Riot at Little India now !!

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Since some people talked about Singapore Army, I have some questions.

1) Will army be activated to kill rioters/ protesters / demonstrators if the police (SOC, some other elite forces) can't handle the situation.

2) Army will be activated for potential conflict of wars or participate in a coup. Even if the army is activated, does that mean they will simply just shoot anyone on sight?

Bear in mind that rioters / protesters / demonstrators are civilians. They may be armed with stones, sticks, bottles, etc but they are still classified as civilians. Unless we are like North Korea or China whereby the army will be activated to crush any riot/protest/demonstration. Remember Tiananmen Square incident in 1989? The tank just rolled over the protestors.

Of course not. They will use nonlethal methods. Unless they are shot at.

Of course not. They will use nonlethal methods. Unless they are shot at.

Precisely. But one of our army guys said otherwise. That's why I am puzzled. :dunno:

We have 5000 NSF from Armor Regiment.

When I was serving NS, my unit of 5000 men, have to stand by for 4 type of worst case scenarios

1) War
2) Terrorist attack ( Protect important places )
3) Rescue operation ( Hotel New World / Sentosa cable car )
4) Riots

If my unit are activated for riots, you will see lots of dead bodies on the street.

Since some people talked about Singapore Army, I have some questions.

1) Will army be activated to kill rioters/ protesters / demonstrators if the police (SOC, some other elite forces) can't handle the situation.

2) Army will be activated for potential conflict of wars or participate in a coup. Even if the army is activated, does that mean they will simply just shoot anyone on sight?

Bear in mind that rioters / protesters / demonstrators are civilians. They may be armed with stones, sticks, bottles, etc but they are still classified as civilians. Unless we are like North Korea or China whereby the army will be activated to crush any riot/protest/demonstration. Remember Tiananmen Square incident in 1989? The tank just rolled over the protestors.

The army will be activated as the last resort.
Meaning the gov already gave the rioters many chances to disperse peacefully.
If they choose to stay and get shot, that is their choice.
At Tiananmen Square, the tanks didn't rolled over the protesters, they fired machine guns at them. The Chinese authority did gave them chances to disperse peacefully but they refuse.
They have forgotten Chairman Mao saying - "political power comes from a barrel of a gun".

some say police is the most unreliable, followed by army. the last resort is Gurkha Contingent. they are the special guard force and neutral force

Their presence as a neutral force was important because local police officers were often perceived to be (or were even expected to be) biased towards their own ethnic groups when handling racial disturbances, further fueling discontent and violence.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] Officers who attempt to carry out their duties impartially and in full accordance with the law also face social backlash from their own ethnic communities, a difficult situation which can even lead to physical harm to individual officers.
In his autobiography, former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew recounted the use of the Gurkha Contingent as an impartial force at the time when Singapore had just gained independence. He wrote:
"When I returned to Oxley Road [Lee's residence], Gurkha policemen (recruited by the British from Nepal) were posted as sentries. To have either Chinese policemen shooting Malays or Malay policemen shooting Chinese would have caused widespread repercussions. The Gurkhas, on the other hand, were neutral, besides having a reputation for total discipline and loyalty."


(OT from thread topic)

Gurkhas are excellent soldiers. I have never believed the story that the Gurkha officers guarding Mas Selamat were derelict in their duty when he "escaped" from the toilet window. We know the Gurkha's high standards as soldiers and this is as unreal as it can get.

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Just got this thinking. If one day robots become our slaves and can do human works. (Like those irobot), then they no longer needed and less one problem for us? Heh heh!

Just got this thinking. If one day robots become our slaves and can do human works. (Like those irobot), then they no longer needed and less one problem for us? Heh heh!


Just got this thinking. If one day robots become our slaves and can do human works. (Like those irobot), then they no longer needed and less one problem for us? Heh heh!

Robots are already our slaves, and are doing a huge amount of work in factory lines and other forms of manufacturing. Even our planes and most systems are controlled by computers

Since some people talked about Singapore Army, I have some questions.

1) Will army be activated to kill rioters/ protesters / demonstrators if the police (SOC, some other elite forces) can't handle the situation.

2) Army will be activated for potential conflict of wars or participate in a coup. Even if the army is activated, does that mean they will simply just shoot anyone on sight?

Bear in mind that rioters / protesters / demonstrators are civilians. They may be armed with stones, sticks, bottles, etc but they are still classified as civilians. Unless we are like North Korea or China whereby the army will be activated to crush any riot/protest/demonstration. Remember Tiananmen Square incident in 1989? The tank just rolled over the protestors.

Today's ST Ng Eng Hen volunteered the saf to quell riots if the spf cannot handle :bsmilie::bsmilie:

We have a truck full of ammo.

When machine guns start to spray bullets around, anyone stupid enough to stand in the line of fire will die.

That include bystanders taking photos of the riots and may be some residents if they stand too close to the windows.

That is only for worst case scenarios when the police cannot handle the situation and it is getting out of control.


No lah, you will activate only in infantry role, i.e. no vehicles.
May not even get to draw personal arms, only issued wicker shield and baton.

Some minister said that building of dorm will be speed up and their welfare will be looked into.
Let's just hope that we are not sending a wrong message that people can get what they want thru violence and strikes.

I recall that when he was the SCDF commissioner, James Tan immediately went to the site of a big fire & also to the Nicoll Highway disaster site. As far as SCDF forces were concerned, he directed operations while personally present at the disaster/serious event site. And not by remote control through a long chain of command, while sitting in a nice office far away, getting 2nd/3rd/4th hand reports of fast changing events happening in the field.

I find this willingness/readiness/confidence by a top ranking official to exercise LEADERSHIP in the field, missing in Police response during the recent riot in Little India. Perhaps in the coming review, the Police or their oversight Ministry the MHA, can consider how this aspect can be improved.

James Tan is the soldier's soldier, when he was in the Armour formation, before he was seconded to the SCDF to take over from Chng Teow Hua.

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Some minister said that building of dorm will be speed up and their welfare will be looked into.
Let's just hope that we are not sending a wrong message that people can get what they want thru violence and strikes.

Yup... lets not build more BTO, increase welfare for poor and elderly too... just in case sending wrong messages that voters can get what they want thru their votes.... :think:

Btw... doing the correct and decent thing for people (even FW) isn't wrong....

Some minister said that building of dorm will be speed up and their welfare will be looked into.
Let's just hope that we are not sending a wrong message that people can get what they want thru violence and strikes.

I'm seriously confused now.. few pages back someone suggest police use violence to deter future perpetrators, even suggesting to ignore 'human rights'
Now its 'violence can't achieve anything' ?! :dunno:

I'm seriously confused now.. few pages back someone suggest police use violence to deter future perpetrators, even suggesting to ignore 'human rights'
Now its 'violence can't achieve anything' ?! :dunno:

Confused indeed you are, my friend. Confused indeed you are on which side we are referring to

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