Random Season 25 - Stand by Randomness......

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hmmm..Didn't take too much notice in the extreme low light situation...The only thing if I'm ever concern about the low light shooting is the noise when I PP it.
well landscapes are one:p and my gnd isn't good enough... stupid tianya leaks infrared. and also, can't use most of time....

well landscapes are one:p and my gnd isn't good enough... stupid tianya leaks infrared. and also, can't use most of time....

er...leak IR? you using the Tianya GND to do long exposure? Never really notice that it leaks IR too :p

*Most of my shoots are either nature or city/landscape*

er...leak IR? you using the Tianya GND to do long exposure? Never really notice that it leaks IR too :p

*Most of my shoots are either nature or city/landscape*
yes it does.. pretty badly too ill say:) worst is I only got 1... I need a variety of different densities...

yes it does.. pretty badly too ill say:) worst is I only got 1... I need a variety of different densities...

chimology...Too advance stuffs for me. I've yet to even do a proper long exposure with my Tian Ya ND and or even use the GND enough.

chimology...Too advance stuffs for me. I've yet to even do a proper long exposure with my Tian Ya ND and or even use the GND enough.

hahaha gnd is just to even out exposure in a sense lor... like...

sky = +5, foreground = 0
0 means exposed correctly.

means ur sky is blown (most of the times), unless u have a good DR, then u can get detail there, but its still bright. u can pull down in photoshop though if the details are there.
but if ur camera cant get the details... its gonna read as white. so u need lets say a 5 stop ND. so ur result becomes

sky=0, foreground=0. and u expose nicely.

but sky can change. it can just be +3... if i only have +5, end up my sky darker than foreground...

you can rent my 77mm B+W ND110 for $20 a day. step-up rings are provided :D

hahaha gnd is just to even out exposure in a sense lor... like...

sky = +5, foreground = 0
0 means exposed correctly.

means ur sky is blown (most of the times), unless u have a good DR, then u can get detail there, but its still bright. u can pull down in photoshop though if the details are there.
but if ur camera cant get the details... its gonna read as white. so u need lets say a 5 stop ND. so ur result becomes

sky=0, foreground=0. and u expose nicely.

but sky can change. it can just be +3... if i only have +5, end up my sky darker than foreground...

I know the usage of the GND, just that the density difference I normally just PP my way thru.

you can rent my 77mm B+W ND110 for $20 a day. step-up rings are provided :D

I think you can lend bon bon, think she lost her's...

I know the usage of the GND, just that the density difference I normally just PP my way thru.

that is assuming u got details in the sky for u to PP....... the whole point of gnd is to get as much detail as u can retain, if ur camera cannot take the difference. mine cant ==

that is assuming u got details in the sky for u to PP....... the whole point of gnd is to get as much detail as u can retain, if ur camera cannot take the difference. mine cant ==

The TianYa GND I got normally underexpose abit more than I want.. so PP back is still OK.

SurrealDreamWalker said:
you 2 are :thumbsup::thumbsup: opportunists!!!


How is ur deal?


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