Random Season 25 - Stand by Randomness......

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thats a unicorn! A pony with a horn!!! Not a horseeee

This thread is getting weird-er each passing minute...

SurrealDreamWalker said:
hmmm... we have yet to try milk from your horse's milk :bsmilie:

Have u try goat's milk?


but anyway, do you think there was a ghost in this shot? It was shot with my coolpix 4500 inside the REBEL club in Clark Quay on eve of Deepavali night (25th Oct 2011)...

Looks like a moving spray of your milk captured in slow motion? :bsmilie:

I have tried this, about 14 years ago.
I remember it being really warm, creamy and sweet!

you have a great memory for being a 1 year old back then :eek:

and does it mean u are 15 now?

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