Riot at Little India now !!

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Yutaka Go said:
There are more than 5000 NSF in SG.

When my unit stand down, another unit with 5000 NSF will be on stand by.

There are more than 50,000 including Airforce and Navy, on stand by at any moment of time.

Their job is to hold the front line until the reservists of 300,000 are mobilize and armed to join the front line as reinforcement.

Yes, every operation units in each of 3 forces will rotates and on standby everyday & night. (when others are resting, partying etc). And depend on situation, the level of standby will be different. And can be upgrade or downgrade anything.
Eg there are times when equipment are armed and get ready. Sometime if tension is high, equipment operators (eg pilot may sit inside aircraft etc, tankers ready etc) may be sitting in it and really to go if needed.

certain country just wasted their no.2.
when we need to get hard, hv to be hard.
At times you would need strong hands to rule and keep proper order. LOL
I would say best strategy is to whack the hell out of any future rioters. Riots simply cannot be tolerated in this country. forget about human rights. There is no such thing as human rights in a riot, unlike a peaceful protest.
All efforts of LKY wasted in one day.
Was is that hot and sunny sunny this morning? Or what are you smoking? Stop trying to apply stories of comic and cartoon books to real life.
This silly call for a strong men has never served well in the past. The strong man called for a good cause (let's assume there is one) can easily also use his strength for a bad cause. Many strong men did so and millions have suffered and died. Your LKY is a good member of this group. Remember: if a strong man is in charge, who's there to stop him doing the wrong things? What will be his guideline if laws or constitution are suspended at will? What if one fine day you wake up and find out that the will and power of the strong man suddenly turns against you? Good luck, man.
Fighting fire with fire works for firefighters in the forest, and there this rule shall remain. Laws are valid for everyone, including police and politicians. Do you need the experience of a policeman overstepping his boundaries to appreciate that? Well, some neighboring countries can help...

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All efforts of LKY wasted in one day.

Yup... really 'missed' those days where politics are not spoken aloud... and ISA is used, or threated to be used... whenever someone disagree...

Maybe you should 'champion' a return to those days... I don't mind seeing those so called social political sites like TRS or TR be shutdown and the iron fist of the law make those people 'disappear'...

Can we also add those people against NS or FW/FT too ?? :think:

Think we all should 'smoke' or use abit less whatever we are using...

Was is that hot and sunny sunny this morning? Or what are you smoking? Stop trying to apply stories of comic and cartoon books to real life.
This silly call for a strong men has never served well in the past. The strong man called for a good cause (let's assume there is one) can easily also use his strength for a bad cause. Many strong men did so and millions have suffered and died. Your LKY is a good member of this group. Remember: if a strong man is in charge, who's there to stop him doing the wrong things? What will be his guideline if laws or constitution are suspended at will? What if one fine day you wake up and find out that the will and power of the strong man suddenly turns against you? Good luck, man.
Fighting fire with fire works for firefighters in the forest, and there this rule shall remain.
What I mean is be hard when you need to be hard. Not hard all the time. Just like yr little bro down there. You will know what I mean if you are a man. LOL

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People are criticizing so much about the government, whether relevant or not, because I think the sentiment towards these politicians have become very negative over the last few years.

Some of the comments may not be justified but I guess when one feels the government has screwed up some basic needs of the general citizen, and have to listen to excuses given by them, the anger and unhappiness do linger for a long time.

All the talks here would be unnecessary if only we introduce Robocops in Singapore:


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Some of the comments may not be justified but I guess when one feels the government has screwed up some basic needs of the general citizen.......

You sure boh as we have:

1. Highest standard of living.
2. Highest education standard.
3. Most efficent transportation system.
4. Safest and cleanest city state.
5. Cleanest and best qualified leaders.
6. Cheapest and best public housing.
etc. etc. Too many to names.....

Go and find a country like that and come back and tell us.

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All the talks here would be unnecessary if only we introduce Robocops in Singapore:


The new Robocop is coming next year :)



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What you need is MGR cop in Little India. 400 to 1? All kwai kwai listen to him. No more trouble. They ask for autograph.


Please be reminded to refrain from personal attacks. Also refrain from using language or inferences that are uncouth/obscene/in bad taste.

Infraction served to d2xpeter.

Offending posts removed.

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What you need is MGR cop in Little India. 400 to 1? All kwai kwai listen to him. No more trouble. They ask for autograph.


This is the FT we need. You may hire him and station him at Little India now :bsmilie:

We can consider convert some SAFRA clubs for different groups of FW/FT in singapore.
Seriously, how many of you still go SAFRA ?

Please be reminded to refrain from personal attacks. Also refrain from using language or inferences that are uncouth/obscene/in bad taste.

Infraction served to d2xpeter.

Offending posts removed.

Apologize Sir.

We can consider convert some SAFRA clubs for different groups of FW/FT in singapore.
Seriously, how many of you still go SAFRA ?

Excellent idea. Open a few beer gardens and Safra will be profitable for once.

How powerful is the urge to get 5 minutes of fame.
Even though he knew the real guy is out there.
Even though he risked getting found out that he is fake, he still went for it.
Unable to resist the lure of tabloid/social media fame and potential rewards.

Sloppy journalists who are given a news deadline and desperate for a scoop, want to believe any story.
(CBS 60 minutes' Lara Logan made the same blunder with a creep Dylan Davies who claimed to be at the Benghazi attack when he was never there)

How powerful is the urge to get 5 minutes of fame.
Even though he knew the real guy is out there.
Even though he risked getting found out that he is fake, he still went for it.
Unable to resist the lure of tabloid/social media fame and potential rewards.

Sloppy journalists who are given a news deadline and desperate for a scoop, want to believe any story.
(CBS 60 minutes' Lara Logan made the same blunder with a creep Dylan Davies who claimed to be at the Benghazi attack when he was never there)

What can we expect from an organization staffed with brainwashed hogpots eager to contribute to the propaganda of a paranoid government?

I think that those who think that our police officers are useless should go move elsewhere to stay if they don't feel safe here. I heard that the American and African police are extremely capable too

Anybody can voice their opinion. You make it sound like you are THE JUDGE.

Anyway, i thought you have been banned for calling people names?

Anybody can voice their opinion. You make it sound like you are THE JUDGE.

Anyway, i thought you have been banned for calling people names?

Kei? Not banned, didn't call anyone names. Why? You sure seem to know a lot of history for someone who only joined in September. Clone account? ;-)

Since some people talked about Singapore Army, I have some questions.

1) Will army be activated to kill rioters/ protesters / demonstrators if the police (SOC, some other elite forces) can't handle the situation.

2) Army will be activated for potential conflict of wars or participate in a coup. Even if the army is activated, does that mean they will simply just shoot anyone on sight?

Bear in mind that rioters / protesters / demonstrators are civilians. They may be armed with stones, sticks, bottles, etc but they are still classified as civilians. Unless we are like North Korea or China whereby the army will be activated to crush any riot/protest/demonstration. Remember Tiananmen Square incident in 1989? The tank just rolled over the protestors.

What can we expect from an organization staffed with brainwashed hogpots eager to contribute to the propaganda of a paranoid government?

Do note that calling them "brainwashed hogpots" without proof is a great way to get lim kopi

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