?
Surely they have to consult their legal people on the necessary action to follow.

Never said you right or wrong.Just commented how you guys formed your opinion just based on what were reported in the papers. Are they accurate? If you do not possess accurate information, better you go easy with the comment and remark.

Well you did say ".... above all wrong and misdeeds"

Since you mentioned that others are wrong, you must know the truth, right?

withregards to what we see in the papers, Ris herself confirm that she was convicted and have bipolar disorder.

On the matter of go easy with the comments and remarks ....... please see below your first line:
You guys think you know so much , started to post and give your comment , sounded as if you are perfect staint, above all wrong and misdeeds.

HELLO..The fiasco which Miss Ris Low currently embroiled in is the MISS WORLD SINGAPORE title NOT Miss Universe....get this simple fact right

Have you not committed any wrong or misdeeds before? Are you above that?

Agreed. Let those who have not been convicted of credit card fraud cast the first stone.

Wow good one, I think a lot of us can qualify! :)

Agreed. Let those who have not been convicted of credit card fraud cast the first stone.

Have you not committed any wrong or misdeeds before? Are you above that?

Yes, but not on an international arena.

Noticed that your number of posts is still 0. Go give some constructive comments on photography first before coming to Kopitiam. I wouldn't want to waste your posts. :sticktong

Have you not committed any wrong or misdeeds before? Are you above that?
are you implying that you have committed all the same "wrongs" or "misdeeds" as her and thinks it is alright and that we are morally obligated to forgive and give you another chance?

come on...these are CRIMINAL CHARGES!!!! under the Penal Code!!!! not petty mischief

Yes, but not on an international arena.

Noticed that your number of posts is still 0. Go give some constructive comments on photography first before coming to Kopitiam. I wouldn't want to waste your posts. :sticktong

hi....do i have to post comments on photography before I earn the right to visit Kopitiam?...sorry i'm not aware, didnt know it a pre-requisite.
BTW, i know almost next to nothing about photography so how to post anything.That is the exact reason whu I join CS.....

I had stolen an egg underneath a neighbour's hen and got a peck for it.

Because of this crime that I refrain from commenting on Miss Low's case.


before u go on to comment her" crime", think about yours...maybe the comment u made will be more constructive....DONT BEHAVE LIKE INTERNET BULLIES

are you implying that you have committed all the same "wrongs" or "misdeeds" as her and thinks it is alright and that we are morally obligated to forgive and give you another chance?

come on...these are CRIMINAL CHARGES!!!! under the Penal Code!!!! not petty mischief

How on earth u came to a conclusion i committed the same "wrongs"? U pre-judge and made wild guesses and conjecture....did i ever suggest that people forgive her?

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